
07 March 2014

Sew All 26: U & V

Hey!  Lookee here!  I'm all caught up!  The brilliance of doing U is for upholstery and V is for velvet came to me in the shower this morning, when I got the two weeks mixed up, and also where many of my great ideas come. The shower and while I'm trying to go to sleep at night.  My quiet moments, I guess, is the common denominator.  
I don't know what it is, but I love to put ruffles around the neckline.  Maybe it's my signature?  Or maybe it's because I love to use my ruffling foot because it looks so hard core and it sounds like something is breaking, but really, it's just putting these perfectly placed pleats in the fabric with little effort on my part.  Yes.  That's probably it.  Have you ever used one?  If not, I think a tutorial is in order.
The fabric is a curtain panel that my sister-in-law gave me when they were getting ready to move, practically giving away their entire earthly possessions.  I lucked out with a few bits of fabric, two of which were these curtain panels: one in green and one in red.  Fortunately they are big enough to make a whole dress for a little person! (Thanks, Olivia!)
Originally, I wanted to add a matching green collar but didn't have fabric that was the same color, so that's when I decided to add another color to the scheme.  Yellow, which happens to be Olive's favorite color. And when I didn't have the proper color in the proper weight, I decided to just do ruffles.  Also, I made the tiny piping, but ran out of it for the bodice in the back and was too lazy to make more.  So it's just in the front. I didn't think Olive would really care. ;)
(Olive loved the fuzzy velvet.)
Sometimes my creative process lends more to the convenience of what I have on hand than the design I have in my head.  And apparently I tend to have a lot of light-weight fabric on hand.  So, perhaps it's not so much my signature as my fall-back?  ;)
I used the edge of the curtain panel with the sewn-in plastic stabilizer for the hem of the skirt so it would flare out a bit. We girls like a bit of flare.


  1. Beautiful! I would love to see a tutorial on how you match up patters so nicely?!!

    1. That's a good idea! Will start working on it.... :)

  2. I have a new ruffling foot, but haven't tried it yet. I'd love some tips!

  3. Love it and the yellow accent and your creativity.

  4. talented woman! jealous u :)

  5. Lovely! I really want to stroke that fabric.

  6. The sound of the ruffler. Still laughing. Exactly. :)

    Missing in the photo: her hair up, little braids and on top a chain of perls with a big yellow glass drop hanging down on her front. Would be perfect. ;)

    Nevertheless: love it like it is.

  7. The ruffle collar is so great. Beautiful dress.

  8. OH my goodness, I used those EXACT same curtains to make little outfits for my kids last month!!
    I love your neckline, so princess-y!

  9. i love the ruffle collar and this dress sooo much! it's a bit alice in wonderland-y, eh? looks so fun for her to wear.

  10. Katy, did you draft your own pattern on this one? I love the fit.

  11. so pretty and it makes me think of the Sound of Music...though the dress you made is much nicer than a play dress...


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