
13 June 2012

OUT Chapter 3: The Scribbling Book

I told Ryan this might be my most favorite project I've sewn up to date, right there with the O Pop dress.  He was surprised.  Really? he said.  A simple linen frock, but it's all about the details, which add a bit of whimsy.  There weren't even any buttons (I know!) but it was one of those projects where the picture in my mind and what came through the sewing machine were almost completely aligned, making me smile and nod my head.
So.  Another Hervé Tullet book.  The Scribble Book.  Which.  I adore.  I wanted to plop down on the floor with Azure, slide her over with a little elbow action and commandeer the whole scene.  But, I try to be a good mom, so I let her do the drawing.  Mostly.
My tutorial for the scribbling is over at Design Mom today!  Which is high flattery for me, because Gabrielle is always in the know of the best who, what, and where. I think she has a sixth sense. 
My spring board for this project came from this Japanese pattern book.  
It was originally a shirt, but I made a few changes.  I:
• lengthened the bodice a few inches
• added a little pleated skirt, making a small 1/2" pleat every 3"
• took out the back neck slit and put in a zipper
For more information on using a Japanese pattern book, I have a tutorial here.
I also gave it a nice hefty hem, so I can let it down if Azure happens to shoot up this next year.  People mistake Clover and her (she?) as twins, even with their 2 year difference, so she might be crossing her fingers for just that.
Meanwhile, she can easily get away with scribbling, happily so.
See?  Happy toes.  Toes don't lie.

I love this fabric which has black weft threads and white warp threads, like two best friends who compliment each other so well.  Like milk and cookies.  Flaps and Jacks.  Jam and bread.  Or is it bread and butter?

A couple more details: contrasting zipper and topstitching along the bodice seams.  
And the scribbling?  Couldn't you picture it on some pockets, a bit of ruffle, or overlay?  Are you getting excited, yet?

Yes, I couldn't be left out any longer.

Now go over to Design Mom to check out the scribbling tutorial.

✂ ✂ ✂

Also, don't forget about the $150 Giftcard giveaway


  1. Sweet little dress! And very intriguing technique...

    -- but, oh my, the hair is the best -- I love those vintage bobs. If my kid didn't rock her goldilocks so well, I'd be right there with the scissors...

  2. I was thinking the same thing- her haircut is adorable! And the dress, too, of course.

  3. I love it when a "sewing" plan comes together---just perfectly!

    Darling dress!

  4. icicle-thank you. we chopped it on a whim one night after baths :)

    Simple Simon-yes! and once in a blue moon it turns out even better, right?

  5. I love it. The shot of Azure (eighth down) is my absolute favorite. Freckles, bobs, scribbles, and wearable dresses...that's what every girl's childhood should be filled with.

  6. I love the simplicity of this dress. Is Azure a leftie? I think that's fabulous!

  7. I keep thinking it cannot get better, but then it does. This dress is great! I love how simple it is, yet you definitely gave it oomph with the scribblings along the neck! ~Robin

  8. Tricia-loved your comment. And you're exactly right :)

    PKJ-YES! So is Pearl, and I'm wondering about Mr. Drummer, too. How fun would that be?!

    Robin-you made me smile. Thank you :)

  9. sweet perfection! so adorable and absolutely stylin'

  10. Somehow Elizabeth got over here before I did...
    That fabric is awesome and the dress is pretty awesome itself...good design beats out anything crazy or over the top any day....

  11. Oh my goodness girly, you inspire me so. This is going on the list of things to try to recreate for Miss Anika for school in the fall - I'm seeing a pretty awesome school dress. Love this - really do. Thanks for the inspiration!!

    Also. Hair. Love. She is SO cute.



  12. This is awesome! I love it!

  13. What a fun dress! Love the hair and happy toes too. :)

  14. Your lovely model brought me to tears. My daughter (now 34)looked just like her at that age.

  15. Oh my goodness that dress is adorable! And I love your daughter's haircut. So very sweet.
    I really need to check out that book! It looks like so much fun.

    BTW thanks so much for spotlighting (is that a word?) my creations on OUT!

  16. Darling girl and darling dress! Do you recall where you got the fabric? I've been looking for linen yardage like that.

  17. What a pretty dress! Love the photo shoot. You are amazing.

    Azure is such a doll!

  18. What a beautiful dress! Lovely in its simplicity. But my favorite is the hair! She looks darling with her vintage bob :)

  19. Perfect dress and beautiful girl! Just amazing. And awesome to have a Design Mom feature--whoohoo!

  20. Kristal--I thought I got it from, but I couldn't find it, so I don't know where I got it, but check out the rest of their fabric because they have great prices and some amazing pieces.

  21. This dress looks like it stepped out of a novel.
    It's beautiful and magical, just like your daughter!

  22. Gorgeous girl, dress, and photographs!

  23. Gorgeous girl, dress, and photographs!

  24. Gorgeous girl, dress, and photographs!

  25. I love your blog. I love your family! And I LOVE the pictures in this post. In fact, I love them so much, I'd like to use three of them in a scrapbook page. You are welcome to it when I'm done; I only want to do it with one of my own digital scrapbooking kits and display it on my blog (I'll link to yours) and at a couple of scrapbooking sites. Would that be okay?

  26. She's such a doll.
    She looks like she should be in "The Sound of Music".

  27. ah, yes. this one i did see. along with the spotlight on designmom. way to go!

    the book seems so well-done. is it costly?

    the photos here are FABULOUS. i love the close-up on azure's face—it seems her eyes match the fabric!

    and the dress itself. the details are SO great. i can see why it might be your fave. the collar is so great. hope azure grows for that hem!


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