
30 May 2013

Jack Daniels Got a Makeover

What I'm hoping is I'm like the road runner cartoon who is  getting ready to run really, really fast, but before he does, he's caught mid-air, moving his legs, but not going anywhere.

Right now I feel like I'm still mid-air, trying and ready to move fast, but not going anywhere just yet.  
I have a pile of projects that I want to get done and it just doesn't seem to get any smaller, no matter how many I complete.  And while not everyone in the household thinks every door knob, drawer pull, light switch, off-white outlet and hinge should be changed, I can't help but notice the little things and they grate at me until I get my screwdrivers out.
This probably shouldn't have been as high up on my priority list as it was, because I still have a bedroom and bathroom to paint, but I started accumulating plants and they needed to go somewhere!
When I discovered I didn't have as many pots as I needed, I began foraging around the property of Magnolia Manor, as the previous owner was an avid gardener, but he would just throw dead plants into the foliage.  
Most of the pots I found were just garbage, but there were several that I salvaged and gave a fresh coat of white paint, and they were ready for their debut on my plant stand.
I bought the wooden stand at an estate sale and I'm sure die hard Jack Daniel's fans would shoot me for painting it white, but, I had to fulfill the vision in my head of a rainbowtized plant stand of all white pots (must paint everything white!)
The three small, glass pots came from ebay, a set of lampshades that I ordered for my hanging lampshade garden, but turned out to be too small and also too thick to drill holes in the bottom, so I will have to be careful about overwatering my little succulents.
I decided to skip having a blue shelf since they are the most rare flower in the rainbow (plus, I only had 4 shelves for the entire rainbow).  Having the flowers clustered with their own colors really makes the statement versus mixing them up.
An entire plant stand of one color would also be neat, or painting the pots in rainbow colors or a single color and just having greens plants would also make a show stopping display.
I've put it in the eating area which has high ceilings plus tiled flooring (=a lot of noise!) and it helps absorb some of the sound.

Speaking of placement, Ryan and I couldn't agree on whether it should be at a 45 degree angle or directly against the wall.  We compromised and it's at a 22.5 degree angle.
Because it's all about compromise sometimes.
Plant stand complete.  Check.

ps have you entered the giveaway for a DOUBLE OVEN?!


  1. Whoa--didn't realize the scale of the thing until that last shot. Beautiful!

    1. Yes! It's rather large (although I had to squeeze some of those plants in there, thinking it was even bigger than it was!) ;)

  2. Oh, this is DARLING. there's plenty of JD branded stuff in this world, but not enough beauty like done good, you done reeeeeal good.
    PS, I always want to say I have an Aunt Pearl (and Aunt Ginger, sisters) so I just love seeing that you have a little Pearl :D some day she'll be an Aunt Pearl too!

    1. Haha! Thank you. Ginger is a fabulous name, too, how fun.

  3. I just love your ideas! I'm a big cactus fan and love flowering succulents. What a beautiful way to display them. Now, to go find an estate sale that's selling a Jack Daniels display shelf - not likely! Great idea though!

    1. Sheri, just keep your eye you for something that will work, metal or wood. If you're handy, you could make one, or use wood crates as shelves. Good luck!

  4. I love your idea! Also, if you want a true rainbow-order, go purple-red-orange-yellow-green. I always put my skittles in color order and it bothers me to no end if the green and purple skittles are next to each other, so I move the purple to the front of the line. Yours is real pretty either way though!

    1. Byrdi, Honestly, I'd leave purple out altogether if there was more of an availability with blue flowers, but you take the cake on strict rainbowtized obsession! :)

  5. Wow! I love the remake of the display stand. It is FAR prettier white with beautiful flowers. I was surprised by how large the piece actually is in the last photo. You have inspired me to be on the lookout for more plant displays. Thank you!

    1. Yes, it's pretty big. I know IKEA has a metal, double tray stand, if you just wanted to buy something pronto!

  6. This is completely lovely in so many ways. I am pinning this so I can remember to make a rainbow house plant garden one day too!

  7. Wow ! Good Job! This looks great!!!! :)

  8. Love it! I have an old beer display that I painted white and distressed for tool storage. I never thought of using it as a plant stand. Nice job!

    1. That's a good use for it, too. My tools are all jumbled in a toolbox that I dread to open.

  9. Pretty foliage! It is ALL about compromise ;)

  10. Super cute, natch. I hear you on the white obsession. We too are moving and i...can't...stop...with the white fantasy. We have a very surly, hairy black cat who has been watching me paint everything with great suspicion. He is not entirely wrong to be wary.

    1. Yes, I've loved the white. Makes me happy, but your cat has a right to be wary...he's wondering if he's next!


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