
16 January 2014

Sew All 26: M is for Mustache & Metallic

I've been sewing for this girl for 13 years now (because I actually started before she was born) and she still wears what I make.  How did those 13 years slip by unnoticed?  We've had her for more than half the time she will be under our roof, which is simultaneously exciting and disconcerting.  Have we taught her what she needs to know for the world?
I finished the shirt and told her I was going to make a copper skirt to go with it and asked if she wanted copper buttons or just black.  She wanted black so she has more options to wear it with other things.  She's got a touch of practicality in her, which comes from Ryan's genes, certainly not mine, a very handy trait to have.  So I hear.
Then I asked her what she wanted the skirt to look like.  I told her I was thinking about doing a bubble skirt and she laughed and said that's what she was thinking.
When I showed her the bow, she said, It's like the shape of the skirt!  To which I concluded: I think I've trained her well enough.  
I used an Oliver + S pattern for the shirt, taking out the front yoke seams as well as all the pleating, front and back.  The skirt was just stitch and see, lined with THE softest cotton knit, so it's super cozy...despite the metallic exterior ;)
The chair?  A freebie from my MIL.  I spray painted the wood....white, of course.  And I thought it was close enough to orange (peach, maybe?) that it would be okay for a while before reupholstering.  
And if you look super close, you'll notice some new bling on Divine.  I made the earring shooter lady draw the dots about 8 different times.  I'm allowed to do that when someone is shooting holes in my firstborn.  She's growing up.  


  1. The pattern matching on the front of that top is a thing of beauty! As is your daughter! Love the whole look and such a fun photo shoot!

  2. Yes. That is AMAZING (what Sabra is saying above)!

  3. I am in awe of that shirt. No matter how meticulous I am I can never get a pattern to match that perfectly.

  4. The earring shooter lady should've just stepped back and let the artist draw the dots! I'm glad that you insisted on the best placement. These photos and outfit are gorgeous, like everything you do!

    1. Haha! I think maybe she was tempted. Thank you!

  5. That is a really fun outfit! I loved it. When I saw mustache, I first thought you did something for Drummer. I love the mustache fabric...oh how fun!

    1. That was the plan, originally, but I changed my mind last minute. I got the fabric at Hobby Lobby.

  6. Proving once again you are amazing beyond all measure! Wow Katy Dill!

  7. The outfit is adorable and I enjoyed your photo shoot. Your daughter is just precious...She looks just like you! Happy Birthday to your 13 year old young lady.

    1. She's a bit of a mini-me, fun and hard at the same time ;)

  8. Great skirt! I hope she will always want to wear your handmade goodness! My 14 year old does still (although it takes waaaaay more fabric now to make her anything-LOL).
    My girl just got her ear pierced with second holes! Eeeek. The first ones, I wished I had asked the ear piercing lady to redraw more. They are crooked:(
    Brava Mama!

    1. I hope so, too. And you're so right about the extra fabric requirements, haha!

  9. When I saw the shirt on your Instagram feed, I thought Ryan would finally be able to pose with you on handmade Sundays! Maybe for the letter R?

    1. I know. Poor Ryan. I think it might have to be all about him R week, too. ;)

  10. I am in awe of your pattern matching skills! Wonderful, as always.

  11. lovely!!! I love the bubble skirt... someday when I have a girl that will be one of the first things I make! Emily@nap-timecreations

  12. Finally, I get to see your sewing and on your beautiful child! I mean teenager. She looks just like you too.
    The whole outfit is shear magic including those little gems on her ears.

    1. M week was a long time coming, I'm glad I'm finished with this shirt. When projects sit around too long I get tired of them. And thank you :)

  13. Divine looks so cute in her new couture! AND she knows how to pour tea with her pinky elevated!

    1. Yes. We ought to ship her off to London to use her skill.

  14. When out babies grow up it's very bitter sweet isn't it? I used to dread them growing out of babydom but the older they get they just get better and better (if you ignore the moody teenage hormones and sibling squabbling). Your big baby seems like quite a wonderful young lady...but then she has a wonderful Mum as a role model... x

    1. Such wisdom you, write. Thank you, dear :)

  15. Awesome outfit! I'm loving copper lately. The chair is fab too. And the best part is her cute knees!

  16. Love the bling on Divine. She is a beautiful young lady. The outfit is adorable on her! The photoshoot had to have been a blast for both of you! I love this series and surely wish I could sew along with you but I will never catch up. I did "A" and had sketches for "B" and "C" but never even got them cut out....

    1. Just skip those other letters and jump in! And this was probably the quickest photo shoot ever because she had just gotten home from school and the sun was going down. I made her change super fast and we lugged the chair outside and called it good!

  17. U N B E L I E V A B L E ! ! ! !

  18. you should have done metallic mustaches for your pretty grown up Divine..

    1. TOTALLY! I always think of things i should have done after it's all posted :/

  19. Totally unbelievable pattern matching! I wish I had that talent! You inspired me to do my own M week project too- and I thank you for that, it got me out of my post Christmas sewing slump.


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