
05 February 2014

Sew All 26: R ||Sewing In No Man's Land||

I can't believe we are winding down this least that's what everything after Q feels like.  It's been so much fun just brainstorming that I find myself thinking back to the beginning of the alphabet with ideas I should have done and still would like to see happen.  We may need to do another round of this!
Today we have Kelly from Sewing In No Man's Land.  Kelly and I first "met" when we competed against each other on Project Run & Play.  I was always blown away by her consistent creativity and pure quality.  Well, put those qualities with the backdrop of FRANCE and you have her here today, starting letter R off right!  Go see the full shoot.


  1. So stunning! Thank you for hosting this beautiful series.

  2. Thanks Katy for letting me be part of it!!


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.