
06 November 2012

V is for Vote & Vintage

We interrupt our regularly scheduled alphabet series to jump to the letter V!
I've had this VOTEVOTEVOTE ribbon for ages (yay ebay!) and whomever had it before me certainly had it for a while, so, I declared it vintage and knew that today was THE day that it needed to make a debut.  I was right.  I really couldn't wait another 4 years, could I?
Of course it was raining this morning as we went to take photos, but fortunately we happened to have a blue umbrella. You know me and color coordination.  Clover was distraught that she didn't have red, white OR blue shoes, (she's just as obsessed) but she doesn't really have room to complain with her expanding wardrobe, now does she?
I think she was more excited about this dress than any other, especially since her sisters have been talking non-stop about the election and voting.  She felt like she was a part of it all. She calls it her voting dress.
I was eeking out the last details last night of hand sewn button loops and the ribbon on the front and had it laying out for Clover when she woke up. Time to VOTE!
Not only is the ribbon vintage, but the pattern came from Ryan's mom (grateful she had it in her stash, even though she had 3 boys) and it just happened to be size 4!  Even then, I added 2 inches to the hem. 
The ribbon had a big black stain in the middle of the piece, so I couldn't use the entire thing, but made to look like a sash worked out nicely, reminds me of the Women Suffrage sash on Mary Poppins. :) 
Women for Votes!  Our daughter's daughters will adore us, as they sing in grateful chorus...
I think I'm going to have to combine letters H & I to catch up, but this.  This just couldn't wait.
Hooray for freedom to vote!


  1. this is just about the cutest thing i've ever seen!

  2. This just made my day! I can't imagine anything better for Election Day. Great job, Katy! And please tell Clover great job encouraging us all to get out and vote too. :) She is so precious!

  3. This dress is AWESOME! I might have to march around with my 3 year old to Mary Poppins today. :)

  4. This dress is gorgeous and I love how involved and excited so many kids are about the election. Love the ribbon and the star fabric and you always seem to pick the perfect buttons!

  5. Very, very cute! Our family is all dressed patriotically today (with a lot of campaign t-shirts on and red, white and blue) but nothing quite as cool as this.

  6. Not to mention hooray for getting it up on the blog just hours later!? LOVE the dress and Women for Votes sash. SO great!

  7. Fantatastic dress! Love the little tie at the collar and of course, that perfect ribbon! My little girl keep says vote, vote, vote, vote, vote!! all day long :)

    PS: Did you see this on Zulily today? Couldn't help but think of your "big Dills"

  8. That will be passed down for generations. Clover looks adorable!

  9. perfect. i absolutely adore this dress!

  10. A VICTORY! I wish I had one in my size. Thank you for sharing, made my day.

  11. I just love it! I hope you'll be out in public with Clover today! People would love to see that! Again, this is another dress I would like for you to make for me in my size ;-)

  12. Very cute! I'm surprised Clover would wear it, though, with the tight neck. My preschooler refuses to wear vintage patterns unless I cut the neckline bigger. That and lengthening are standard adjustments for me in vintage dresses. So many cute patterns, so little time! I usually end up cutting seam allowances off and either cutting the seam allowance off for the collar itself if it's wide, or measuring the new neck opening and then trace said collar and do a slash and spread to compensate. (1.5 inches seems to be the baseline.)

  13. WELL DONE! ;) I love that part of Mary poppins! Very cute dress!

  14. Clover is just a doll and the dress is amazing...I especially love the collar!

  15. Too cute not to comment! So great. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Adorable! You should bring her voting with you! My two girls went with me and they thought it was great!

  17. Adorable and absolutely perfect!

  18. Love it! And the Mary Poppins refrence. When I was little I watched it every day.

  19. Absolutely wonderful! Just love this dress. Your sash is perfect!! what a treat for her to have it (make sure you keep this one around for the granddaughters!!)

  20. that is by far the cutest thing ever!! i so wish i would have thought to dress my girls up this morning in red, white and blue before we went to the polls. my little girl was born 4 years ago on voting day:) shame on me for not thinking that one up:) but i will admit i was totally eyeing the red, white and blue polyester fabric that was hanging from the voting booths.

  21. Darling dress! It made me think of Mary Poppins when I first saw it too. Happy Voting Day.

  22. This could not be any more adorable.
    Your family will remember this sewing adventure forever. Love it!! Thanks for sharing. I await each new letter with great anticipation.

  23. Love it! And am sort of glad I'm not the only one with that song running through my head today!

  24. No, you certainly couldn't pass up this opportunity! It would be such a shame to make that ribbon sit for another four years.
    The dress came out so cute! Love all the little details. =) And I really love that you wrapped Clover's hair in stars... it's the perfect touch.

  25. I love the dress and Mary Poppins! So so cute. I am more than envious of your VOTE ribbon.

  26. I LOVE the VOTE dress! So adorable. Seriously, you are so creative. I wish you were my next door neighbor so I could always drop in and see what interesting project you're up to firsthand! :)

  27. Oh yes. I vote Katy Dill for pres.

  28. Jessica-haha! We would have a color coordinated country, but that's about it! ;)

    aubreyp--sure! swing by any time!

    Simple Simon--a score, right?!

  29. So cute Katy! I love that you used V for Vote today, perfect!

  30. Haha I second Jessica's nomination! If you can run a household of 6 Baby Dills, I think you can definitely run the country. Love this dress so much!! Well done, sister suffragette!

  31. This is so adorable and immediately made me think of Mary Poppins too!

  32. I love this dress! And it reminds me of Mary Poppins too. I knew I liked it for a reason, but didn't figure it out til I read the WHOLE post. :)

  33. I LOVE this!!! Great job, once again, Katy!

  34. If this doesn't inspire anyone to go out and vote, nothing will! Clover is so irresistible!!!

  35. ok, you outdid yourself! Such a perfect little model and a cute dress too!

  36. Perfection!! You are so clever! The ribbon immediately called to mind the suffragettes' sashes! Clover is yummy as usual!!

  37. Adorable & the best "get out the vote" ad I've ever seen! Yea for Voting! & well worth having to combine H & I for!

  38. LOVE the dress! Absolutely adorable!

  39. The dress and the girl are beautiful!

  40. Adorable dress (so well modelled too) and great message. My Great Grandmother was a suffragette, so not voting is not an option in our family. Not unless I want to hear about it at every family get together forever more!

    H and I - I wonder what it will be!

  41. What a cutie. I bet she did indeed get tonnes of people to vote.

  42. Oh Katy, you've out done yourself. Good for Claudette for having saved that pattern all these years!

  43. That is the most adorable dress, ever! I love Mary Poppins, and the sash immediately reminded me of her, too. Great job. :)

  44. Just love your creativity! What a blessing. Your daughter and her dress are adorable


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