
21 December 2012

A Boy's Dying Wish

Are you winding down your Christmas preparations? Last gifts wrapped and placed beneath the tree?  As usual, I didn't get nearly enough done.  I always think I can do more than I can.  You'd think I would learn by now.  There is one more thing I can do.  One more thing we can all do.  Send one more Christmas card.  Wether you sent out hundreds, just a few, or none at all, please consider this.  Some of you may know that my niece, Mary Deane, has Cystic Fibrosis.  It's an incurable (for now!) disease that, blatantly put, shortens the lifespan of a person.  
So, I have a soft spot in my heart for those with a CF child.  Each moment of their life is savored a little bit more and given a little bit more reverence because a parent will most likely outlive their child.  There's a little boy in Kentucky who has had complications and they don't expect him to live much longer.  He has been sent home to be with his family for the remainder of his days on this earth and all he wants for Christmas is to break the Guinness World Record for the most number of Christmas cards received.  So sweet!  Would you help him out?  A small thing that will make a little boy's dying wish come true.  

Merry Christmas, Dalton.

Dalton Dingus 
HC 62 Box 1249 
Salyersville, KY 41465 


  1. Thank you for sharing. We'll be sending one out tomorrow!

  2. It is on it's way and posted to all my friends on Facebook. :D

  3. Just wrote out my card, I will be sending it first thing in the am, I don't think it will make the 25th though! you are wonderful for putting this up xo

  4. I didnt know you have a niece with Cystic Fibrosis. I am very aware of Dalton's story because my 12 year old daughter also has Cystic Fibrosis. She just got out of the hospital a few days ago and will continue her two IV antibiotics another week.

    Thank you for spreading awareness on your blog.

  5. May I repost this actual post on Facebook? From there, it may be reposted on my friends' and family's pages. This just made me weep. We so often take for granted the healthy lives of our own children. Thank you for the awareness and your generosity of spirit. Peace be with you.

  6. Sending him a Christmas card and sharing this on Facebook.

  7. This little boy is from my home community. It warms my heart to see that support and love for him is so widespread!

  8. This is so sweet! Addressing mine right now!

  9. Thanks for sharing his wish. I hope it comes true! Blessings to you and your family. Merry Christmas

  10. Thank you for letting us know! I wrote my card and will go to the post office right now!

    I have once cared for a 6-year-old girl who has CF. It looked really bad for Anna, when her kidneys shut down and she was very sick some years ago. She is now almost 13 and got a wish granted by the make a wish foundation just a week ago. If you like to read more about it, here is a link:

  11. I'll be sending ours on Monday, it won't get there for Christmas, but we'll be thinking of him.

  12. I'll be sending ours on Monday, it won't get there for Christmas, but we'll be thinking of him.

  13. My cousin died from CF in 1996 so I know what it is like to have limited days left. This is such an amazing way to comfort this child and his family. Thank you so much for sharing!!

  14. sweet sweet boy- such a simple and fun request:)
    I wanted to mention the GAPS diet as something your sister might want to look into as treatment for Miss Mary Deane :) here's a link to a post about it!

  15. I had seen this before, but this reminded me of it! We had exactly one letter left over, and it is in the mail! I hope he gets his wish!

  16. Our family did it, and we hope he makes it to Guinness! Thank you for letting us know about this. I've passed it on to others, so fingers crossed!

  17. He'll be getting some cards from Belgium too: my mom, my mother-in-law and my sister all posted one. He might not be getting them in a few days, but I hope they make him happy anyway. Thanks for posting this. If posting a christmas card all it takes to put a smile on a child's face, then I'm in! :)

  18. also: let us know if he got the record, okay?

  19. Did you see the article? This is him, right?

  20. Love this! Thanks for sharing Dalton's wish, Katy. I put my card in the mail right before Christmas. @themissymom, thanks for sharing the news article. Amazing!! Happy New Year to all.


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