
02 July 2013

Alphabetical Sewing Series & Some Suggestion Summoning

I'm starting to panic.  My littlest girl isn't so little anymore.  She's five now, you know, and that means no more baby girl clothes, which is kind of painful for me to swallow.  
So far all my kids still like it when I sew for them and ask, when I'm on my hands and knees cutting patterns and fabric, "Who is that for?" secretly (or not so secretly) hoping that it's for them.  
When Clover started preschool last year I decided I was going to make an outfit to go along with the letter of the week each week, and then we moved mid-year and she had to wear a uniform of sorts which included no light-up or noisy shoes (which wasn't really a problem for us per se, but doesn't that take the fun out of preschool when you can't wear footwear of your choice?) and not even jeans.
She had to wear the school t-shirt with solid pants or skirt.
That's right, no STRIPES allowed.  Obviously this put a kink in my sewing ambitions.  And in Clover's style.
So, I surrendered, knowing that come Kindergarten, I could start cooking up my alphabetical sewing stew once again.
And then I thought maybe now and again I'd let the other kids in on the fun and make some things for them as well.  You just never know with me.  Unpredictable is my middle name.
There is a huge amount of room for interpretation and fun for this series, I know there are so many people out there with grand ideas as well, I want everyone to participate.
If you can't do it one week, no sweat, just jump in now and again when you're able.  You don't need the whole alphabet to say most things anyway ;)
and it doesn't have to be practical or obvious (like i week, that was a bit of a stretch).
We will start in mid-August, so you have plenty of time to at least get a bit of a jumpstart.
I will set up a flickr group for everyone to add their photos, or do you prefer a linky list?
Meanwhile, "Alphabet Sewing Series" is rather boring. Are there ideas for what we should call this series? 


  1. What a great idea for a series! I loved all the outfits you made to go along with the alphabet. As for a name how about "ABC - Come Sew With Me".

  2. Meghan, I was going to say nearly the same thing - "ABC, sew with me" :o)

  3. Alphabethreads? Alphabetrousseau? Alphabet in my Closet? A Closet Full of Letters?

    1. Were those just off the top of your head? Impressive!

    2. Or how about Alphabetical Closet Case! ;)

  4. Your sewing is exquisite, and your children are so fortunate to have such a talented mom! Are the chairs stamped on?

    1. Yes, if you click on the link it has more information.

  5. Elemental runes: stitching and embellishment

  6. Such darling dresses!
    You could call it simply "All 26"

  7. How about Love Letters (you are showing your love for your children, your love of sewing and of quirky details) :)

    Or Love U sew

  8. I've been working on school clothes all summer for all my kids and by reading your post realized I have been keeping with the alphabet without trying to. I have an eclectic elephant elastic dress. And a saucy Superhero Sash dress. Also a Dottie Disney Dress. And turtle trousers. Just to name a few. I may need to figure out the flickr thing this time and actually participate!

  9. I don't have a name suggestion but I do prefer linky lists to flickr pages. That way even when I don't participate I can still watch and see what everyone's doing. It makes it easier to be a reader that way.

  10. Well as usual Ms. Dill you astound! It's so great to see everything all juxtaposed. Holy moly so adorablessss! And cute! And funky! And fashionable! And genius! I have a pocket full of compliment for you. My oldest has pulled my sewing carpet out from under me, and my middle would happily wear a bag of rocks....must make her rock dress ! Devoted lurker, longtime cheer leader! About to move house, so won't sew, but will happily say Hoorah! From the sidelines

    1. Thank you, my darling! You sure do know how to make a gal feel great! And good luck with the move! xoxo

  11. Alphabet Soup (I've never found every letter in the alphabet in my soup)

  12. How exciting! I have a child who will be turning five in October and is all about learning how to read, so I would love to participate. Fun!

  13. I'm terrible with titles---mine are all bad puns or use "Now I SEW my ABC's this time won't you sew with me" or "Appliques, Armholes, and Alphabets"

    See, no good.

    BUT I am totally in...I loved when you started this last year and it will be fun to sew along. Grace goes to kindergarten this year to and she would think this was really fun.

  14. Yay, yay, yay!! I am so happy you are opening this up as a series for everyone! Exciting stuff. I also don't have grand ideas for names but I can't resist throwing a few ideas out there in case they spark better ones: Sewing to the Letter, Sew me a Letter, AB-C me Sew, Sewing by the Letter, Sewing A to Z... :)

  15. Fun! I will sew along with this series when I can. I prefer the linky things. Thank you, Katy!

  16. Love this series ... from Applique to Zippers

  17. So excited to follow this! How about S is for Sew? Also, you can't do Alphabet Sewing Series because you can't shorten it... that won't really work to start calling it ASS. ;)

  18. What a fun series! My youngest is starting Kindergarten this year too, but she has to wear a uniform. They do have a lot of special days though, so I might just try to join in on the fun!

  19. Oh my! This series sounds like so much fun and has me remembering all the dresses and jumpers I use to sew for my girls. The teachers would especially love the ones I did for holidays. Reading everyone's post has me sad and a little jealous that I no longer have a little one to sew for, that she would actually where. My youngest is 13 going on 30! The most she will allow me to sew for her that she will wear is pj's. lol I will definitely be following along to see all the fabulous stuff everyone comes up with. Please treasure these moments because kids are growing up so fast and time is flying by even faster. Thank you for a trip down memory lane!

  20. I am so glad you are doing this series. I remembered and loved your dresses and I went back to your blog to research them and lo and behold you are doing a series. I will be sewing along and I have already planned my first alphabet dress for her first day and the letter A. I cannot wait to join your flikr series. Our school starts up in September.


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.