
11 June 2012

OUT Chapter 3: YOU!

You guys have been working hard!  It looks like I'll be taking (yet another) trip to the library.  They love it when I max out all our library cards (50 items each, you know) and then forget to bring back a whole bunch.  The way we look at it, we're keeping them in business with all our late fines.

The Oliver Jeffers books were a hit this time around, we even went to the library and loaded up on them.  Very fun.  This is Jessica's (Me Sew Crazy) interpretation.  You can just tell they're good friends.
The Little Golden Books are always a good source for cute little girl retro outfits.  I'd love to dress all my girls in something inspired by these, like Refugee Crafter made.
Erin made a little pajama pillow for her daughter to stuff her pjs in based on the Lola book I Will Not Go to Bed, adding scenes from the book to the pillow.
 Without Directions came up with a fun little pair of corduroy's, pocket included, of course.
Liza Jane Sews came up with an interpretation of a drawing for the book Lion's Lunch? which is spot on!  I love the upside down heart nose.
Chelise made this stunning frock, and I love how she played with the stripes.  I think that would be a hit in big "girl" size, too!

Another Corduroy!  Yes, bybido made both the bear and the Lisa doll.  They couldn't look any more realistic, right?
You can tell this is one of the little mushroom children from the book Children of the Forest, made by Michelle :)
She also made this for her cutie red-head, based on the book The Sun Egg, which makes me want to run to the library to check out pronto.  She even has the matching red hair!
I love the subtle draw of inspiration from Frederick done by Roubidou, and a book with a great moral.
Andrea made a sweet, simple dress using Dana's Warhol dress.  I love the little jellyfish!
nurse nancy
And I love the simplicity of this one, especially because I actually have a friend we call Nurse Nancy!

Well done, everyone!  Be sure to check out the rest of the projects in the OUT flickr group!  So many of you have worked hard to play along, and I love the inspiration flying all over the place.  I have a couple more things lined up and then we will close this chapter of Once Upon a Thread.


  1. Love these!! :) Great job everyone!

  2. Wow! Amazing projects. I am sincerely awe struck at the talent of those who participated!

  3. Inview those fines as supporting my local library! My husband thinks it is ridiculous. What does he know? :)

  4. Oh oh! You should do a mini series of people doing outfits based ont heir kids drawings! That would be so fun!

  5. Aww Katy - it was such a fabulous series, as always. I am always so inspired seeing what you and your guests come up with. True artists.

    Thanks for showing off my pic :)

  6. Katy: As always, the creativity sparked by your OUT project is really wonderful. Thanks for the fun starting point to inspire us all!

  7. SO many great projects! Thanks so much, Katy, for organizing this wonderful series! I finally managed to finish mine, and I am quite proud of it, if anything at least because I did it with a newborn :). I just uploaded it to the flickR group.

  8. Oh! Oh! They are all lovely! But I think my favorites is the retro inspired dress by Refugee Crafter! That dress looks darling on the little girl pictured. And the stripey frock by Chelise is fab. You are totally right; I'd love that dress for ME.

  9. OUT is the best series ever! Loved seeing all the great projects. Thanks for putting my picture here!

  10. no wonder you keep doing this once upon a thread. is it so fulfilling to have inspired all this creating? SO cool katy. like even in the eternal scheme of things. i love the golden books dresses, i love the boy and penguin, i love the stripey dress, the dall/bear duo is immaculate, the yellow/grey dress is the cutest ever and i want it. and it's all blossoms from your seeds! yay everyone.


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