
27 June 2012

Pin Worthy

I'm hard on myself.  I think most mothers and women in general are.  Standing in line at the grocery store: my house doesn't look like that, my hair never falls just that way, my abs certainly don't even resemble that.
And now we have pinterest.  I can guarantee my nails are never ever pin worthy.  My hair probably isn't either.  Let's not even talk about abs.  My ankles might.  I do have nice ankles.
I also have some pretty boisterous, happy (not all the time, mind you!), fun-loving girls, one Adorable boy, and the love-of-my-life who don't really care about all that.  
They're happy with a quick bike ride for burgers, fries, and an ice cream.  Ice cream is supposed to be buy one get one free when it rains, but I couldn't convince the guy that the few raindrops evidenced on my camera were sufficient. 
So, we splurged.
Do not think for a moment that my life here is perfect, full of perfect sewing adventures, perfectly behaved children and nary a thread of contention.  Nor does it have to be, nor should it be.  
We would remain in a state of plateau-ness, which is awfully nice to be able to catch one's breath and munch on carefully packed snacks, but then one grows weary of the same view and it is time to move on and up.
But, nobody is perfect.  Perhaps we will imagine those perfectly manicured-ombre-colored nails never doing something of worth, like climbing to the next peak with a view even more spectacular than the last.  
I will say that I took everyone with more than 6 teeth to the dentist last week without one single cavity to report.  As our sweet dentist commented, that's over 100 teeth you have to get clean each night, that's a lot of teeth!
So.  I'm mentally pinning that.


  1. I love the idea of mental pinning. It's such a great reminder that we do amazing things every day we're raising kids and we rarely give ourselves enough credit!

  2. No cavities! Well done! Two things: 1) I bet your abs are awesome. 2) What is up with all the nail color pins?

  3. Wow to the no cavities! We took my eldest this month and he had two! It's great to step back from all the pins and amazing pictures on blogs and see the fantastic stuff around you. It's so easy to forget that photos on blogs/magazines/pinterest....etc aren't everyday real life.

  4. Cute.

    We go next week to the dentist (with over 100 teeth as well) and I am so hoping for the same result!

    I'm trying really hard to not look lustfully at other people's lives and just live my own.

  5. Nice perspective. I spend too much time on Pinterest

  6. You have 6 kids...if you get dressed in the morning it's pinworthy :)

  7. Congrats on no cavities!!! Love your braids and pictures. :)

  8. All those teeth and no cavities? I'd take a picture and really pin that one. Forget the picture perfect life it isn't worth living, or so I hear. Your's sounds good to me.

  9. I just had a filling yesterday - congrats to no cavities! I love you you're REAL - that's one of the reasons why I love your blog so much!!!

  10. bless you Katy for posting this. :) I needed this today...this week.

  11. I love your posts like this! As a mom of four little boys, it always makes me feel better :) We went to the dentist last month, and the only one with cavities was me. Oops

  12. I love it when the awesome bloggers I follow post pieces like this. Totally makes me feel better about life! Your family is beautiful!

  13. Thanks so much for this awesome post. I'm getting off my computer now and going to go play with my kids. I might even clean something... if I want. :)

  14. its really a pick-me-up to read your a big thanks from the bottom of my heart (my late grandfather used to write that on each and every card he ever sent me..)
    hugs coming your way

  15. As for your house not looking like "that"... I work in magazine publishing, with several of the titles you see in line at the grocery store, and I can tell you NO house looks like that. What you see in print is either created in the studio, or styled for two/three hours before the first pictures are taken. Same with the perfect hair. No one can actually do their own hair and make up that was on their own.

  16. I love that you remind everyone that pobody is nerfect. Oh! I mean nobody is perfect ;) We as mothers often need a little reminder in that department, made my day, thanks Katy!
    PS. I am totally jealous of you right now in that photo with the girls on either side of you, with your gorgeous skin and piggy tail plaits you could pass as the older sister!!!
    Em xx

  17. Well said Katy. I couldn't agree more.

  18. @Strawberry Momma is keepin' it real too. Thank you both! So important for us to remember.

  19. I love all these comments! I think I have the best readers. And good to know, @Strawberry Momma. We'd all need a troupe of stylists following us around :)

  20. manicure for me is the garden hose on stream to wash away all the garden dirt.

  21. Loved this post and the one about your fantastic park outing (and your van's farewell). As pretty as all the sewing projects were, I've missed reading posts about your gorgeous girls (and boy)!

  22. It only takes a couple of kids, let alone six, to have perfection fly out the window. I will take the mess any day! Thanks for the inspiration.

  23. I love that last shot! I love all of them, really, but the details are just so great of the grease on her leg, the shoes, the cool tire. Let alone the composition! Where is this come-on-a-rainy day place? Peanuts like FIVEguys, but outdoor like Rita's...

    ALSO, I'm ashamed to say, I remembered this morning that I haven't been to your blog since about when Silas was born! I guess I assume everyone else's blog drought applied to you too? :)

    Anyway, to make up for it, I'm determined to comment on everything. (Thanks to the boys who are being remarkably low-maintenance for this first long comment...) Also perhaps to make up for not being able to come down last week—this shall be my Dill interaction fix.

    Much love,

    ♥ ♡ ♥

  24. I love that last shot! I love all of them, really, but the details are just so great of the grease on her leg, the shoes, the cool tire. Let alone the composition! Where is this come-on-a-rainy day place? Peanuts like FIVEguys, but outdoor like Rita's...

    ALSO, I'm ashamed to say, I remembered this morning that I haven't been to your blog since about when Silas was born! I guess I assume everyone else's blog drought applied to you too? :)

    Anyway, to make up for it, I'm determined to comment on everything. (Thanks to the boys who are being remarkably low-maintenance for this first long comment...) Also perhaps to make up for not being able to come down last week—this shall be my Dill interaction fix.

    Much love,

    ♥ ♡ ♥

  25. oops. sorry i posted twice. i see you now have to approve. you can just disapprove these last two ;)

  26. OK, no wonder i'd seen all those! :( somehow i skipped WAY BACK to even before silas was born. i bet it was cohen who somehow got up to the computer while i was changing the 2nd blow-out of the day after which we promptly got into the shower/bath—the three of us.


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