
15 November 2013

Sew All 26: K

The great thing about this series is that I have these photo shoots with my children that I wouldn't otherwise have.  I absolutely love these photos of Pearl.  
She just kind of does her own thing.  I don't have to tell her to do much.  Frequently she'll offer ideas of what to do and how to stand.
So.  The back story.  We bought a kimono while we were in Japan a few years ago that I have loved.  It was originally for Pearl, but is now Olive's, although I discovered today that there is a giant tuck taken across the stomach area so you can take it out and it gives you another 3 or 4 inches in length.  Genius!
I studied the construction of the kimono and was going to make a full-length kimono out of this Asian fabric, but I didn't have enough. But, I loved how there is no shoulder seam.  It's a single piece that's just folded with the neck cut out. 
I decided on just doing a top because I had already made Pearl a black skirt for church and thought it might be nice to have something else to wear with it.
I added the black strip around the neck and then couldn't find my black thread (I have little elves who have also taken to sewing) and so I left my red thread on the machine and was just going to do a straight stitch when I though I might as well do something more exciting and found this cool circle stitch with my own interruption. ;)
Pearl is so fun.  I wish everyone had one.
And you think this is just a little glamor shot?  She's actually trying to get the pollen off her shoulder while I kept shooting.
I may add an obi, but I didn't have any material that I liked to go with it, so that will have to come later.
Or not. Because I probably won't.  I know me.
Fun fact about Pearl.  She chipped her front left tooth when she was in 3rd grade. Our wonderful pediatric dentist fixed her right up, but her other tooth hadn't come in yet, so he just guessed what it should look like.  He did an amazing job.  All he has to do is file down her other one.
Happy K week!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Lainy. She is quite the beauty. She looks so much like Ryan.

  2. I love the contrast between those last two photos. Super model to kid in two photos!

    You inspire me to take more photos of my children. It's so special to see their personalities shine through.

  3. This is really fun, and she looks lovely in it! I love that you can see her personality, and I find it really neat that your little elves are picking up on what you do. :)


  5. Very, very adorable. Guinevere went through a love affair with all things Japanese when she was around 8. It was so much fun, and I made matching kimonos for she and Ava to wear. The construction and history of the kimono is amazing and incredibly interesting...err, to sewing nerds I guess. ;)

  6. Such a beauty! Also...I think you are the coolest for making a Kimono.

  7. My front two teeth were chipped my freshman year of high school. I didn't get a permanent crown until I was 18 though! My dentist also did a great job (plus, no braces because the crowns were made to be straight without metal in my mouth :] ). My boyfriend did tell me I have "toilet teeth" once though, because I'm pretty sure my crowns are porcelain. Haha. Gorgeous top for a gorgeous girl!

  8. I hope she goes through life knowing how gorgeous she is! Her smile is so wise.

  9. she is very beautiful. the kimono also looks stunning. I once made one for my girl, a long one. she had to wear it every time when she went to swim in the outdoor pool. I think the shorter version is more practical. at least she does not need to wash dishes in the sink wearing this..I always want to make one for myself, but, too few chances to go out to watch fireworks. young women do that in Japan in the summer you know, fireworks and summer kimono :)

  10. Pearl is just so much like Ryan! She's his mini-me! Gorgeous girl

  11. I know my link is late, but I just had to share. Fun series!


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