
23 January 2013

A Quick Hello!

It's the 23rd.  Technically, that means our house should be 1/3 of the way finished!  I don't think it is, but it's hard to tell when things just keep looking worse and worse.  As long as I see that giant dumpster in the driveway filling up, I will assume progress is being made. 
Meanwhile, I'm just popping in to say hello and share some news I got in my inbox.  I thought I'd let you know about a great sale going on over at Oliver + S!  Yes, just because I'm not getting sewing in like I would prefer, doesn't mean nobody should.  ALL of their paper patterns are 25% off right now!  As convenient as the digital ones are to receive, I don't ever look forward to printing things off and taping a million pieces of paper together.  So treat yourself to the real things. Coupon code Jan2013.  Good through January 31st.  (I'm not compensated, just wanted to share a good deal :)

I'm off to get my eagle eyes on and inspect the work going on at Magnolia Manor.  
They love it when I show up ;)


  1. Do you ever watch Sarah's House on HGTV? she always goes through things with a fine tooth comb, and although the contractors don't love it, she always points out that it is her money, and the details are what make the difference between a quality house that looks expensive, vs a house that looks flawed and cheap (material costs don't necessarily have to matter, a good tile job will make inexpensive tiles look expensive, and a bad tile job will make expensive tiles look cheap!)

    I have learned to never feel bad about asking contractors to do it right, or do it over, ever since hearing Sarah insist upon it, so you go get 'em and make sure your house is up to your standards!

  2. Thank you, Cathgrace, for this! I feel like a bit of a nuisance, but you're exactly right. I will just be bothered to see things every day that I didn't have fixed. They're pretty good about letting me make the small decisions, but every once in a while I catch things! I can't wait to share everything with you! :)

  3. I love your new house's name - it's so...nostalgic!

  4. katy, i got the ice cream dress and music box dress patterns....thanks for the tip!!!


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