
02 July 2012

For the Birds

I've been thinking a lot about blessings this week.  I read Stephanie Nielson's book, Heaven is Here, and Kelle Hampton's book, Bloom.  Either one of those will give you a booster shot of positivity and gratitude, but read them both in the same week and you might feel like you're the luckiest gal in the galaxy.
I sure do.
Quite honestly, after reading Stephanie's book, I felt guilty for even contemplating complaining about absolutely anything, and feel so spoiled to have fingers that can play the harp, legs that can pedal a bicycle, the simple ability to reach the top shelf to get the brown sugar down for cookie making with Pearl, ironing Ryan's work pants, folding all those miniature clothes, changing another diaper, taking a shower by myself, sweeping the kitchen floor, again, getting a decent night's sleep, my children coming to me for help.
Some of these things I take for granted being able to do and sometimes complain about or get annoyed doing.
Complain less,
savor life more, 
enjoy the affection of Azure more, 
the funny, but mischievous nature of Clover, 
the pure joy Olive radiates, 
Pearl's constant need to know what the treat menu is going to be for the day, 
Divine's obedience, 
Drummer's absolute, utter adoration of me, 
and Ryan's deliberate-ness and nurturing nature,
I'm not promising another complaint will never come from my lips,
but a big dose of perspective is sometimes a whole lot more healing than any prescription.
No offense to my fine feathered friends, but complaining is for the birds.


  1. I had a similar experience after reading 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp. A year and a half later, it's still stuck with me. In our family, we like to remind ourselves that many of our problems are first-world problems. The 'first world problems' YouTube video made us laugh.

  2. Beautiful post. I too read Bloom and it gave me the same feelings.. thank you for the reminder of how blessed I am.

  3. What a lovely post, Katie! So very well said. I always love your beautiful photos spread throughout your sweet words :) Thanks for the food for thought tonite! I needed it today as I was frustrated with my kiddos.
    PS: I especially love the photo of you on the pretty!

  4. Yep Katy I think so too...
    I read both books in a matter of days and not only was I incredibly proud of them both, but I was overcome by the need to do less ungrateful ...and live everyday a little fuller...if that's possible with 5 children, cause my days are quite full already..but we go on adventures a whole lot more...:-)))))

  5. Oh Katy, your posts have just been perfection lately. As I sit late at night thinking of how much I hate bed rest, your post really makes me change my tone to be grateful that the little miracle of life growing inside of me is healthy and doing great, so a little bed rest should be great. Will I go the rest of the pregnancy without complaining? likely not but at least I can try to remember how blessed I am, and to change my perspective a bit. Thank you for your truly inspired post :)

  6. So true. I remember going through a tough time that left me feeling pretty bitter. I started visiting my mom at her work at a school for kids with developmental disabilities, and suddenly all my problems seemed utterly ridiculous. Thanks for the reminder. :-)

  7. Your photographs are soooo lovely and uplifting! Thanks for sharing.

  8. I haven't read much of anything in years, lol, but I have thought a lot about this very thing lately. I find myself needing to be more thankful and enjoying my life more. Thank you for the reminder and the fabulous photos! Happy photos are equally inspirational!

  9. Beautiful post and beautiful photos! I think it's only human to wish things were better even when life is great, and it's easy to lose perspective when you're not faced with a gut check like you just were. Thank you for the gut check. :)

  10. Thank you for opening my eyes!

  11. I just ordered "Bloom". Thank you for the suggestion. I'm in a new place, trying to accept my daughter's challenges, and step off the warpath to change her. 6 years of non-stop therapies and meds and doctors, and now? Now we're all ready for a break and a shot at embracing and enjoying Sara, just as she is. I can't wait to read this book!

  12. Thank you, Katy. Beautiful with beautiful images to boot!

  13. Amen. I try to keep that in mind especially in my work environment (teaching). There is so much to be thankful for.

  14. Thank you. My heart and my children needed this today. And I always love to see your beautiful family.

  15. love this post. love the bike photo. and you're right - complaining IS for the birds!

  16. Beautifully said! Wishing you and your family a wonderful 4th.

  17. A timely reminder to be thankful, and as always, beautiful pictures to illustrate.

  18. I haven't read Bloom, but I read Kelle's birth story post from her blog. I also had a child with Down syndrome and I felt like I lived every single nanosecond of her birth story. I swear, even though my child is older than hers and even after having read it about 15 times, I cry. She's such a moving storyteller. I'm so glad people are reading her book! I really have to get around to reading it one of these days.

    And thanks for the reminder to count my blessings!

  19. I have both of those books on my wish list in Amazon...and I'm on the waiting list at the library. Hopefully I can read them soon because I love both their blogs! Great post!!!

  20. Lovely.

    I just adore that dress on Azure. Can't wait to get me girls in their very own! And ruffle skirts? Yes please!

  21. Thank you for this - Bloom is going on my reading list. I had a very complain-y day yesterday (13 hours in the car can do that to a person) but am in the right space to receive your message. Thanks!


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