
04 December 2013

Sew All 26: M ||Cheri||

I just got back from the dentist, bringing home with me two numb cheeks.  Boo.  Not so fun.  But for you, I've got a treat today!  Cheri of I Am Momma Hear Me Roar is here to share her project for M week.  She had two boys and finally a girl, and I always tell her it makes my heart happy that she got a girl.  She always tells me she thinks the same thing about me finally getting a boy.  Future in-laws?  I'm all for arranged marriages, except I might have already arranged half a dozen for Drummer. ;)
Mockingbird leggings?!  Are you smitten yet?  Hard to believe, but it gets better.  Hop on over to her blog to see how she accessorized this chunk of cuteness! 
Thanks, Cheri!


  1. Cute! My girl is in a Bimaa sweater today in the same fabric. Good choice for M!


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.