
17 February 2014

Sew All 26: S

Drummer found this piece of car fabric in my stash and his eyes got wide as headlights as he snatched it up and ran off.  I was so pleased that my fabric-loving gene had been passed to him when he came wandering back in and threw it on the floor, announcing, "it's boken."
I'm not really sure what he was expecting it to do, per se, but I tried to rally his excitement once more by asking if he'd like me to make him a shirt out of it.  That was just the thing to bring back his smile before it was naptime.
I knew I wasn't going to get to it right away, so I hid it on my ironing board (that thing swallows everything!)  I got him up from his nap a bit later and the first thing he inquired about was the car fabric.
So.  My Square Sequin Skirt had to wait while Drummer got his new Sunday shirt with and accent of stars.
He was pleased about the shirt.  Not so pleased about having to model it after church.
It's a race to get Drummer dressed in the morning for Sunday.  Okay, maybe it's just a race for me because I enjoy it so much, but he is my first boy, after all.
It says all over the shirt in Hungarian "Don't be mad that I'm late" (thank you to instagram readers for the translation).  Which turns out to be very apropos for this post. ;)
I used Burda Kids 9505 for the shirt, which I really love because the collar isn't just one piece like most of the patterns out there for a button up shirt.  Having the two separate pieces is a bit more work, but folds so much more nicely that it's worth it.  Plus, I love the contrasting fabric that peeks out, and how nicely it finishes.
For the stitching, I went contrasting.  But just one row of the orange didn't show up as much as I was hoping, so I used the triple stitch.  On your machine it looks like it would make three separate stitches, but it just "traces" what it has sewn, making it look thicker.  And you can't see it in the photos, but the glass buttons actually have a holographic car on them as well.
What we do to make our kids happy, right? ;)
Perhaps I will have to make an occasion for my Square Sequin Skirt to be sewn.


  1. That is awesome fabric! My husband's family is Hungarian and I would love some material like that to make something cool for one of my nephews! Do you happen to know where you got it from??? Thanks

    1. Georgia, I'm pretty sure I got it on not too terribly long ago, so hopefully they still have it. And it would be perfect! I have a tiny bit left (probably less than 1/2 yard) if you can't find it and you'd like me to send it to you.

  2. Drummer looks so grown up! He looks like a little boy and not like a little baby. Goodness! Time flies! The shirt is adorable on him. I love all the creative ways you sign/sew your signiture. It is such a special touch!

  3. Adorable! Wouldn't it be funny if he ends up being the clothing designer amongst all those girls!

    1. Ha! He just might! Although probably only if it had something to do with cars or trucks ;)

  4. ermagersh really........too much. I bet it's heaven to indulge your one boy in some special sewing you know he'll love.

  5. They are both adorable -- Drummer and his shirt. I love the contrast. Sometimes it is difficult to find two fabrics that compliment each other as well as these do. Thanks for sharing.

    1. The funny thing is, I have TONS of the star fabric (I think my mom may have had them it as curtains?) but just a tiny bit of the car fabric. Now I need to do a reverse project ;)

  6. Hooray for the Hungarian shirt from Hungary! By the way, it also says that "Én meg egyenesen a könyvtárból jövök" -- I just come straight from the library, which is also true to your family. :o)

    1. So glad you can translate, and you're so right! Thank you!

  7. ooo I was wondering how you got your stitching so thick! thanks for sharing ;o) Cute shirt! My car loving boys would love this.. will have to look for that pattern, its adorable. EMily

    1. Glad I can help! It's so easy, just takes a bit longer, but worth it, right? ;)

  8. You certainly have the eye for style, amazing!! Drummer looks so dapper :-)

  9. This is wonderful (as have been ALL the other letters!!). It's lovely to see stylish boy's clothes - and the back story is delightful! Do you mind telling what machine you use - mine doesn't have anything like a triple stitch capacity.... and perhaps when the upgrade happens??....

    1. I have a post all about my sewing machine opinions here:
      Because I have a lot to say about the matter. ;)

    2. Thanks so much for taking the time to reply: I really appreciate it --- the post on your sewing machine was great!

  10. Oh it's so fun to sew for kids when they get so excited about what you make for them! Love this.

  11. oh man he is so cute - great outfit! my son did the same thing to me when i got some car fabric for him - like "why is this not pajamas already, mom? i want it to be pajamas!!" fresh from the store. no buddy, i've gotta SEW it first. haha!

    1. They think we can do magic! Which wears off after awhile, so we must keep up the appearance as long as we can, right? ;)

  12. I may be behind but did your little have his mole removed from his cheek? It's gone!!


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