
14 November 2012

Martha Does it Again

I remember when I was in middle or high school and my parents were discussing Martha Stewart, trying to solve the riddle of her popularity and success, and this was when she was JUST a magazine and TV show. I think my mom hit the fancy, color coordinated thumbtack on the head when she said, Martha Stewart makes homemaking an art and something beautiful.

So true. 20 years later, and she's still at it but not just with crafting and baking. She has turned her creativity to the entire house, right down to filing those boring papers and labeling leftovers.

I received several products from her Martha Stewart Home Office™ with Avery™, and as it is with all things Martha, she makes them pretty.
Label your leftovers or fruit you've preserved or vegetables you've frozen; the kitchen labels are freezer and dishwasher proof, so you'll never have to wonder ... what is this and when did I make it?

And my to-do lists just got a whole lot prettier with her ORANGE notepad that even has little dots to check. it. off. (The real reason I make to-do lists, that satisfaction of that little X ... just something about it.)

This next product was an idea I was getting around to doing, but of course Martha beat me to it. Imagine that. I've been wanting to attach a file to the door going out into the garage for permission slips and other notes and homework that need to be signed and returned to school instead of getting left on the counter or elsewhere. They are easily seen, easily stored, and easily taken as little feet run out the door.
The Shagreen Pocket comes with adhesive or you can use the holes to attach it to a cork board. Genius.

The Martha Stewart Home Office with Avery line also includes some pretty Corner Lock High Capacity Document Sleeves that are closed on two sides but also include a little corner tab to keep the papers safely tucked in. I like that they're clear, so you can see what's inside, or you can use one of the labels to keep things straight.

She even makes calendaring pretty! That will be tucked in my purse with promises of being more organized next year.

She's even prettified the sticky notepad with the little corner cut-outs. If you're the color coordinating-buy-just-because-it's-cute type of person, you're going to love every single thing in the Martha Stewart Home Office with Avery line for coordinating everything office related to your heart's content. Nice. Make filing a joy? I'm on board.

Where do you find all these treasures? Staples! You can also browse (but not order) at the Avery site. While you're looking around, you can like Avery on Facebook as well.

Do you have any tricks to organizing your home office? Leave me a comment for a chance to win a $100 Staples gift card, courtesy of Avery and BlogHer! Wahoo!


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This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.

The Official Rules are available here.

This sweepstakes runs from 11/14/12-12/14/12.

Be sure to visit the Martha Stewart Home Office with Avery page on where you can read other bloggers’ reviews and find more chances to win!


  1. I have a file box with a folder for each month. I move the current month to the front and put it in the back once it has passed. I put invitations and ideas from magazines in the appropriate month and then they are ready when I need them. I also have a year round folder for things that are ongoing. I love Martha, thanks for the chance!

  2. I keep my home office organized by putting things in bins on the wall right above the computer. The I can sort the goods instead of cluttering up my desk.

  3. Does having a stack of papers so high that it keeps falling down count as a tip? My home office lacks all sense of organization. Which is why I really need that gift card!

  4. Are we being honest here;)? The real important things go on a walled bulletin board behind my computer so it's in view, the less important is in a stack to right of my desk so I can get to it "someday". Then I sort the big pile into three smaller piles... you might call it the shuffle method!

  5. My desk is an antique printers desk, with lots of little cubbies, slots and drawers, so it's easy to have a separate space for all my stuff. The best part, it closes up if I want to hide it all!

  6. I put all bills in a little divider in our cabinet for bills in the kitchen. Then I set a reminder on my phone for when the bill is due and when it needs to be sent out. We have an old Easter bucket for documents that need to be shredded later and a trash can for recyclable papers. It would be nice if it was super pretty though, but this still works for us. :-)

  7. I mostly have all my bills sent electronically, however, I have forms, permission slips and reminders from the kid's daycare that seem to get lost in the paper shuffle. I keep a colored folder on my computer desk so I know where to find them and return them back to school.

  8. lists are my only trick :) lots of lists.

  9. The best thing to help us remember to get things done is our big white board by the back door. This past summer I bought a Martha Stewart wall/window cling from Staples with the days of the week. My son really likes to know plans for a day or week, so he loved having it up there for him. Thanks for the chance to win!

  10. sticky notes, sticky notes, sticky notes. I have the paper kind and the digital kind everywhere with notes, reminders, to-do lists, and schedules. They keep me on track!

  11. No tricks just try to keep ahead of all the paper :)

  12. I'm totally challenged to be an organized person. This looks like a good start for me.

  13. I suppose we have an organizer that we put papers to be filed for each person, and then ultimately a filing cabinet. That's about as good as it gets.

  14. Your dad was so excited about these last week that he put me in the car and went to Staples. So cool. You make them look much cooler, I have to say.

  15. I am an organized brain trapped in the body of an unorganized woman. The more kids I add to my life, and the older I get I can't seem to figure out how to juggle it all. These things would help so much. Thanks for the chance.

  16. Oh I've spent many visits to Staples in the Martha Stewart section. I love that line. I used some of her lablels for the bins in our hall closet. Each one is designated for a different medical issue. It makes me happy to open the door and see everything perfectly organized. And the bins are fabric so they aren't see through, but the labels stick just perfectly! Love that even more!

  17. I think the biggest trick for my home office is to put things in their right place as soon as they come in the door. I waste so much time on the "paper stack" when I don't open the mail, look at school papers, etc. and immediately take action. It never hurts to have cute office supplies to motivate you to use them, too. :)

  18. BINS! and Containers that are labeled keep me organized, I love Ikea for this!

  19. I'm pretty boring, just your standard hanging folders but I've got big plans for binders with all my household info and checklists!

  20. Oooo fun! I was just looking at these the other day. I just reorganized my home office and this would be a perfect way to finish it off- thanks for hosting this!!!

  21. I love all things pretty when it comes to filing and be organized! Been eyeing the Martha Stewart line at Staples for quite a while!

  22. I'm addicted to my planner and to-do lists. I wouldn't be able to function without these posted everywhere. Some cute sticky notes would probably make my boyfriend dread them a little less too. ;)

  23. My tip is simply adding organzing to your busy schedule. Put paper filing on the to-do list and then you won't keep putting it off until you have a mountain of paper to sort, shred and store elsewhere.

  24. i wish... my home office needs some help. right now i need to remember to do it now! today am cleanin up again and leaving that not on my desk as a reminder!

  25. I was always so behind on filing when I tried file everything by type (Discover card statement in one folder, Visa in another, a third for bank statements etc.) Now I just have 12 folders labeled one per month. Any important paper just gets filed in the corresponding month's folder. It's pretty rare that I have to go back and look at these anyway, so even if I have to dig through a few months before finding the right one I'm still saving time/sanity overall.

  26. Here's a clue to my organization: at tax time I pull out a BIG box full of receipts, checks, and tons of various other things and must pull it all together to take to the lawyer. I dread it!

  27. To do list--
    in 4 categories

    All in one place. I love it. Thank you!

  28. I stack everything on top of the filing cabinet and hope that I decide to file before the pile slides off. I need help. I still carry a paper planner because I have not yet succumbed to a smart phone...

  29. I stay organized with my neverending to-do list, my 10 minute pick-up of the house before I head to bed and my phone calendar. I also LOVE my label maker. I coudn't live without my label maker!

  30. I keep as little as possible. That is pretty much my best trick to staying organized.

  31. I've got six boys, so I too have had a hard time keeping track of permission slips, order forms, game schedules, etc. I recently purchased a double hanging file and some pretty file folders; I put each kid's name on a folder, then stuff accordingly. Oh, I also have a folder marked school just for things that apply to all of them. :)

  32. I am so disorganized I mostly just have to act on every form, etc ASAP or I lose it. :) I need to work on it. :)

  33. i have a very close relationship with my label maker.

  34. This line is so beautiful. I am hopelessly addicted to sticky notes. It's the only way I can remember things!

  35. 4x6 index cards. I write notes to myself, grocery lists, to-do lists, sketches, etc. I try to use my phone's notepad, but I always go back to the paper lists.

  36. I organize it by making sure everyone in my home knows that there is a place for everything and everything in its place! (Helps also if little hands stay away from the drawers!!)

  37. My trick to organizing my home office? . . .don't let my hubby or kids anywhere near it! ;)

  38. I'm trying so hard to get organized... I'm not so hot at it. I have finally found a place for all of our mail and important papers, though. The trick was that it had to be out in the open and really accessible as you walked through the front door or my hubby would just throw it all on the counter... so on the side of our hanging cupboards, I nailed up a metal plate rack that I'd painted yellow to coordinate with our kitchen. Each slot which would normally hold a plate is a spot for something different - bills to pay, stuff for me, stuff for him, stuff to file, stuff to shred. So far it's been working... :)

  39. Envelopes (a variety of sizes) are my go to Ned's to be confined but not ready to file away, organizing system.

  40. For us it's all about the cork board. It's on the wall by the computer. Next to the calendar we tack the bills on one tack in order of due date. We also tack gift cards/certificates, odd ball non-grocery coupons and the like. Putting paperwork away as soon as it comes in the door is key to keeping the piles down. I also keep a separate file box for manuals. Sounds silly but it's been such a help cause they're always there and I don't have to spend an hour just trying to find the manual.

  41. My best "trick" is to throw away any sort of paper I do not need IMMEDIATELY after it comes home from school, work, church or the mailbox.

  42. Lovely! Who doesn't love making lists in order to check things off? :)

  43. I love being organized! Lists are my best trick. Trued & true.

  44. As soon as I look through my mail, I send all the junk mail to the recycle bin in my garage so that I don't introduce any unnecessary clutter to my home to four kids!

  45. I use accordion folders to hold all the piles and piles of mail. I love having insurance, but it is A LOT of paperwork. :)

  46. I will do anything to stay organized. TJ Maxx and Staples are grea sources for fun stuff.

  47. I have a plastic bin for each child labeled by school year. I put all the keepsakes in there. Made my life so much easier to keep on top of all the paper that comes through own home

  48. I have no tips for organization, but I am in desperate need of some! I love color coordinating office supplies!

  49. I just try to label everything and keep it tidy.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  50. The office is always a mess at my house. I try to organize everything by grouping it into separate areas for the office study, a homework area, and an area for my husband. By grouping, it is easier to find things because they should be in a specific area.

  51. My trick is to recycle any unwanted paperwork right away to reduce clutter and to keep folders & bins labeled for important paperwork.

  52. tweet


  53. We don't really have a home office. It is sort of just a desk in the corner of our bedroom. The closest we have to having it organized is all the papers in a large file box.

  54. Lots of lists, post-its, and piles. Organized piles that is. :)

  55. I have a desk that faces out into the room, so I keep a stack of books, that we actually use, stacked up behind the monitor to hide the ugliness!

  56. The only thing that keeps me organized is to take care of bills, documents, etc as soon as I get them. If I don't pay the bills and file the documents right away it all piles up and I'm hopeless! Hehe

  57. home office is as streamlined as possible, because it's in my dining room. I love those list pads!

  58. I try to file away bills as I pay them. It doesn't always work, but it helps things seem less messy... sometimes! :)

  59. I have a hanging file bin with folders for each bill, and one labeled for the current tax year. Makes tax time much less frustrating!

  60. I have a hanging file folder for important papers that need to be easily accessed. All other papers (like manuals for appliances) are in accordian files with cute stripes! I have clear bins to hold loose computer cables. There is a small letterholder for online coupons. I try to keep my desktop clear except for a cup full of pens & pencils and my desk calender.

  61. A shredder, so I can get rid of all the junk mail that comes in.

  62. i have no tips other than to put things back where i got them from. otherwise i would be lost.

  63. I try to deal with paper clutter daily so it won't get out of hand. Easier said than done! :)

  64. just last week i purchased martha's chalkboard labels. genius, i tell you!

  65. I love those hanging file boxes...coincidentally also from Staples. They are portable, and they actually look not dreadful, and hanging files really accommodate my way of thinking and resorting through all the stuff I've got stashed away...I'd love a prettier Martha version though!

  66. Well.I. need ALLof these because I am VERY disorganised! And ofcourse I love all the pretties

  67. recycle most mail as it walks in the door!

  68. Nice! File things right away. :)

  69. I have a magnetic bin on the side of my fridge for important papers like my son's school folder. It is great that is within reach but out of sight.

  70. I wish I had a way to organize anything in my house! I could really use one of those people that come to your house and makes everything look pretty!

  71. File papers in organized files as soon as you receive them so that you don't build up an unmanageable pile that is overwhelming! Thanks for a chance to win and have a great day!

  72. Making lists makes my mind lighter, so on busy days I rewrite the same list many times...hopefully on lovely papers

  73. I have a file where I save receipts of things I may need to return and things with warranties . Also, I always go through the mail over the recycling bin right after retrieving it so that junk mail never even gets saved in a pile.

  74. I have a somewhat-organized file system. It helps to have a place for everything. Hopefully I win so I can grab even more stuff to improve my system! Thanks!

  75. I have absolutely no tricks - my home office is so crazy messy! I need help... help from Martha! :)

  76. I have loved Martha since high school! I also ve office supplies. This contest is a match made in heaven ;)

  77. My "trick" is to throw everything into baskets and drawers so that it's hidden from sight!

  78. I don't have any great tricks except keeping my sweet boys out of the room or my pens and scissors seem to disappear. :)

  79. only touch things once- put them where they belong right away!

  80. Hmmm... I think the best thing I do is throw as much paper away as soon as I possibly can. I don't keep envelopes from opened mail around or extra advertisements that come inside of a bill.

  81. My trick is to not have as much stuff to organize ;) Thanks for the chance to enter the giveaway!

  82. no tricks, just lots of filing boxes....could use label for them though

  83. I think I might just have a slight obsession with office supplies... and pretty supplies? YES! Count me IN!!!

  84. We have a few clips with strong magnets attached to the back of our metal front door. This is where I keep my keys and any important documents that need to go out the door.

  85. I need everyone else's organizing tips. Lol! Thanks for the opportunity to win.=)

  86. I try and deal with paperwork right when it comes in the door. If that doesn't happen, I try to get to the bottom of any piles before the month is up!

  87. I use labels to keep things organized.
    tcarolinep at gmail dot com


  89. You just can't go wrong with Martha. So very cute.

  90. I go through my papers every week to reduce clutter.

  91. I tweeted:

  92. I don't think I have any tips. I need all the organizational help I can get!

  93. I use folders and labels to keep my home office organized


  95. I have no tricks. But I do think that if I had colorful, new office supplies, I would be more motivated to organize!

  96. I actually just bought some Avery labels to make personalized bookplates for my kids for stocking stuffers for Christmas. I'm using the ones that are 6 to a sheet.

  97. I use folders/office supplies that are pretty...because they inspire me to actually use them :)
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  98. Big SIGH!!! I would love to be organized! :0)

  99. I use lots of folders to attempt to keep myself organized! But you can always be more organized! Love these!

  100. I keep baskets with labels on the shelf.

  101. No organization tips here...I need all of the help I can get!

  102. I use lots of plastic totes to keep everything sorted!

    chambanachik at gmail dot com

  103. I don't really have any tricks for organizing my home office. I do try to eliminate clutter whenever it starts to get bad.

  104. I try to keep documents in electronic form to have less physical clutter. I love the hanging folders, they look great and can save space. Thanks for the review and giveaway.
    songyueyu at gmail

  105. tweet:
    songyueyu at gmail

  106. No one wants my tips because my home office is a disaster! I could definitely stand to print off the comment section of this post for some pointers.

  107. my trick? read mail the day it comes.

  108. I have some of those food labels (not designed by MS) & I really really like them. I'd love some pretty ones!

  109. I wish I had a brilliant tip to how to stay organized,..but in all honesty I am still trying to figure that out. I would love to win this to get me started! ;)

  110. I have a stack of papers/bills/mag. articles etc on a plastic file bin, bowing from the weight. I don't think my system is going to win any awards.

    I think staples and I can do some damage together, though.


  111. My trick is to store items in clear containers. It says me a lot of time, plus I know whats where. projectgadabout at gmail dot com

  112. Thanks so much for the giveaway! You are such an inspiring person in so many ways! Warmly, Cameron

  113. Organization is a matter of the heart:
    The Organized Heart- A women's guide to conquering chaos
    Really great book!!! Hope I win ;)

  114. I have been lusting after the MS Collection since I saw them advertised in a magazine. They would add to my somewhat obsessive organizationl skills! I need to get to a Staples!

  115. Gotta say, I am not very organized. Everything goes in a stack! Would love this!
    Evin5 at aol dot com

  116. scan everything - then toss!!

  117. tweet

  118. I have a box in the kitchen with accordion file with categories. It's really helped to have one place for all incoming mail to be placed. Once a week or so I go thru my pockets and pay or file the information. (I can't believe how long it took me to fix this up - for a couple of years the mail was loose all over the house!)

    Next to the computer I have a notebook where I write notes to remind me of bills paid and things I need to do. Especially during big projects that helps.

  119. It was exactly one year ago that a Church poster assignment took me to Staples, and I was lost for so long in awe of the Martha isles. For SO LONG. I can't think of anything much better than a $100 gift card for these items. Especially because I have no tricks! Since moving into our new place, all paper work is piled and stashed behind the roll-top of the desk Ben made in high school. It is an ongoing "to-do" to organize it.

    Sigh! (can you really sigh with an exclamation point?)



  121. My trick to organizing my home office is to have most of my things file away and store electronically.

    amy [at] utry [dot] it

  122. tweeted:

    amy [at] utry [dot] it

  123. I have a few baskets I put everything it but its really not organized

    pokergrl8 at

    pokergrl8 at

  125. I use a small file cabinet and folders to try and keep organized

  126. Tweeted

  127. I use baskets for keeping things in their place.
    MCantu1019 at aol dot com

  128. I'm not the most organized person - I do go through my big paper pile once a week and try to sort and arrange it. These tools would help a lot!

  129. tweeted:

  130. My biggest tip is to put things back after you are done with them. This is so simple, yet so effective.

    wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com

  131. tweet--

    wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com

  132. Keep like with like -- all pens together, all printer supplies together, etc. Always keep scissors, hole puncher, tape, etc. in the same place so you don't have to go looking for them.

  133. i put things away right after im using them. it def helps.


  135. my tip for organzing my office is to type in post it ntoes and little reminders and notes into a documenr on your PC so you cansearch and find it. lookingthrough piles and piles of scribbled notes does not work. if appropriate sort the notes by date as a reminder file.

    hlee99 (at) gmail (dot) com

  136. tweet

    hlee99 (at) gmail (dot) com

  137. I have no tricks - which is why I really could use some organization products!

  138. The biggest thing for us is putting things away as soon as we're done. When we don't, things really start to pile up...
    alyssabpittman at gmail dot com

  139. My biggest trick is to get rid of as much paper as possible. If I can do it on my PC in electronic/digital form, then my desk stays much much neater!
    14earth at gmail dot com

  140. I tweeted here:
    14earth at gmail dot com

  141. I use different file folders for Bills to pay, different categories for filing receipts and statements, and a basket that contains my calculator, stamps, envelopes, and the checkbook (when we're not using) so everything is together

  142. I don't have any hints. In fact, I need all the help I can get. I think these tools would really help.

    willitara [at] gmail [dot] com

  143. Tweet -

    willitara [at] gmail [dot] com

  144. I don't have any tricks. I don't let things get cluttered.

    rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

  145. I use clear totes of identical size all stacked neatly and labelled from floor to ceiling (several stacks) in alphabetical or chronological order...whichever is the Proper method. I LOVE Martha Stewart and I have now added you to my list of blogs to follow!

  146. Clear totes stacked and labelled.
    I LOVE Martha!


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