
11 December 2012

Day of Twelve! Come Play!

It's almost here, it's almost here!  I hatched this idea at the beginning of the month and told Ryan all about it and then promptly forgot.  Until yesterday.  Whew.  That was close. I would have had to wait another...hundred years or so.
Tomorrow is December 12, 2012.  Written 12.12.12 (no matter where you put the month!)  All day long I will be instagramming what I am doing at 12 minutes after each hour, provided I'm awake, not doing something like driving down the highway (no texting and driving please!), or you know, in the wc. ;)  I would like everyone to join in and share your average or not so average daily activities and include the hashtag #dayoftwelve.  I'm @nobigdillkaty.  If you don't instagram, just take photos throughout the day and blog them, leaving a comment here with the link.

Fun!!  I'm so excited to see your lives, 12 minutes past each hour!  


  1. I'm doing my darnedest to go into labor tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes... :)

  2. It's my daughter's birthday tomorrow, and she couldn't be more excited to see when it's 12:12 and 12 seconds on 12/12/12.

  3. It´s my birthday! :)
    I´ll be celebrating, reading a book I've been saving for this day and having fun turning 32 on 12/12/12 :)

  4. Monica! What a fantastic birthdate to have! I will hope for you!

    Jess & Aline--Happy Birthday to you two dears! I hope you'll post photos of cakes and decorations!

    Polkadotjes-I'm off to look up your insta feed...:)

  5. Just missed the 12th of this hour! Hopefully the next? Love the idea!

  6. Fun, Katy! I'm going to post it on my new design FB page and then blog about it tonight. YAY! What a great idea.

  7. 12 pictures of this day from Havelmedchen (in german).
    Really cool idea!


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.