
06 March 2014

Sew All 26: V ||Lemon Squeezy Home||

Spring is slowly making her way here.  The azaleas are already in bloom which is fun to be able to enjoy in our new house because we didn't do any of the work of putting them in! ;)  We picked lettuce from the garden yesterday for dinner salads and Ryan planted about 20 trees for our (and the bees) enjoyment.  We were in the midst of remodeling this time of year last year, and I'd come over to the house to check on the progress (with my eagle eyes, much to their dismay) and enjoy the azaleas.  I'm glad it's this year and not last!

As usual, I'm still a week behind in my sewing.  We've had a little stomach bug that is sporadically making it's way through the Dill household.  Clover had it last week and then everyone was well for a couple of days and then Drummer got it.  These are the times when I especially love minimal carpet.  
But my guests have been faithfully sewing on, and I'm so pleased to have Christie join V week over on her blog, A Lemon Squeezy Home.  She has sewn up a very twirly outfit for our viewing entertainment (and Bailey's spinning pleasure).  Go take a look!  Thanks, Christie!


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.