
19 November 2013

Refashionista Guest Post!

You know those times that you bite your tongue when you discover something someone has done, like melt purple fabric to your iron?  And of course it would have to be purple.  But then you find yourself doing the EXACT same thing?  And you're so grateful you didn't say anything?  That was me.  This week.
I'm so smart.  I've never ever met such melt-able fabric in all my years of sewing.  I was laying the fabric out to get a shot before I started sewing and thought I ought to at least iron it.  I owe you that much. I set it to synthetic and barely touched my freshly cleaned iron to it.  Sheesh.  So now you understand why Azure's new skirt needs ironing.  I refuse to touch it.
This is over on Cheri's blog, I Am Momma Hear Me Roar, as part of her fun Refashionista series.  Can you guess what this used to be?  You don't have to really guess.  Just go over there and see.  I also show how to made the side cinch up like a princess dress.  You know.  In case you want to get fancy.  Which many little girls around here do.
I'm just glad I tried to iron it before I made it.


  1. Ha! I love that you used our wedding table cloths to make this!

    1. Haha! Do you need a tablecloth skirt, Krisanne?

  2. Ouch, did you get your iron cleaned yet? I once wasn't paying enough attention to what I was doing and put some fusible interfacing with the sticky side up instead of down. I really can't recommend doing that....

    1. I did. AND it was much harder than the purple fabric. I had to scrape it with a flat razorblade and then I used some ceramic cooktop cleaner to get the rest off. Bleck.

      I've done the interfacing the wrong side, too. You're not a real seamstress until you sew your finger and iron interfacing on the wrong side ;)

  3. When I was just about 9 months pregnant, my mother sent me a beautiful (and orange, which I'm sure you can appreciate) synthetic maternity top she had made for me that was all shimmery and and opulent looking. I had a big meeting at work the next day and nothing that fit me. The shirt was creased from the mail. I barely even touched the stupid iron to it and melted a huge, brown-edged hole right in the middle of the front. The shirt was totally destroyed and I was left with nothing to wear. BUT I was later able to refashion it into a pretty cute little newborn jumper, so the fabric did live on. I'm still mad about it though!!

    1. So sad!! It's like you're ironing plastic wrap, right?

  4. Oi. Better before than after sewing, yes!

    Katy, can we see some more new house reveal? I don't have instagram, but your sidebar photos are enticing me!

    1. Kelli, You're so sweet. Yes. I have been trying to do photos the past couple of weeks, but it's been so dreadfully overcast or raining that I haven't been able to, yet. And of course everything is still a work in progress, but I promise to get some photos up. Sooner than later. :)


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