
12 December 2012

Day of Twelve Recap

I have LOVED (all caps used with all sincerity) #dayoftwelve!  Going through a day with so many people, I feel like I've been sick with some of you, at work with some of you, had twins to care for with one of you ;), gone to the fabric store with some of you (okay, that one I actually did experience for myself).  It's been such a treat to go hour by hour through a day in the life of so many friends, wether we've met or not.  12.12.12 is over for friends across the ocean, and it's quickly coming to a close for me.  I've overgrammed today, but it's been delightful to share.  Thank you for humoring me and playing along.  There are over a thousand photos from our document diligence.  Good job, guys.
I'm too lazy to include captions for all of these, but if you're not on instagram, you can go here.  'Til next century, happy Day of Twelve!!

ps you can still enter this giveaway!


  1. It WAS really fun...and I (chocolateforbreakfast) finally conquered laundry mountain! This little exercise gave me some accountability!

  2. Hello!!!
    Probably my English is very bad because I'm using the translator, do not speak English ...
    It has been a wonderful experience.
    Although I have Instagram I could not resist and I joined the "Day of Twelve!"
    As you could upload the photos to a blog, I share the link to mine where you can see all the photos of my day.
    Again I say it was truly amazing!
    Thanks for sharing this idea and invite all to be partakers.
    Kisses and cuddles from Argentina.

  3. Oh this was fun. The majority of my day was spent catching up at work after snowstorms and sick kids have kept me home for the better part of Monday and Tuesday. Therefore, there were MANY pictures of my cubicle. Not the most intriguing photos of the bunch, but it was a good distraction for me on a long day. Thank you!

  4. I loved following you along in your day. I wanted to participate too but kept forgetting and was running late to everything today! :/ Maybe in 100 years I'll get my chance again. ha! ;)

  5. Oh how I loved this day thanks to you. This was soo much fun! Thank you for the invitation to play along. If you ever have another idea like this...remember I like playing!
    My recap of the day on

  6. I was looking through your instagram pics with captions and I'm still impressed that you were up at midnight the night before! I only have two little kids and I'm in bed by 9 pm on the dot every night! You rock!

  7. It was fun to see them all! I missed every. single. 12.

  8. Hi Katy! I just had a quick question for you - I was looking for your
    Abbey Road Top Tutorial, but I can't find it at the link:

    is it still available?? Thanks!


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.