
19 March 2014

Sew All 26: X ||Ann Jones||

A sister is someone you can text and ask if she happens to have a sewing project that has to do with the letter X because nobody signed up for that week, and when you have a sister like I do, she will say that she happens to almost have her quilt finished that has an eXoskeleton on it.

I am so pleased to be able to share with you this piece of art.  Ann has been working on and off for 2 years...ALL BY HAND!   Go over and see it.  Now!


  1. You two kill me (in a great way) talented. I cannot imagine making a quilt like that all by hand. Incredible and beautiful.

  2. Wow! Wow! Wow! Incredible creative work. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. I would love to have just a pinch of your family's talent! I still don't like beetles, but I do love this quilt! Hand stitching is to die for!


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