
16 July 2013

Logical Next Step: Coconut Pancakes

You'd think I was pregnant (I'm not, I promise) the way I've craved coconut lately.  I used to eat handfuls of the sweetened variety from the grocery store.  But I have since repented and come over to the side of unsweetened.
It first started when we were making Magic Cookie Bars (which my kids love because I let them jump on the bag of graham crackers with their little feet!)  We ran out of sweetened coconut, but I had a bag of unsweetened coconut shavings that I had purchased for some granola I was going to make.  There's always a plan with me.  Not always executed, but at least the intention.  They were the best cookie bars we had ever made.  So it began going in everything.  Including pancakes.
This is almost enough to feed my crew, so you may want to adjust proportions accordingly.

2 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 T baking powder
2 T sugar (I used white, but it just dawned on me that brown would be even better)
1 (14 oz) can coconut milk
1/2 (14 oz) can coconut cream
2 eggs
Unsweetened coconut shavings, toasted in the pan before you cook the pancakes

Mix the dry ingredients together, mix the rest coconut milk/cream/eggs together. Fold wet and dry ingredients gently together.  If you're like me and enjoy your pancakes thinner than thicker, you can add some regular or almond milk to thin it a bit.  Pour batter onto preheated (medium heat) pan.  Sprinkle some of the toasted coconut on top.  We also like to add chocolate chips.  Of course.  We're a household of 6 women, you know.  Flip over after bubbles stop. To complete the coconut experience, (which I learned you could do from my mom and sister) whip the second half of the coconut cream like you would fresh whipping cream, sweeten with powdered sugar and add to the top of a hot pancake with another sprinkling of toasted coconut.  Yummity. Yum. What about adding a bit of lime juice.  Am I turning it into a dessert now? 
What are your coconut indulgences?  I'm adding it to our overnight waffles next.  I'm also wondering about using a dab of coconut oil to cook it.  Mmmm.


  1. Coconut chips from Trader Joe's and Silk brand coconut milk. I am cuckoo for coconuts!

  2. Sounds so delicious! I am going to have to try this. Unsweetened coconut and semi sweet chocolate chips are one my favorite snacks!

  3. yum yum yum. I like to cook pancakes in coconut oil too.

  4. Holy coconut! With all that fiber and cream, these must be intensely filling. Everything on my mission in Fiji had coconut in one form or another. For a dessert they boil rice in coconut milk over an open fire and then serve it with raw sugar sprinkled over the top. And they make coconut sweet buns (you can google "lolo bun") by making basically a sweetened dinner roll and, after the second rise, they douse them with coconut milk (until they are about half submerged) and then bake them. You eat them served with lemon leaf tea or hot chocolate (Milo). So good. I love the dark chocolate covered mango-coconut bites from Trader Joes. Yum.

  5. Use Coconut Sugar. Lower glycemic index than regular sugar and so yummy.

    1. I didn't KNOW there was such a thing! You've made this even better, thank you! xo

  6. Haha! I love Drummer's intense look of concentration while he drinks from that coconut. So cute!

  7. My son (14 months) likes helping me smash graham crackers for desserts too! I have a chopper, but I personally enjoy the smashing in a bag best. :) I'm not a huge coconut fan, but now that I've read your post it sounds super yummy!

  8. I love this! I wonder if I substitute the eggs for vinegar and baking soda if I can make this allergy free for Natalie... Going to try it!

  9. Coconut chips from Trader Joes. ahhhhh!!


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