
14 June 2012

The Post in Which I Thank You and Drummer Cleans the Window

I really wasn't fishing for compliments when I asked you to leave a comment for the serger giveaway.  Honestly.  But, boy, your flattery sure made me feel loved, and that I want to keep doing this blogging thing.  I told Ryan that I'm heading straight to that post when I'm feeling unmotivated, a bit of a cheer-me-up.  He said, after reading some of the comments, Katy, I can't believe you even have your own acronym!  You're amazing!  So, thank you for all the honey sweet words you sent my way.  Even if it was for a chance to win a serger.  I will believe you are altruistic.

Emma will be pressing the pedal to the metal with the DreamStitcher 787.  
Congratulations, Emma.
And with that, we close chapter 3 of Once Upon a Thread.  Thank you to all my guests, generously sharing your ideas and talents.  Thank you to those who played along and shared photos in the OUT Flickr group.  It kind of makes me giddy to see you being inspired as well.  Keep up the great projects.  It's been delightful, inspirational, amusing, lots of work (not just me), and just plain fun.

Meanwhile, I'm feeling ready to create after organizing and moving my fabric into my sewing studio.  

It's been residing in my closet, which also acts as Drummer's place of slumber, so a rather inconvenient location when he's asleep and I'm itching to get some sewing done.
It was one of those projects that I lament not taking a before picture, but I just dove right in, madly purging and organizing, that there was no time to interrupt the energy that was flowing.  Ask Ryan, if you interrupt me, chances are I will lose steam or forget what I was doing (or saying).  I need a sign (or a necklace?) around my neck DO NOT INTERRUPT.
I might be embarrassed about how much fabric I have, but I got rid of some, and most pieces I can tell you the story of how they were acquired, so it was fun to go through.  I also might share a picture if you won't judge. 
I won't bore you with acquisition details unless you want to come over and we'll sip frothed chocolate milk and eat some of Ryan's coconut/raisin/nut/something else cookies, while we sit on my orange rug tiles, running our fingers over wefts and weaves.  In which case, I would totally indulge you.
And!  Can you believe, these photos were taken while I was working on Pearl's Dress With a Hole dress, and now he's got 6 of the cutest little chompers?!  Love those chubby hands pressed against the window.  Yes.  We have a window inside our house.  It's so I can see every mischievous act that goes on and decide whether or not I want to interfere.  Sometimes I'll just knock on the window, shake my head, and point.  Or sometimes we use it as a drive-through, ordering snacks.

Threads clipped.
Buttoned Up.
The End.


  1. Lucky Emma! Congrats! :D And those pictures are adorable.

  2. Congrats to Emma! :) I would love to see your fabric stash and promise not to judge. I have a ridiculous stash though most of it's in the dungeon (crawl space) since our townhouse is on the market.

  3. Your baby is adorable. I have twin nephews around the same age and i am completely smitten with them. Those sweet little BOYS. Im so glad you got your boy!
    But alas, I couldnt help but notice the interesting orange disk flower shapes in the corner of each photo. Whatever that thing is, i love it.

  4. Six teeth! Wowza. Hope you didn't lose sleep over them!

    Wish I could lounge on your floor and dig through your fabric with you, listening to your fabric stories. Sounds delightful.

    I can't believe OUT is over! I was just thinking the other day, that I can't believe I've participated in two OUTs and I haven't done Owen by Kevin Henkes! That was/is one of Owen's favorite books. I hope you do it again and ask me (blink, blink) so I can make him a fuzzy yellow handkerchief. :) You've started something addictive. I don't think any of us can get enough of these literary sewing adventures!

  5. ok that's hilarious. Esp the one with the top gums smushed up against the glass.

  6. Congrats to Emma!

    And yes, please do share stash photos =) No judging shall commence from my end.

  7. would love to come sit on your orange tiles and sip frothed choco milk...simply to look at drummer allll day...he is a cutie...not that the girls arent worth a look or two or more...but drummer is just drummer...hugs

  8. Did you make that shirt Drummer is wearing? It is so cute. I would love to make a shirt for my son like that but he is 6...any tutorial would be awesome!

  9. Don't Fret--It's a wooden jewelry holder that I spray painted orange, but just look at it. :)

    And you're all invited over to play with fabric!

    Melinda--No, another one from Kate Quinn off of Zulily. Send me an email if you want an invite. Almost everything I don't make I get from there for him.

  10. Ok, I just want to tell you that we gush about your blog and all it entails in earnest, and not just to get stuff. Seriously. And little D cracks me up!!!!

  11. You ARE amazing, and Drummer is the cutest! Love the tongue. :P

  12. I died a little bit when I pulled up the page and saw that Emma won the surger.... and then I remembered that this Emma forgot to enter! :( Sad day!!! Oh well. Congrats to the *other* Emma!!! :D Happy Sewing!!

  13. Can't wait to come over and listen to your fabric stories ;) I don't have a huge stash, but most of them have stories too. I love your window cleaner. So cute!

  14. So its the number of children, maybe? Or maybe we just have a lot of coincidences...little Ms. E just finally, FINALLY made the leap from our closet to a proper crib in the girls' room.
    One year old last month...boy its good to have that closet back. I still get excited every time I go in and don't have to climb over a playpen. :-)
    Here's hoping you get you closet back sooner rather than later too. :-)

  15. P.s.--so glad to know we aren't the only crazies who public ally admit to utilizing a closet as sleeping space. Hehehe

  16. oh i saw this one too! i wasn't as absent as i thought!

    and yes, i love stories about where stuff came from. i would GLADLY join in on that rug/froth/cookie scenario.


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