
23 October 2012

The Rumor is True

Rumor has it, rumor has it (are you singing now?) that I've joined instagram.  
And it's true!  
I've finally joined the instagram party and loving it.  Ryan might say it's an addiction, but I'm in the honeymoon stage, right?  So, the novelty will wear off, right?  And I won't feel the need to document every little thing, right?  Right.
It's like the party I didn't know I was missing.  Mostly you'll find random photos of our days around here, not always pretty.  I'm @nobigdillkaty if you're looking for me.  So fun, this instagram stuff.  Are you holding out, or have you succumbed, too?  Come say hi, all you succumbers!


  1. I felt the same way when I joined!!! Like one giant get-together that I had no idea I was missing out on! I am completely inst-addicted. I now look like my husband normally does with my phone - so sad. But I am loving it!

    Love your photos - as always.


  2. nope. doesn't wear off. i don't facebook, and this is why. instagram has me in it's lomofied claws.

  3. I want in on the party! But, I'm the only person in the universe that cannot figure out how to sign up! harumph. But, when I do I will totally follow you!

  4. :-( I can't seem to find you


  5. :-( I can't seem to find you


  6. How fun! I'm still in the dinosaur age of cell phones. :(

  7. I use it to take a picture a day of something i'm thankful for. I'm @emmieb78

    have you discovered diptic, yet? it's a separate app that lets you make collages in instagram. it's equally addictive.

  8. I was the same way!! It really is a party! It's a lovely way to share life, a lot easier for me than blogging.

  9. Instagram is addictive! I love the second shot you got there, on the beach - it's great!

  10. Yay!
    So pleased to see you on Instagram...
    Yes it's totally addictive...
    No the addiction doesn't fade...

    Your blog photos are so amazing I can't wait to see all the Instagram ones! There's a photo op around every corner and you'll find yourself thinking,
    "wow I need to instagram that"
    often... very often!!!

    from Little White Dove

  11. Sorry to say it doesn't really wear off! At least not for me. I force myself not to look until it's convenient for my family because I get addicted. :)I am SOOOO happy you're on now though! Love, love, love all your pictures.

  12. I just jumped in too. i held off because I thought it would be another social media commitment and time drain but instead I find it is a great waysharing a different side of my creativity. Im sewcountrychick

  13. nice post :)
    your blog has great design!

  14. How fun!! I just got my first "fancy" phone this summer that has texting/camera/etc so yes, I joined on the Instagram bandwagon too :)

  15. Oh my excited..I'm hooked on IG..its taken over from my love of facebook completely ...

    Just added you kelzajd if wanna check me out :-)..

  16. I love instagram! My daughter uses instagram as well, it makes it easier for me to watch what she's doing during the day! haha I am katrine_squibsandcrackers on instagram.

  17. Fun! I am @lisabright5

    ps-- those eyelashes!!

  18. Wrong! I'm almost 3000 instagrams in and show no sign of slowing. Glad you've succumbed!


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