I know, I know, I just posted about Mom's Stuff not very long ago, but when I was brainstorming what I wanted to share with you for my birthday giveaway, Mom's Stuff was one of the first things on my list! We all want to be able to pronounce the ingredients of the food we put in our body, and it just makes sense that we can pronounce and know what the ingredients are that we put on our body, ingredients that actually do something and aren't added as just fluff and filler. In fact, you can read about each and every ingredient here. I get a lot of satisfaction sharing this with people (can you tell?) Just last week, while I was at girl's camp, I met a woman who has come here with her family from England for her daughter's cancer treatment at a proton facility (I've heard it's the latest and greatest). I told her about Mom's Stuff, wishing I had a jar to give her on the spot for her daughter. All of nature's finest in one little jar! It's just solid goodness. Okay. You know how I feel about it. ;)

On to the giveaway!
- Leave a comment to be entered. What is your favorite medicine cabinet product?
- Please leave your email address. Write it in the form nobigdillblog {at} gmail {dot} com if you're more comfortable with that.
- Giveaway winners will be announced Monday, August 3rd.
- Good luck!
I'm interested to try this stuff. My favorite medicine cabinet item is my toothbrush!
ReplyDeleteI like my Oil of Olay sensitive face lotion with sunscreen in it. sisterperron {at} gmail {dot} com
ReplyDeleteI love my Trader Joe's face cream. Nice and light, but with the sunscreen I need.
ReplyDeleteholly.hacker at gmail.com
Ever since have puppp (super ridiculously itchy rash cause by pregnancy. Think poison ivy times about 300 give or take) my favorite thing is calamine lotion. I used to hate the pink stuff when my dad made me put it on bites and such. But it was the only thing keeping me sane through those months. I have scars from it. :(
ReplyDeleteCschulz57919 (at) gmail (dot) com
I have a homemade hair detangler/anti-frizz/moisturizing spray that I absolutely love all winter (and winter in NY is a long affair). Water, jojoba oil, essential oils of lavender and lemon, and an emulsifier. elysahenry at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI have a homemade hair detangler/anti-frizz/moisturizing spray that I absolutely love all winter (and winter in NY is a long affair). Water, jojoba oil, essential oils of lavender and lemon, and an emulsifier. elysahenry at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteKaty, I'm so glad you shared about Mom's Stuff a while back. I bought some for my grandson. He has sensitive skin and, voila! no more diaper redness!!! It truly is wonderful. I also bought some for me and I love it!!! tsb7700 at yahoo dot com
ReplyDeleteNeosporin! But is like to try Mom's Stuff too. mamastuey at yahoo dot com
ReplyDeleteA jar of this stuff would be awesome to have around! Lavender and peppermint essential oils get used a lot around here and are probably my favorite things in the medicine cabinet. pottershe@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteit would have to be lavender and tea tree oil. As these definitely helped me heal following the birth of my two kiddies. sarahwoodhead30 (at) gmail (dot) com
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised over the years how often I use vice vapor rub. hicken at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteThank you for the reminder. I meant to order some of this...but will wait and win it. My favorite medicine cabinet item is benadryl.
ReplyDeleteFw.mso@sbcglobal.net :-)
Thank you for the reminder. I meant to order some of this...but will wait and win it. My favorite medicine cabinet item is benadryl.
ReplyDeleteFw.mso@sbcglobal.net :-)
coconut oil! so many uses and so nice to skin!
ReplyDeleterobynnc at gmail dot com
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI love Similasan Cough Relief and Fever Reducer. It does wonders for my girls and all natural active ingredients! littleellalu@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI like whipped coconut oil in the winter... So easy to make and great for dry skin. Adrienne.pm@gmail.com.
ReplyDeleteI like whipped coconut oil in the winter... So easy to make and great for dry skin. Adrienne.pm@gmail.com.
ReplyDeleteI like whipped coconut oil in the winter... So easy to make and great for dry skin. Adrienne.pm@gmail.com.
ReplyDeleteMy moisturizer is definitely top on my list!
I keep getting headaches in the afternoon, so I've been taking some Tylenol. I'd rather not, though. Will Mom's Stuff fix headaches, too?
Lanolin :) use it all the time for dry skin. Although I'd love to try Mom's stuff!
I have already bought Mom's Stuff so I will not enter the giveaway, but I would like to confirm that the product is awesome...
ReplyDeleteI have Bugs and Pickle diaper cream, great for the whole family! frankathwork at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI have Bugs and Pickle diaper cream, great for the whole family! frankathwork at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI have Bugs and Pickle diaper cream, great for the whole family! frankathwork at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteSince it's summertime, I'd have to say Banana Boat After Sun Lotion. It is great on sunburns and tans and it is not at all sticky like plain aloe vera.
ReplyDeletealy.yates {at} yahoo {dot} com
coconut oil and my essential oils. natalulu (@) yahoo (.) com
ReplyDeletemy essential oils for sure :) varga.katie at gmail
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! I love my homemade sugar scrub and I'd love to try mom's stuff nannergirl(at)hotmail(dot) com
ReplyDeleteTigerbalm! Oh, and advil liqui-gels. bkbkfk at yahoo dot com
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! My favorite item in the medicine chest is Vaseline. I use it at least once a day, lips, eyes etc.
Bag Balm is something that as a child my father put on every sort of cut, scrap or irritation you had. coudre at dmdrafting dot com
ReplyDeleteTaking your advice from your previous post about Mom's Stuff, I went ahead and ordered some for friends and myself. I garden without gloves many times (I need to feel the earth!) which often leaves my hands scratched and rough and sometimes irritated. Mom's Stuff has been a soothing balm for my tired, over worked, rough hands. The container is in my medicine chest ready to be massaged onto my hands after my shower!
I 'm an elementary school teacher and plan to have a jar of Mom's Stuff in my classroom for those students who get irritating insect bites in the spring or dry skin during our long, cold VT winters! jvarricchione@etsd.org
I have dry hands that really need this stuff. Right now I'm trying out every lotion on the shelf. :) kellikitchen at gmail.com
ReplyDeleteCalpol for the kids and anthisan for me (I hate itchy bug bites)
ReplyDeleteHmm... I'm loving my coconut oil lately.
ReplyDeleteEuceryn Face moisturizer and sunscreen, it does not make me break out. designsmck@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI have a jar of Burt's Bees hand salve and I really love it!!
I so want to try this! a new thing i'm trying and liking is rosemary oil in my morning shower :)
ReplyDeleteI think my favorite medicine cabinet item is petroleum jelly. Boring, but has a lot of uses. dianaccroft at hotmail dot com
ReplyDeleteWe use a lot of Deep Blue rub from doTerra... it comes in real handy for sore muscles and bruises after karate. jesaluhoooper (at) gmail (dot) com.
ReplyDeleteI would love to try this! My favorite thing in my medicine cabinet is my lavender oil jennyteets ( at) gmail (dot) com
ReplyDeleteRose Salve, Im obsessed with it! daniellemclmb at gmail dot com
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ReplyDeleteI'm curious about that... my fav medicine cabinet item is my toothpaste ;D giulycosti {at} hotmail {dot} it
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is the vitamin e oil from Trader Joes. I add some essential oils in it and use for postpartum stretch marks and on my face! I've seen this stuff before and have been wanting so bad to try it! ctnordine@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteoooh i could use this stuff for my husband's back. he has two incisions that have never healed and nothing the doctors give him works. i wonder if this could help!!
ReplyDeleteour favorite medicine cabinet product is either tylenol or arnica gel. that stuff is magic!
lauren dot roditi at gmail dot com
Would love to try this! masongande at gmail
ReplyDeleteI always love a good natural salve! melamom@juno.com
ReplyDeletewould like to try it. It looks like good stuff. crosby0 {@} gmail {dot} com
ReplyDeleteI have some very mild natural insomnia medicine that I like. It just helps my mind calm when it's racing a mile a minute. Rmariepp (at) gmail (dot) com
ReplyDeleteI have some very mild natural insomnia medicine that I like. It just helps my mind calm when it's racing a mile a minute. Rmariepp (at) gmail (dot) com
ReplyDeleteI have some very mild natural insomnia medicine that I like. It just helps my mind calm when it's racing a mile a minute. Rmariepp (at) gmail (dot) com
ReplyDeleteCornstarch for babies bums!
I make a homemade calendula salve that we put on everything! meganannie18 at gmail dot com
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ReplyDeleteWith eczema all over my kids, I would love to give this stuff a shot. My favorites in my cabinet are Vicks baby rub, and Advil... I've been to the dentist lately. jwkilger at gmail dot com.
ReplyDeleteI would love a chance to try this out! Lisawege (at) gmail (dot) com
ReplyDeleteIs love to try this! My fav product is probably my essential oil kit! Amandacarter3gmail.com
ReplyDeleteMy favourite is peppermint oil! I use it all the time for migraines. :) c.froc@uleth.ca
ReplyDeleteI think I'd have to go with coconut oil. jtheiger at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI've been looking for something like this for my kid's sensitive skin. It seems amazing. Jennahabs at hotmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI swear by Vicks vapor rub, helps my coughing kids every time.
ReplyDeleteNettiepete at gmail dot com
I'm also a coconut oil girl. But I'm getting to know essential oils here and there and have been pretty impressed.
ReplyDeleteI'm so not acing this email thing: kershanator at yahoo dot com
DeleteTiger balm!
ReplyDeleteI recently started making my own toothpaste, and while I haven't quite gotten the hang of it, it makes me feel so much better than my old brand. My email is khthies at hotmail dot com
ReplyDeleteOh man, I literally just bought this the other day! I tried to use your coupon code and it wouldn't work :(
ReplyDeleteOh well, can always use more! Fave medicine cabinet item...my Argan hair oil, fo sho.
fourznuff {at} yahoo {dot} com
This stuff sounds great. My dream curls hair product is my favourite medicine cabinet item.
ReplyDeletealiben7 (at) gmail (dot) com
Happy Birthday! eringustaf (at) gmail (dot) com
ReplyDeleteHonest Company Healing Balm, which actually helps my daughters eczema. icicle [at] shoreham [dot] net
ReplyDeleteI don't have a go-to item. I usually think less is best, though. jodcoz(at)yahoo(dot)com
ReplyDeletebandaids ... they seem to fly out o the medicine cab or first aid kit more than anything else ... thanks so much .... darlene dharrisc@gmail.com
ReplyDeletefor me, it's usually something for my chronic allergies ... maybe headache stuff, too ... david ... navaro2001@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteCurrently my favorite medicine cabinet supply is allergy pills. But my aunt made me some salve out of pine sap that works so great. I have it in a baby food jar in my purse! roberkann@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteAlways a Mom + full time nurse + amateur gardener = horribly dry and cracked hands. I have no medicine cabinet favorites. But maybe I could change my ways. hcaryl80@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteOh gosh. I guess essential oils. We have 'green stuff' (which is probably fairly similar to your Mom Stuff, actually) that gets used quite often, so maybe that.... hmmm tralou at cox.net
ReplyDeleteI love my tubes of Arnica. I have 4 kids and it's perfect for all the bumps and bruises they get. I have one in the changing bag and 2 in the house. gerrystewart at hotmail dot com.
ReplyDeleteWe use coconut oïl a lot in the bathroom : it is not a medicine, but it is our basic product for skin, hair, mouth (oïl swish).
I like my essential oils.
Sunnysky223 at embarqmail dot com
I tried to think of something that I use all the time and love (like my Body Shop olive soap or chocolate body butter) or something that's different and special (like my Humblebrush toothbrush or Kingfisher Mint toothpaste) but all I can focus on is my beloved lotion. Fenuril is an amazing lotion, a bit expensive, but it's the only thing that works on my bad skin. I've been wanting to try Mom's Stuff and see if it could be a new product that would work on my "special" hands... :)
ellen (dot) ljung (at) hotmail (dot) com
Arnica! Mmchampion at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing in my medicine cabinet is my toothbrush! Becky (at) stitchamarillo (dot) com
ReplyDeleteI've developed an excema inducing allergy to my (previously) favorite lotion. I break out in red itchy bumps if I try to use it (and foolishly I've tried 4 times now 😄. So I'd say my favorite product right now is an aveeno lotion geared toward excema. It's the only thing I've found that I don't react to. Painterextras@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI've developed an excema inducing allergy to my (previously) favorite lotion. I break out in red itchy bumps if I try to use it (and foolishly I've tried 4 times now 😄. So I'd say my favorite product right now is an aveeno lotion geared toward excema. It's the only thing I've found that I don't react to. Painterextras@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI've developed an excema inducing allergy to my (previously) favorite lotion. I break out in red itchy bumps if I try to use it (and foolishly I've tried 4 times now 😄. So I'd say my favorite product right now is an aveeno lotion geared toward excema. It's the only thing I've found that I don't react to. Painterextras@gmail.com
ReplyDeletecoconut oil! thanks for the giveaway and happy birthday! julie dot m dot mall at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteCoconut oil is my go-to makeup remover. I love it! deutsch.kelly at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI recently bought a liquid face exfoliant that I LOVE, Love, Love! I can't explain how good it feels to get compliments in how nice your skin looks!! bernardi [dot] fam [at] gmail [dot] com
ReplyDeleteI love coconut oil and rosehip oil, my skin can't live without either of these! crystalmwa (at) gmail (dot) com
ReplyDeleteI use tea tree oil more than anything. This stuff looks great! Sarah.dilettante [at] gmail [dot] com
ReplyDeleteI use tea tree oil more than anything. This stuff looks great! Sarah.dilettante [at] gmail [dot] com
ReplyDeleteOh yes. So good.
ReplyDeleteachristinesearl (at) gmail (dot) com
Lately I've been loving on lavender oil for all sunburns, bug bites and rashes - which all seem to be summertime ailments.
Probably bandages and ointment. We go through a lots of both at our house. ilenebooks at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI love Badger Balm. I try not to take medication, so when I get headaches I try their headache soother, which smells awesome. They make lavender baby balm and all sorts of other concoctions. I recently got a bottle of aloe vera gel, which has come in really handy this summer. Coconut oil is a great all-purpose item, too. karlamcurry@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteBandaids, because they solve all owies for those under 7. rachmeldrum {at} gmail {dot} com
ReplyDeleteBaby tylenol...because when the littles have fevers it is scary until they go down. mhybush at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteThe lip balm my sister makes. It is divine! Next to that is Aquaphor healing ointment. I use it for everything. nichole {dot} gray121 {at} gmail {dot} com
ReplyDeleteMy coconut oil. So many uses! Sherryberrett{at}gmail{dot}com
ReplyDeleteMy new favorite is Mom's Stuff! Discovered them at the Beehive Bazaar last spring. I'd gift this jar to my Mom. 😄
ReplyDeletek2peterson at gmail
Would love to try! I like how well aquaphor works. emmillee at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteCoconut oil and neosporin are my go tos!
ReplyDeleteShanparsons (at) hotmail (dot) com
Unfortunately, the only medicine cabinet item I've been reaching for lately is OTC pain relievers due to some torn meniscus in my knee! I would love to try some of the Mom's Stuff salve for some very dry skin. lorianne129@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteBIoFreeze is what I'm using these days!
ReplyDeleteI use apple vinegar a lot and I will love to try mom's stuff leonaida@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteTea Tree Oil and Vitamin E Oil! thimblenest (at) gmail (dot) com
ReplyDeleteOh! I meant to order some after you first posted! This looks great! Abcchildrensdesigns (at) gmail
ReplyDeleteanything with lavender (essential oil, chapstick, etc.)
ReplyDeleteLately I've been using a lot of my essential oils along with coconut oil on me and my puppy! Charity(dot)boehm(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteCurrently using a lot of egyptian magic...this seems like a reasonable alternative calinaileslie@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteBandaids? I'm really not sure, but a simple adhesive bandage goes a long way for physical and psychological healing of a small child.
ReplyDeletevivachristorey at gmail dot com
My favorite medicine cabinet item is probably the peppermint lip balm I buy at Sprouts. It's their brand and I love it, but I haven't been able to find it recently. kierst.smith@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteRight now my medicine cabinet favorite is my bottle of allegra. Allergies are hitting me bad! Thanks for the giveaway! howard.kristin@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThis stuff sounds awesome! Right now we have been using a bunch of band aids around here. justenoughstyle@ gmail.com
ReplyDeleteChrissymcdonald7(at)Gmail(com). Tea tree oil for burns!
ReplyDeleteChrissymcdonald7(at)Gmail(com). Tea tree oil for burns!
ReplyDeleteChrissymcdonald7(at)Gmail(com). Tea tree oil for burns!
ReplyDeleteWe are a house of dry, cracked skin. I'd love to try this stuff. soeurparrish@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI'm constantly trying to find the just-so salve. From what you say, I think tis is it!
ReplyDeleteThe favorite in the house is bandaids, but I am trying to explain to my children that they are only supposed to be used when they are bleeding. I would love to try this on all the dry skin patches my family develops. marybethisle@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI'm constantly trying to find the just-so salve. So far my medicine cabinet holds my current favorite Prtty Peaushun, but it still doesn't quite make the sweet spot. From what you say, I think Mom's Stuff Salve is it! possiblenonsense@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteA tub of something from Lush my SIL gave me. It's amazing for my dry feet in the winter! jessicaoliveto@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI'd love to try this Mom's Stuff. My favorite thing to use on my skin is jojoba oil. dancermms10 at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteOoh - that looks good! I like Burt's Bees lip balm! mandiprout80 @ gmail {dot} com
ReplyDeleteCoconut oil is my go to right now! My boys constantly have little scrapes, and Mom's Stuff needs to be in my house! Cpruyt@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteWe love aquaphor... it seems to make almost anything better!
We love Burt's Bees for most things! eliseis(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteWe love Burt's Bees for most things! eliseis(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday week! ;)
ReplyDeleteLiquid coconut oil. The uses are endless! dimple {dot} living {at} gmail {dot} com
My plant based calcium supplements. christy.astorga@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI love classic olay night cream! Heatherhahnsullivan [at] gmail
ReplyDeleteI love classic olay night cream! Heatherhahnsullivan [at] gmail
ReplyDeleteRedmond's clay! "Put some clay on it!"
Right now our favorite medicine cabinet things are Redmond's clay and hydracortizone cream. :)
I like carmex lipsalve - cures the dryness that comes with living in the desert.
Looks like a great product! Thanks for sharing and the chance to win! hopefulthreads(at)yahoo(dot)com
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is aloe fresh from the plant. girlmommy(dot)sheila(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is Rosebud Salve.
Band Aides! They always make it better.
My favourite medicine cabinet item right now is the anti-itch cream I'm using for a pesky mosquito bite. liahonagirl@gmail.com is my email address :)
ReplyDeleteI love witch hazel. It's good for a lot of minor things. It even helped take the infection out of a cat bite I had once!
ReplyDeletepurplehopy (at) yahoo (dot) com
I love almond oil for a facial moisturizer. sweeterthancupcakesblog (at) gmail (dot) com
ReplyDeleteI get terrible headaches and painkillers hardly help, but recently I found some "kool" gel strips. You just peel off the backing and stick them on your forehead and enjoy the cold. They last about 8 hours, and while they don't get rid of my headaches, they do ease them.
ReplyDeletejen dot barnard at btinternet dot com
I grew up in Norway, and whenever I'm there with my family we marvel at the wonder salve that is Eurax. Not only does it heal nettle stings and bug bites and general itchiness, it also repels mosquitos so you don't get bitten again. And the smell of it instantly brings me back to my childhood summers. :)
ReplyDeleteFunny! I just messaged them on IG recently to see if they sold locally because I've been itching to try it since your initial post. I hope the salve becomes my favorite thing in the medicine cabinet! traci.condie at gmail
ReplyDeleteI've been hoarding my last jar of Mountain Girl Botanics body butter. It's incredible, and the store is now closed :(
ReplyDeletearielesrodriguez [at] yahoo
My favorite medicine cabinet item is homemade lip balm.
Right now it's Neosporin, with 3 boys we get a lot of bumps, bruises, and scrapes.
ReplyDeleteManda (dot) Bytheway (at) gmail (dot) com
Argan oil. It's amazing.
ReplyDeleteanneclawson (@) gmail