
18 February 2014

Sew All 26: T ||Do Guincho||

I hope your President's Day was delightful.  We had weather of perfection in the low 70s and I got my two box gardens planted and some pots spray painted.  We have giant chipped red pots around the house and they are getting a makeover with some vibrant greens!  It always feels good to improve one's plot.  
Today we have Marta of DoGuincho kicking off our letter T week for Sew All 26.  Marta lives in Portugal and has all her posts, which are suffused with precision and simplicity, in Portuguese and English.  Go take a look at her T inspired project! Thanks, Marta!

1 comment:

  1. wow, sounds like you have great weather! Can't wait to check out this post. Emily


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