meet me

Hello, I am Katy, the mad hatter behind no big dill.  I wear lots of hats, both figuratively and literally.  I like to change things up.  I am wife to Mr. Dill who shares his closet with a ridiculous stash of fabric and never complains that it is encroaching on his side.  That says a lot.  I am mother to 6 baby Dills.  5 of those are my girlies and our little exclamation point at the end of those beauties turned out to be a boy!  I had my doubts that was possible.  

I am the daughter of two artists, so creating was bound to be in my genes.  My mom says I got the best of each of them.  I have my mom's ability to do fine detail work and share her love of all things fiber.  I also love to dabble in lots of different genres of creating, which my dad does well.

Want to know more?  I started sewing as far back as I can remember, with a needle and thread in my hands.  I always wanted to go to design school, but designed some pretty fantastic kids instead.  Mrs. Price was my sewing teacher in High School who really gave me some great skills to start with and that's when I really fell in love with my sewing machine and it became a passion.

I enjoy playing the harp and piano, baking, the color orangestartling my kids by crouching behind a wall and jumping out as they come around the corner, artichokes dipped in salted, browned butter, freshly cooked in-the-shell pine nuts, tickling Clover, growing herbs, arranging flowers, fiddling around with the camera, installing new vacuum bags, really hot showers, bee themed items (I aspire to own my own apiary I finally have my own bees!), rainbowtizing my books, beads, buttons, thread, and fabric by rainbow colors, and last but not least, the sound of the dishwasher running.

my baby dills (clockwise, starting with the boy: Drummer, Olive, Clover, Azure, Pearl, Divine)

Did I miss something?  Ask me yourself: nobigdillblog  {at}  gmail  {dot}  com


  1. oh how i love your blog Katy... :-) im a mumma to 5 but long for 6....who knows...i also have a baby Clover here xx

    1. i'm also a mom to 5, and at almost 42, this blog makes me long for another!

  2. just tonight or actually my night has turned into daylight. your stuff is awesome. right down to how unique each of the sets of eyes watching over me as I take in all your amazing talent. I've not ever been a blog follower before, so not sure what that means. I'm thinking I must wrap my head around baby dills and remember you every time I see the pickle jar and come and see what's new. Rather than you coming to email. Either inspire me and I have no little girls or little boys or big ones for that matter. Friends are always more than willing to let you create for one of theirs! Thanks for sharing with the world and especially me how you color outside the box!

  3. Love your blog, I've been following probably for a year now, your pretty talented! I have two girls so far, I can't imagine what it would be like to have five. You seem like you have it under control. Congrats on little drummer, what a blessing! We hope for a boy one day too! Thanks for sharing your talent with the world!

  4. I just found your blog via a ruffle bloomers tutorial (which I have also pinned) on my friend's Pinterest! I'm a fellow Dill, too (maiden name), so I was thrilled to see your blog title! How neat! (I have three little ones of my own under the age of 4, so I can relate to your brood . . . half-way!)

  5. Hi Katy, love your blog and was inspired by it to open mine! You have a big fan in sunny Italy. Wish you and all your lovely family all the best. Federica

  6. love this blog thanks for tutorials I'll be trying them out soon This is a great place thank you so much for sharing Cecilia Styles

  7. Your blog is awesome! You've made a lot of great tutorials that have endeared you to me forever (big time tutorial junkie here!). I have four kids and sew whenever I get the chance.

  8. Loving your wonderful blog. I am a momma to 3 (soon to be 4)wonderful girls! Your tutorials and recipes are great and I can not wait to spend more time reading about your adventures.
    Sherry :)

  9. Such fun to read about your many personalities..........

    It gave me a smile...........

    Enjoyed reading about the venture of making your own "frogs", while in the midst of creating your daughter's dress.

  10. I really love your blog but never getbtoreally follow it because I don't get it in my email. And every time I see your name on someone' blog I always remember how much I liked your blog.

    So again I go try and subscribe and you dont have a way to get them to my inbox.
    Of you eventually change this I would love to know. :)

    Kalynnsprettybows @

  11. I LOVE that you called your boy an exclamation is SO true. I am the exclamation mark at the end of four boys and I wear it (at 42) with pride. just found your blog lovely xoxo

  12. I found this yesterday and it is amazing! you are beautiful person, inside and outside. also, all of your children are really beautiful. you look perfectly, kind and stylish. I admire your tallent and fantasy, this blog Is big dill :)
    with love from Slovak republic

  13. Found your blog via Cirque du bebe... Now have spent the morning reading your older posts, perfect way to spend a rainy morning nursing a snotty baby.

  14. Hey, I am also a mother of 6! 5 boys and one girl. Do you ever look at families who have equal proportions and wonder how they did that? My baby is only 6 weeks old, and we did not he was a boy till he was born. I am still adjusting to this. Although I would not trade him for any girl in the world!
    Love reading your blog. So glad I found it on pinterest!

  15. I just found your blog and when I saw the name of the blog, I laughed, because I thought it meant you were from Idaho. One of my really good friends says dill instead of deal, and I always tease her about that. Super cute blog!

  16. Seriously Katy, you have a dream blog- it is such a pleasure to read! I will definitely be a return visitor to catch a glimmer of your beautiful world.
    Caroline x

  17. Greetings from Finland, I just found your blog and absolutely love it and your tutorials. Your dress Divine Grace just made me sight... love it I'll be looking forward to read your blog for now on

  18. Hi Katie, I found your blog today and love it...
    I'll be back for sure.
    From Buenos Aires,

  19. Today I found your blog and love it... it's amazing for me to see all the things you do with 6 kids...
    I have three beautiful girls and drive me crazy but I love them ... haha
    from Buenos Aires... I'll be back

  20. I follow your blog postings here from Brazil. Everything is so bright, colorful, tasty, decent, honest, inspirational, nice, warm, bright, intelligent, delightful. You have no piano, but there is music in everything you do.. What a beautiful way you have of doing all. Thank you.

  21. Hi Katie,
    I love your blog so much and enjoy the new ideas an the lovely pictures...I`m a mother of 6, too... 5 girls and one boy, like you`s fun to see other families this size and how they work together and come along with the daily troubles and all those great moments in live with many children...
    much greats from germany to you and your familiy,

  22. Ok have to admit that the "Dill" caught my eye. I was born a Dill and so I am somehow related to your husband most likely. There is a lot of creative talent in the Dill family as my great grandmother was a concert pianist (she died in the 30s of what they called "goiter"). My grandfather and father were also gifted in am I. Dad was an elementary school principal and the kids loved to call him Mr Dill Pickle : ) Thanks for the lovely blog name and the smile. Missy Dill Hartman

  23. Orange is our family favorite! I married into the color (literally with an orange wedding) and our kids are somewhat indoctrinated at birth (orange nursery). I never thought I would enjoy the color as much as I do. I'm excited to find another mom with the same affinity. ❤

  24. Just wanted to say... I LOVE the little Dill eyes. Sew beautiful!

  25. Love your family,it reminds me of mine. I grew up with five awesome sisters and one wonderful brother. I believe there won't be any dull moment in your home. Keep up the good work. I enjoy your blog

  26. I love your blog! So gorgeous, simple and informative! I can't imagine having the sewing talent that you do...maybe if I keep practicing! ;) I have a question for you. How do you find time to balance keeping up with your blog while and being a good mom (and doing all the other stuff you do). I have two kids (only!) and I am just getting started blogging. What's your secret?

  27. Suggestions for A to Z Series (with a nod to the Brits): "A to Zed in Thread" or "A to Zed with Thread"

  28. I love your kids names. We have 4 children (one boy as well) and they all have unusual names too. We have Ember, Nova, Fox, and Wren. You're blog always makes me happy when I visit. I'm just trying to get into blogging myself. Would love it if you dropped over and shared any tip(s) that might pop into your mind. :-)

  29. Love your blog :) I'm a mom to lots of kiddos as well,7 to be exact (5 girls and 2 boys). I recently started into blogging, still learning my way around and still trying to keep up to date with updating the blog...I don't know how you do it, but I hardly seem to have the time. It would've been nice to blog all the things I've sewn for the kids over the years and the crafts we did, but didn't think of it at the time...check out my blog sometime ...still learning and trying to figure out how everything goes and will eventually upload more projects as long as I remember to take pics :) tks and God Bless :)

  30. I love your site, and wanted you to know that I linked to you in my recent post. Your mitered corners tutorial is awesome! Thanks for all your gorgeous work and inspiration! Kate

  31. Hi Katy! I love your website and have linked to your mitered corners tutorial in my most recent post! Thanks for all your gorgeous work and inspiration! Kate

  32. Just found your blog today via Make It & Love It and I'll definitely be back. I had a college roommate with the last name Dill. Oh, and if you happen to see this, what kind of sewing machine do you have? I love the little embroidery type stitches it makes. Thanks!

  33. Hello! Love your blog, came back to revisit some bathing suit sewing for summer (I finally am out of enough handmedowns to justify learning:)) and I got sucked into all the fabulous that is your sewing and kids! They are gorgeous. I noticed you have alot of fabric/buttons from Japan or Korea and some ( I think I just saw a few things all at once) patterns in japanese too. Where you all there for some time?! A better question-where to get all the beautiful fabric stateside and not near big cities? Love all you do here, cant wait to keep following!

  34. You have to be a housewife because you have 6 kids, a clean house, blogging AND all this talent. LOL Hats off to you lady. Great blog, Great family

  35. You have an Azure! It's so unusual to meet another one. When I was a kid I only knew a cat that shared my name :) All of your children are blessed with lovely monikers!

  36. Hello! I just came across your blog via Instagram...and I love it!!! I am obsessed with sewing and have a bunch of kidlets too.....four boys with a girl at the end. I think I am going to start with the ruffled bustle tutorial first! Adorbs.

  37. Just discovered that there's another Drummer out there! So cool! We had our little guy in July of 2008. His name is quite the talking point. He's super excited to hear someone else has the same name!


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.