
11 March 2014

Stars, Bunnies, Books, Twill & Nails

I can't believe it's already W week for Sew All 26.  When did that happen?! It's like a child that grows up too fast ;)
Spring has sprung around here quite nicely.  We are harvesting lettuce from the garden, and making letting the kids enjoy this beautiful weather before it turns too hot. Homework?  Subtract outside.  Hungry?  Eat outside.  Friend over?  Play outside.  
My parents are already gearing up for Easter with some amazing stars.  All these bunnies!!
It's like going to a pet store, trying to decide which one is cutest.
  Even baby chicks!
Or just plain spring-like that you could display year round.  Take a peek.
Another Easter idea is this beautiful children's book filled with artwork of Christ.  My sister-in-law, Krisanne Knudsen, authored the book that was written in conjunction with an art exhibit featuring the work of Carl Bloch, Heinrich Hofmann and Frans Schwartz.  It's also available (signed copies!) from my parents store as well, here.
They also have a new size twill tape in stock for those who have been wanting (and patiently been waiting for) the 1 1/2 inch, it's finally here!!
It's the perfect size for a little message tag on the inside of the clothes you make :)  Need a refresher on how to make your own tags?  Go here.
Also, my "nail party" is open for a couple more days over at JamBerry.  Just choose No Big Dill Katy when you check out. Longest party I've ever hosted.  Whew!
Come back tomorrow to see my first W week guest.  She will not disappoint!


  1. love the twill. I need to look into that to make some more tags! must start my easter craft soon too!

  2. I want every single star that your parents make. I'm so grateful for my small collection. Also--my good friend is best friends with the owner of Jamberry. Makes me happy to see that you found her stuff!


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