
09 November 2012

Christmas Help

So admit it.  You're already planning Christmas.  And if you're not, at least you're thinking about it.  I won't name names, but someone might have scoffed when they saw Christmas gifts hidden in the closet a couple of months ago.  Never too early! which is usually not my motto, at least it's not reflected in my actions because I have mastered the art that is procrastination, but I am always trying to do better.  Here's a little help for you, too.  My parents always get super busy the closer it gets to Christmas, making their stars.  And boy, do they have some fun, new ones this year, like the peppermint candy, Handel's star, AND PLAID!  Now is the time.  Here's their latest newsletter, just arrived:
Fun, right?!  I'm not sure what I was in the middle of saying in the photo, but certainly something that couldn't wait one second more.  At least my eyes are open.  Oh, that photo wasn't about me?  Okay. Shop here.

ps these make the perfect teacher's gifts, and you can have them personalized with names, dates, or quotes!

pps have you entered the $100 giftcard giveaway here?


  1. This is a really great idea. When I used to live in a little hip, thriving downtown, I always made sure to avoid the big boxes and do all my Christmas shopping downtown. Now that I live in the middle of no where, maybe I'll do all my Christmas shopping on etsy!

  2. Ever since I saw their stars here, I have been funneling all my birthday money into their shop. I have 5 of their beautiful stars hanging in my kitchen and they make me smile every time I see them!!

  3. LOVE these stars! so perfect! if only I didn't already owe my own dad £100....:)xo

  4. You have the most beautiful family! Love the new stars!

  5. Love the new stars! You look lovely Katy, talking or not. =)

  6. Ooh, I love the stars! Thanks for the link - I've now favorited several for future purchase :)

  7. I wanted to share since everyone liked the pants drummer had on here is a zulilly link

  8. I bought a couple for my impossible-to-shop-for MIL last year and they were a huge hit. And I'm happy to say that a Piggy-and-Dirt star tops our tree since last year!


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.