
13 June 2013

Mystery Box Results: Round 1

It's been an embarrassingly amount of time since Andrea from The Train to Crazy sent me a box.  She calls it The Mystery Box (dun, dun, dunnnnn) that she fills with fun fabrics and sends to different sewing bloggers to see what they do with it.  
One fabric was this charcoal sequin fabric.  I decided I could use it for a Sunday dress for one of my girls and a coordinating dress for another one of my girls.  Kill two birds with one sequin.  Or a few hundred thousand.  I made a sequin collar for Clover's dress, but there was something not quite right.  It needed something...
...more.  I was at Hobby Lobby and spied some trim that turned out to be just what I needed.
And of course a headpiece that can be worn by either girl.  Whoever gets up first in the morning ;)
I used a vintage pattern that I've used several times before, like on Clover's Vote Dress.  It's been good to me, that pattern.
I included an inverted pleat on the center front of Azure's and left the sleeves without the elastic and casing.  Clover's I pretty much followed straight up.
Her collar doesn't lay perfectly flat, probably the only thing I'd change on it. I guess they hadn't intended sequins to be used.  ;)
 I may draft some of my own and change them, as I just sewed them along the edge of the dress neck, they're easily removed.  But for now, they're fine.
Doing a photo shoot with these two monkeys is not as easy as it looks.  Or maybe it doesn't look easy, which would be accurate.
I tell them to turn around and they turn the wrong direction or in an entire circle, sneeze, or simply give me a goofy look. 
I tell them to step left and they step right (or maybe my directions are backwards?)
But I kind of like the candid nature of little kids.  They are rarely stiff and just show their personality naturally.  Also, I love the juxtaposition of the sequins and scraped knees. 
As I was sewing these, I had the harsh realization that sewing for little girls is rapidly coming to a close, as they turn into tweens and then teenagers and then onto wedding dresses!  But, I'm getting ahead of myself.  They're still just 4 and 6.  All the more reason enjoy these monkey years of silliness.


  1. Wow, you are so talented!! And I am not. :-/. But it's fun to ve vicariously through you and see the amazing creations you come up with!

    1. Joy, Thank you, and I'm positive you can do plenty of things I can't! :)

  2. Love those collars! My 5 year old is so impressed with the sequins - if only her mommy were so talented!

    And could Azure's haircut fit her more? Beautiful kiddos!

    1. Thank you, Andrea! I only broke one needle and jammed my machine a handful of times, but I forged ahead! ;)

  3. Now that is a party dress! The headpiece is perfect!

  4. The Sparkle Sisters! Love the dresses! Love my granddaughters!

  5. those are so fabulous, Katy! and i'm stunned by how much those two have grown!

    1. Yes. I just can't keep them small enough...nor grow them fast enough!

  6. These are awesome!! I love both dresses - those sequins are fabulous.

  7. Your sewing room must be in order! Yay! The dresses are charming on your cuties. I had fun reading between the photos. You make me smile!

  8. How fun! These are fantastic as are your girls!

  9. They are precious. The dresses are cute too!

  10. BEAUTIFUL!! Stunning actually!

  11. Just lovely! My girls are 4 and 6 as well, so we are very familiar with fancy sparkles and skinned knees and silliness! ;)

  12. OOOH I love it! Well done. I love those scraped knees beneath glamorous glittery dresses too.

  13. These are wonderful, and I've missed your sewing!! Glad you're set up. Clover is classic and adorable, and I love that Azure looks like a disco ball! Both look such fun dresses to wear.

  14. Gorgeous! I can't imagine the throws of rapture I'd have been in if I had a sequin dress like this aged 6. Nothing's changed, I'm still a complete magpie!

  15. !!!
    so fun!
    secretly hoping that I some day get a mystery fabric box in the mail from Andrea :)

  16. You are so talented :) Beautiful


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