
15 March 2013

The Yin to my Yang

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I've had a row of 7 bridesmaid dresses that needed altering for a month now, hanging on my mother-in-law's curtain rod.
They've been staring me down.  Tisking and shaking their finger at me, every time I would try to avert my eyes, hoping they wouldn't notice me sneak by.
I finished 4 of them pretty quickly, but there were the last 3 that needed to have the invisible zipper taken out along a ruched seam, taken in, re-ruched, and the zipper put back in. 
I told myself that I couldn't do any other sewing projects until I got them done, thinking that would help motivate and move me.  Just get them done, Katy.  So, I haven't done any sewing.  At all.
Ryan asked one evening why I didn't just get 'em done!?  I defended myself, I have finished 4 of them!  But these are the hardest ones.  Why didn't you start with those?  Because, in his mind, that's how he would have approached the situation.  Just get it off your plate.
I work best with a deadline.  Okay, I won't kid.  There has to be a deadline.  And then I wondered why I can't just be more the other way.
Ryan and I balance each other.  We all balance each other.
Especially experiencing it with my children, they all have their strengths.  Strengths that sometimes also contribute to irksome qualities.  
There are lots of things I wish I could do and wish I could be better at.  We all have those fleeting or permanent wishes, and I know there are so many in my control, I just have to get up and do it. 
Others are, well, for others.  So when I get frustrated with myself or with my children, I need to hit the pause, take 3 or possibly 4 deep breaths before I move forward to appreciate the now who and not pine for the should-be who or wish who.
Sitting on the couch listening to the oldest children chatter, Ryan on one side reading a book, I was doing the final handstitching on the final bridesmaid's dress.  
I was so close to finishing when I got a knot in my thread. Ergh.
Instead of fighting and yanking on it to make things worse, I worked it loose, carefully and methodically with my needle, not entirely sure that I wouldn't have to get another thread going to finish the last few inches of sewing the lining back in.
But I did.
And I also finished that last dress.  A work of love for dear sweet girls I love almost as much as my own.
And the wedding isn't until tomorrow.  That's right.  I got them off my plate with an entire day to spare.


  1. Yay for finished dresses! I feel the same way--I have things on my list I put first, just to get them done, and then I don't sew! I wish I wasn't that way. It's like I have to earn the funner sewing projects, ha ha! Good for you!

    1. Really? I would have pegged you as a non-procrastinator!

  2. You and your family are adorable, Katy!
    xoxo Abi

  3. ugh, I am the same way. Procrastination on those little things because there is always a more fun project to do :)

  4. go you! I totally agree...I have to have a deadline, or I don't make things happen.

    1. Keep that in mind when asking me to do anything ;)

  5. Oh yay to have finished them a day ahead of time! That's how I am on things like that too.

    1. I was shooting for more than a day ahead of the actual wedding, but, hey, take what I can get!

  6. This: "appreciate the now who and not pine for the should-be who or wish who." So totally right on.

  7. I love how I don't know you, but I "know" you! You brighten my day. Thanks for being
    the person you are, right at this very exact moment!!!
    (Would love to see the dresses!)

    1. Tami--perhaps I will get a photo when I go to the wedding! And isn't that why blogs are so great? :)

  8. Thanks for sharing this. I am the EXACT same way. I am moving in 1 1/2 weeks (found out a week ago) and am frantically sewing away at my Project Run & Play looks...hoping to finish before I move. I have known about PR&P Allstars since end of last year...
    At least you can take a breath now, knowing they are done and off your plate!!

    1. Jen--yes, yes! I was the exact same way during PR&P! I figured if I didn't make it past each round, I didn't want to work myself to the bone ;)

  9. You are awesome. This story only makes you more awesome. Congrats to one day early! I can't wait to see the dresses. Ruching and re-ruching! Phew, I'm sweating just hearing about it!

  10. I am the same way. No deal line? Well, then it's barely on the radar. But THEN, when I am running around with my head cut off the because the dead line is almost over I curse myself for not getting it when I had days and days left.


  11. I always TRY to do the hard project first. Sometimes I just don't have it in me and break down and do the easy one. I have so been in your shoes with sewing. I still have nightmares about the year I made 40 skating dresses for three different synchronized skating teams. Made NO money on that project because I ended up paying my sewing friends to help me finish.

    Yesterday I finally finished alterations on the cover for our inflatable boat. (dinghy) This is the second time I have altered this thing to fit our davit system. My husband asked as I was sewing if it would be possible to remove this or that if we needed to change it again. My replay was, "buy a new boat with a cover that works!" Since we live in Michigan; we won't be using it for at least two months. I am almost stunned that I have it done. : 0

    Love your blog!

  12. I pretty much ignore any big projects that need to be done until the last minute. (Even if I really am happy to do them.) Ignore---that is my coping strategy, and it's not a very good one.

    Lovely post, lovely girls, lovely family. You always such a wonderful way of saying things.

  13. I completely relate to this post far too much. (I am laughing at all of us)

  14. Oh I totally get this!! I do exactly the same - the things I have to do but don't really want to, end up paralysing me. I am tackling one tonight, or am I procrastinating and blog reading... hmmm... off I go!

  15. Lovely. Thank you for balancing me!

  16. So I just have to say I'm really missing your posting! I hope the house is coming along swimmingly and all is well!!!

    1. Oh, thank you, thank you! I have missed YOU!! :)

  17. Hello! I miss you! Please come back soon! Actually, I know life is busy and your plate is full but I do really enjoy reading your blog and seeing your creativity so I will wait patiently for your return. Best of luck with all that is happening for you right now.

    1. Amy-Thank you so much for missing me! That means a lot. The house is SO close, so thank you for your patience :) xoxo


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