
01 November 2012


I've got a couple of things coming up today!  First of all, Delia of Delia Creates is hosting a series this month: Soup of the Day.  It starts today and I'm sharing one of my favorites, Curried Cream-of-Cauliflower-and-Apple Soup!  Make sure to check it out and follow along for some new soup ideas as we get into the colder seasons :)

I also have a review post later today.  Just a few words on reviews.  I pick and choose my reviews carefully and only endorse products I truly believe in, so you know that my opinions are truly just that, genuine and my own.  The compensation helps to keep this blog afloat, since it does take a fair amount of time to put together posts.  Also, I'm saving my pennies to buy a family piano :)  The piano was my first love, before I started playing the harp (I'll tell that story one day) and I want to give my children the choice to love it, too.  All that to say, thank you for reading.  I love the interaction, support and positivity I find here when it's so easy to find the opposite in the world.
ps I am joining @ashleythalman's #thankfulnovember on instagram.  I'd love to see what brings you gratitude every day this month!


  1. Good for you for supporting your family! A piano sounds just dreamy. :)

  2. SO EXCITING!!!!!! :) The day I bought my piano was one of the best days ever. It's not super fancy or really all that nice but I love it. The lady I bought it from had hardly played it and the lady she bought it from also hardly played it. I'm sure I played it more in the first week than in its previous life.

  3. Just de-lurking to say that you absolutely should make money from your blog. :) And sometimes you help me find a product I love, so that's even better! I hope you get your piano someday!


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.