
05 July 2012

Independence: Honored.

Turns out Clover's not a fan of pyrotechnics,

neither big (she covered her ears and cried as she ran inside),
nor small (wouldn't get near the sparklers),
which is absolutely fine, 
because she's quite a little firecracker all on her own.
I teased with the pediatrician at her last appointment that she is our most self sufficient child, whether we want her to be or not.  She is going to achieve whatever her little heart is set upon because she is determined, smart, and quick, (not to mention a tooth gapped cutie) a winning combination if there ever was one.
The weather cooperated beautifully, 
Drummer ate his first fist full of sand,
we learned how to write with sparklers, which ups the level of sparkling fun by several notches,
enjoyed company of friends,
homemade pizza,
and a special red, white, and blue concoction á la Olive.
We quizzed the kids to see if they knew exactly what we were celebrating.  They knew the who, the where, and the why, but not the when.  Not bad.
Grateful for this country.


  1. Beautiful pictures, as always. I don't comment as often on anyone's blogs these days, but I still read and appreciate all your posts, katy!

  2. Lovely July 4th pics! Very festive & patriotic! Nice job w/ the "sparkler-writing" pics.....they turned out soooo Cool! And I know the pic w/ all 6 kids was a feat in itself :)

  3. Miss you and your adorable kids!

  4. Love seeing those kids! Avery doesn't like fireworks, either, interesting.

  5. that last photos is just lovely. well they are all gorgeous actually.

  6. ti seguo sempre,ma non commento spesso. eppure,ogni volta che vedo la tua famiglia splendida mi innamoro,e ne vorrei fare anche io altri 5! per ora c'è solo diego,4 anni e 1/2,che vale per 3!

  7. Awesome photos! Adorable children! Love the patriotic sunglasses and swim suites. The sparklers were way cool. Very cool post.

  8. Well my comments petered, but I still have been able to catch up a bit.

    On this one I just wanted to say we discovered the take pictures of writing stuff with sparklers activity, and you're right, "which ups the level of sparkling fun by several notches." Nailed it!


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