
04 June 2012

Sun Kissed! Plus $100 Giftcard Giveaway!

I always love the first warm day of beach season. The beach comes alive, ripe for people-watching. There are beach bikes, kids playing with brand new sand toys, vibrant beach umbrellas, seasoned and not-so-seasoned surfers. ;) Ryan and I took the girls on a walk along the waves and I commented--more of an observation than a question--"How are people already SO tan?!"
I myself am pale-ish for the majority of the year. It's true. I'll admit it. I used to try to get a nice color going, and I can but it takes a lot of sun. The older I get, though, the more I actually protect my skin from the sun. I am seeing the effects of aging from the sun, so I try to minimize unprotected exposure, using sunscreen and broad-brimmed hats.
But that still leaves me with my paleness, right? I am not attempting to get a full-body, deep tan, but I do want to look as though I'm actually alive and breathing. I've tried bronzers in the past with little success. They always leave me looking fake and...a bit odd, so I just assumed they don't work with my skin tone. But when I was sent some Sonia Kashuk Illuminating Bronzer from Target, I thought I'd give it a whirl since that's the brand of eyeshadow I already loyally use (really!).

The first day I used it, no joke, Ryan told me I looked really good. (He didn't even know I was testing the bronzer for this post!) It gives just a touch of color without looking like I'm trying to look tan, more like I just got back from a brisk walk in the sunshine! So, I'll sum up my thoughts for you:
✪ This isn't a major point, but one I really liked: The case is magnetic! How cool! That was the first thing I noticed--that you don't have to fumble with those tabs/buttons/clicking mechanisms, especially if you've just applied moisturizer. Easy open, easy close.
✪ There is another "secret" compartment where the brush is stored--everything is all together for easy access.
✪ It is a light, smooth formula that is easy to wear. A lot of products I've tried are heavy, and I can tell I'm "wearing" something. They make me sweat or they just feel heavy.
✪ It is inexpensive! Not only is it a fraction of the price of a high-end product, I love that I can just grab it at Target while I'm already doing other shopping and don't have to drag the kids to make a trip exclusively for makeup, which would probably just get skipped.
✪ The best thing: It looks natural. You can build color by applying more, but I hardly need to put any on at all for it to show up (an advantage of fair skin?). Just add it to your nose, forehead, cheeks and chin (where you would normally get sun) and you've instantly had a "day in the sun" in a matter of moments.
The only thing I found that you need to watch for is you can add too much. It doesn't show up on the brush, so use a light hand when applying. But when you've found the perfect amount for your skin tone, you will love the sun-kissed look! (This photo is completely unedited.)
Now for a giveaway! BlogHer is offering a $100 Target GiftCard to one of my lucky readers! So, tell me, have you ever used bronzer? Where do you apply it?

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This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
The Official Rules are available here.
This sweepstakes runs from 6/4 to 6/30.
Be sure to visit the sponsor's brand page on, where you can read other bloggersĂ­ reviews and find more chances to win!

While I was compensated for this post, all opinions are 100% mine.


  1. love the look! i've used a cream blush for a few years, but break out the bronzer for a change every one in a while. not sure i'm great at applying...but i like the effect.

  2. Nice! I'd love a magnetic case! I've never used bronzer.

  3. I use bronzer daily! I just sweep it in the shape of a "3" from my forehead to nose to chin :)

  4. I have always been afraid of bronzer. I am very pale and didn't want to over apply.

  5. I've never used it, but have always wanted to try! Thanks for the recommendation!

  6. I love Mary Kay's mineral bronzing powder. As mentioned before you just lightly swipe a "3" from your forhead, under your cheekbone and to your chin!

  7. I'm allergic to makeup. As in--major hives! And don't tell me to go to the hypoallergenic, because the hives are worse with that stuff than they are with the normal stuff! Just about all I can wear is lipgloss and/or lisptick without having to spend the day with my skin covered in hydrocortizone cream and doped up on benedryl!

  8. I love bronzer and use it every day all year long. I apply all over my face. I use a brand from Sephora but would love to find a more affordable one and from a place I go to often. Sephora is always a hike and I have to make a special trip.

  9. I haven't used bronzer since 8th grade...and then it had SERIOUS sparkles, so I don't think it counts.

  10. I tweeted about the giveaway here:!/kategiovinco

  11. WOW you look great!!! i would love to try this bronzer especially in the winter. i tan really easily and nicely even with sunscreen on. Like i walk to the mailbox and get tan. so this would be great in the winter. i am definitely going to try this. i love me some target!! confession i was just there for the 4th time in 3 days, 2 of the trips were today. i have an addiction!!

  12. I've never worn makeup other than eyeshadow (rarely), but I do try to avoid the sun nowadays. I tan easily and am now getting freckles! Getting older isn't what I expected. ;)

  13. never used bronzer before but I always where blush!

  14. I've never used bronzer, but think this would be great for my pale skin :)

  15. I'm very pale, so I don't usually use a bronzer. I borrowed my sister's for my wedding though, and it did make me think I could use it on a more regular basis.

  16. Wow, you look beautiful! I love getting my makeup at Target, and could use a bit of sun-kissed myself here in Wisconsin. :)

  17. Oooh, nice! I've tried bronzer in the past (I am white, white, white!) but thought it looked funky so don't bother. This stuff looks promising though!

  18. It does look very pretty on you. I'm a pale girl myself: Scotch-Irish if you go waaay back, I think. I have never used a bronzer but would be willing to try, to achieve that "alive and breathing" look. And I'm a Target devotee, though I've never used any of that brand cosmetics.

  19. I don't wear much makeup, but the winters are long here in Boston, and I lose my summer tan early, so I do have some bronzer and it is one of the few makeup types that I actually use. I am totally intimidated by fancy makeup stores since at 28 years old I feel that I should know much more than I do, so I love good products that I can get at places like Target.

  20. i have never tried it but would love to! i try to use sunscreen now too since i ruined my skin living in honduras and not taking care of it... would love some moolah to get some good stuff at target!

  21. Never used it and didn't feel liked I have ever needed it until now. Apparently the mid thirties are just changing everything about my body, skin, etc.... Lovely.

  22. huh, I never would have picked up bronzer! I am personally pretty ruddy complected, so I never bother with more than some light foundation and concealer for my bruise-black undereye circles. Might need to give it a try, though! That looks great on you.

  23. I've never used bronzer. Given how great you look, maybe I should start using it....

  24. Very cool! I love the magnetic case. I'm definitely going to look for this at Target. I just started using Mary Kay's bronzer powder, and I haven't been too impressed with it. Besides, it doesn't come in a cute compact case with it's own brush! How cool is that?!! :)

  25. I haven't, but now I'm thinking about it....

  26. I have used bronzer - I use the "3" method (forehead, cheek and chin). That bronzer looks cool!

  27. I have never used a bronzer, but I did try one of those spritz tans when I was in college. 90% of all students at my school were tanning bed worshippers so felt so very pale next to them but I'm not a tanning bed person and I get blisters if I'm in the sun unprotected. Spritz spritz. I think I tried it for all of a semester before thinking it was pointless.

  28. I would love to try bronzer for the first time as I have yet to try.

    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  29. I have NOT tried bronzer - but would love to try the shadows

  30. I use the bare minerals bronzer, and you're definitely right...a little goes a long way!

  31. I have never been able to use bronzer without looking like scary orange streak lady. Not a good look. Then again, I haven't tried in a LONG time ...

  32. I use just a bit of blush on my cheeks, chin, nose, and forehead - same idea. I should try bronzer.

  33. I've never used a bronzer but I want to now!

  34. I'll have to try this bronzer. I, too, am naturally pale but usually bronzers make my face look "dirty" rather than sun kissed. Plus I love Target.

  35. I've never used a bronzer. I'm rather fair skinned and worried it would look funny! Thanks for the giveaway.

  36. I have used a bronzer by Physicians Formula that I liked, but didn't love. I only put it on my cheeks. I know you are supposed to do more of an all over, sun kissed look but my attempts to do that looked like I had been playing in the dirt. I'm definitely going to give the Sonia Kashuk a try! (and I too get most of my beauty products at Target. Heck, I get most EVERYTHING at Target. I love that place)

  37. The only bronzers I've ever used are lotions for my legs. Never had much luck with getting streak-free, non-orange coloring though!

  38. I use a bronzer/blush combination from MaryKay everyday. If I don't put it on and look in the mirror, I feel like I look like being the mother of 4 small children is wearing me out. Somedays it does, but the whole world doesn't need to know it. :)

  39. Bought some bronzer but never used. Too afraid. I do like a spray tan :)

  40. I love bronzers! They make me look great!

    dm_dasha{at}yahoo {dot}com

  41. I too have tried bronzer that was way too much for my pale, pale skin. This looks really nice on you though!

  42. I've got to try some of that stuff. And I do need to go to Target for some other things too...

  43. I've never used it, but the picture of you is lovely.

  44. I don't use bronzer, but I imagine it would be good on the cheekbones.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  45. I use bronzer whenever I do my full makeup routine (ie not everyday). I love adding a little to my chest along with my face.

  46. tweet:

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  47. I am also fairly pale. Anne of Green Gables would call it "alabaster". :) I would love the sun kissed look though!

  48. I haven't used any sort of bronzer in years. They always looked a bit fake and I was afraid of looking like I was using fake tanner!

  49. Never used it but think I'll have to give it a try!

  50. no, I've never used it. I thought I was too pale. I'd love to try it now.

  51. can't wait to try this brand! (esp. since i'm heading off to a wedding this weekend...) and yes, i have used Mary Kay bronzer on my nose and the apples of my cheeks. :) i'm completely fair-skinned, freckly, and live in the rainy Northwest to boot, so some color would be lovely!

  52. no, but it looks great on you!

  53. i don't wear any make-up, but I'd have no problem spending $100 at Target! (as a side note, i personally find it rather hilarious that the bronzer is molded in a scaly pattern. what message are they trying to send exactly?) thanks for offering such a generous giveaway!

  54. bronzer is the nice sun kiss touch that everyone loves!

  55. I have never used bronzer but a little more color would be nice sometimes.

  56. I don't use bronzer, but would like to try it.


  58. I have used it - on my forehead, cheeks and bridge of nose. I like a little bt of color without the sun damage!

  59. Love it the look! I will def have to try bronzer.

  60. Very cool-I'll have to check that out. I've never really found a bronzer I liked.

  61. Nope, never used it before!

  62. I never have (it would cover up my freckles).

  63. I've never used bronzer, but I might give the one you mentioned a try. I am always afraid bronzer will turn my pasty complection orange.

  64. I've used sunless tanner on my pasty white legs, before. I felt a little self conscious because it seemed fake, but I think a lot of people do it now!

  65. I've never used a bronzer before, but like you, I'm tired of being deathly white, but not so willing as I used to be to tan my skin. Thanks for the recommendation!

  66. I do use bronzer. I'm super pale and, like you, would rather not sacrifice my skin for a nice tan. I put it on my forehead, nose, and cheekbones -- where I would normally get the most sun. Makes it look really natural.

  67. I don't wear make up often and have never tried a bronzer, but after reading the post and the comments I just might have to give it a try. Thanks.

  68. I've never used bronzer; I too am fair-skinned.

  69. i have used bronzer before and really liked it, don't know why I ever stopped. I would use it on my cheeks like a blush with a little bit on my temples.

  70. I get most of my makeup and face care products at Target already. I'll have to give this one a try.

  71. I've never worn bronzer in everyday life, but I've worn it several times in concerts and when filmed for TV. We always applied it just under the apples to create a more defined cheekbone, not so much to look sun-kissed :)

  72. I have never used bronzer.

  73. I use bronzer everyday. Just a touch is needed on my face...then I don't look too ghostly pale :)

  74. I love the warm ton on your face with the bronzer. I usually apply bronzer on my cheek bones only.

    Amy [at] utry [dot] it

  75. tweeted about this giveaway:

    Amy [at] utry [dot] it

  76. I'm so pale I'm always afraid of bronzer even especially because the heavy ones always feel like they look heavy on me.

  77. I've never used bronzer before, but I've thought about it. Maybe I should give this a try! My face doesn't tan much, but the rest of my body does, so my face is left looking like it doesn't match sometimes.

  78. im a huge fan of bronzer!

  79. tweet:

  80. I really like bronzer. I apply lightly to my forehead, under my cheekbones, and around my jaw bone to contour

  81. tweet

  82. Boy I need som e color! I have been afraid to use bronzer because I didn't want to look llike an orange-faced-something-or-other, but I think you have convinced me to give it a try. What's be easier than stopping at the make-up aisle after picking up band-aids and toothbrushes!

  83. Hi Katy!
    A few years ago I started using bronzer every time I put make up on as my blush and I love it. I apply it to the tops of my cheekbones and the apples of my cheek and then a little dusting all around.
    Thanks for the chance to win :)

  84. I use a bit of bronzed instead of blush, but I'm on the lookout for a new one. This is perfect!

  85. I used to use bronzer when I danced competitively. I need an alternative to my winter powder color. It's looking too light for summer! Thanks!

  86. I like the look of bronzer but have never used it....

  87. Like a lot of other things, my use of bronzer went sort of by the wayside after I had kids. I just don't take the time for anything more than basic make-up. It seems like I might want to pick some up, though, because it doesn't take long to add that extra special touch to make me feel good about myself! :)


    jessicacook17 AT hotmail DOT com

  88. I would love to try this bronzer! It looks quick and easy to use, cool!

  89. I love bronzer! I am fair skinned as well, and I love that a little goes a long way.

  90. I've used bronzer for a while to brighten my face. Lately though I've used it on my cheeks instead of blush. Orange-y lipstick is in, so I think it works!

  91. I don't like the heavy feeling of most make-up, so I tend to not wear much of it, and bronzer just seemed way too heavy. I might have to try this kind though!

  92. Cool! I'm glow-in-the-dark pale, and I'd love to try a bronzer that gives me the hope of looking natural (never tried it).

  93. I have purchased bronzer, but usually forget to use it.


  94. I have CRAZY sensative skin and even have a tough time finding face powder that does not make my face turn red and break out. Target USED TO carry Physician's Formula...

  95. I haven't used bronzer in a long time, and I have really fair skin as well. Your post makes me want to go pick some up right now. Rather than sun-kissed, I look like I have been sitting in a dark office (oh wait, I have...).

    alyssabpittman at gmail dot com

  96. I haven't found a bronzer yet that I like! I have freckles and can easily get the caked on makeup look if I am not careful. I will have to try this one!

  97. Cuuute! I use Bare Minerals and love it, though it's really easy to go overboard b/c the color is so strong... and I have olive skin! Might have to give this one a try!

  98. I have always wanted to try bronzer, I will have to give this one a try!

  99. I've never used bronzer and I rarely wear makeup. The upside of this is that with just some concealer/fundation and a bit of blush I feel made up and pretty ;)

  100. I have very pale skin, and I've tried lotion tans and bronzers in the past (cause I didn't want to use actual sun) but now I've just come to love my paleness. :)
    x Katherine

  101. I've never tried Sonia Kashuk products, or any kind of bronzer, but it looks good on you! Would be fun to try, b/c I'm pale like you. :)

  102. Thx for the review! I do use bronzer occasionally in the summer. I apply on my upper forehead, nose & chin....just a smidge :)

  103. I use bronzer to highlight my cheek bones
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  104. I have not used bronzer but would love to try.
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  105. I apply it to my temples, cheeks, and jawline.
    jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com

  106. I like bronzer. I was told to put it along my hairline, cheeks, and jaw line. Like the number 3. A little does go a long way!

  107. I would to try a bronzer. Mu skin is very pale, and I think it will be good.

  108. I have never used a bronzer. This one looks quite natural though. Kudos to you.
    pa underscore north at hotmail dot com

  109. I've never used bronzer, as I'm not that into makeup. I LOVE Sonia's nail polish though!

  110. Never tried bronzer beyond playing with my mother's as a kid!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  111. I've never used it,I would love to try this


  113. I could use something like that at the beginning of the season when I am trying to protect my skin enough so I don't get burned.

  114. I've never used bronzer before. I've been too intimidated to try it, but I may have to give it a chance now. :)

  115. I tried bronzer, but on my fair skin it looked rather like a disease. Oh well!

  116. i think my bronzer has too much shine to it, but i would love to try a new one and not have to buy it - i hate to waste money on more bronzer when i technically still have some at home to use. even though i don't' like the one i have!

  117. I have used bronzer. But mine was a glittery type, and so I only have to use a little bit. But it sounds like a trip to Target is needed!

  118. I've never used a bronzer, but as a super-pale redhead, I think I might give this a go!

  119. No, I'm so fair I thought I'd look silly. You may have changed my mind, I'll take a closer look next time I'm at target :)

    In case my email isn't linked: ashb2005 at gmail dot com

  120. Never used it. But with my irish skin, it might be awesome-or terrible. worth a try!

  121. I use bronzer every summer and I love it. I have not used this brand. I'll have to try it.

  122. It looks great on you! I just put some bare minerals bronzer on this morning, but am thinking it's not perfect for my skin/coloring. Thanks!!

  123. Totally a good tip! In high school I wore bronzer all the time, to highlight my cheek bones and contour my double chin, but now that I'm pale I don't use it. I'll have to give this brand a try!

  124. I haven't used it before...but I'd like to! erinlpetty[at]gmail[dot]com

  125. I apply it on my cheek bones.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  126. I don't tan, I burn! I like to use bronzer to get a little sunkissed in the summer. :0)

    - jen
    walls.jennifer1 at gmail (d0t) com

  127. I've never used bronzer. I probably should, though. I can still hear my mom from 20 years ago: "go put some makeup on - you look like death warmed over!!!" (how many teens hear that from their mothers? - And that was AFTER I put makeup on!)

  128. I use my bronzer EVERY single day! I usually place it in a 3 pattern along the outside of my face. The side of my forehead along my temple, down under my cheek bone and then down along and under my jaw bone. This gives more definition to your face and makes your cheek bones stand out!! :)
    Awesome giveaway, Thanks :)

  129. I've never tried bronzer. Perhaps I will now....

  130. Never used bronzer but I might be willing to give it a try!

  131. I haven't used bronzer. I have darker skin so I always thought it would look weird.

  132. Here's my tweet!

  133. I use bronzer everyday and I love to try new ones!

  134. I have never used bronzer but that does look natural.

  135. I use bronzer instead of my regular blush during the summer months. I apply it in the 3 shape that's been mentioned in other comments. Thanks for the chance to win!

  136. I too, have very fair skin so bronzer is a must in my daily beauty regimen! I sweep it across cheekbones, nose, and a tiny bit on chin (I don't waste it on my forehead because I have bangs! Shh, our secret)

    Anyway, I adore Target, love bronzer, and would totally buy some of this bronzer with my giftcard. If I win. I never win. But maybe this time...

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  137. i apply bronzer on my jawline and hairline!:)

    vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com

  138. tweet

    vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com

  139. Bronzer? What's that? I don't wear make up so I couldnt even begin to tell you where I would put it even if I had

  140. I'm quite pale myself, and I tend to fry quite easily in the sun. I've never tried bronzer before but think I'll have to take a swing by the makeup section next time I'm in Target. I honestly only wear eyeshadow and mascara because foundations and other things are just too weighty on my skin. The fact that you mention that this product is so light is fairly intriguing. Thanks for introducing us!

  141. It looks really good on you, just a slight color like you said!
    I'll have to try it, I gave up on bronzer years ago and resorted to just looking dead :)

  142. It looks really good on you, just a slight color like you said!
    I'll have to try it, I gave up on bronzer years ago and resorted to just looking dead :)

  143. I don't normally use anything, but should start trying to.

    aldwedgi at hotmail dot com

    sorry it posts hubby's name

  144. I've used Bare Minerals bronzer, and I love it.

    rebekahricker (at) yahoo (dot) com

  145. I am very fair skinned, and I live in Sunblock for the majority of the year. However, I have often thought about using a bronzer on my face just to give myself a little more color.

    Thanks for the idea, and for the awesome giveaway!

  146. I'm so white, I glow in the dark. Seriously. I cannot get a tan. I have never used bronzer because i always look like a rubbed something brown on my face. This looks like it may actually work and I'm excited to try it out!

  147. i do! nose cheeks forehead and chin.

  148. tweet.

  149. I do use bronzer! Just not very much. I'm always afraid to over apply it and turn into an oompa loompa!

  150. I'll have to check this out. I'm pretty much a translucent powder & chapstick kinda girl, but I can see me adding this.

  151. I used to use a bronzer, but since becoming a mother 3 years ago my makeup routine is pretty much non-existant unless it is date night with my hubby.

  152. I've been using bronzer instead of blush for a good 5 years now. I like that it blends better and looks more natural. And I can lightly brush it all over for a quick sunkissed glow

  153. I tweeted this giveaway here:

  154. i have skin that is too dark for the lightest make-up and too light for the next step up, so i use bronzer to mix the middle ground.

  155. I don't like using bronzer much, I like blush more. Thank you for the giveaway!

  156. I tweeted

  157. I have NEVER used bronzer but I'd love to try it!

  158. Thanks for the giveaway! I used to use bronzer when I worked nights and slept days. But now I walk so much I tan without trying, and with the sunscreen on!

  159. I have used an ID minerals bronzer and I applied it to my whole face. I love how it gives you the sunkissed look w/o being exposed to harmful rays

  160. I haven't used a bronzer, but I always think about it, as I, too try to protect my skin from the sun. I tell myself I'd rather be white now and wrinkless in the future.

  161. i do not use bronzer..but may try it now!

  162. tweet

  163. never used bronzer, but maybe I'm convinced.....

  164. tweet

  165. I've never used bronzer, but have been wanting to try it for awhile now.

  166. I've used bronzer in college but not much since then. Mostly on my cheeks or "sunkissed" areas, but sometimes lightly on the whole face for a nice all over glow, especially in the pale winter and spring times.

  167. Never used it... I tend to usually go bare-faced. : )

  168. I love the fact that you can grab this in TARGET while doing other shopping! I don't ususally buy much make up for myself, but this is going to be worth the purchase! Thanks for the tip!

  169. I love the fact that you can grab this in TARGET while doing other shopping! I don't ususally buy much make up for myself, but this is going to be worth the purchase! Thanks for the tip!

  170. I am so pale that my husband asks me to cover up at night because i glow in the dark....Desperatly needed!!

  171. hmmm. might have to try it

  172. I used to tan. I had a few kids - no time for that anymore. Then I used bronzer. I had more kids and now I barely get to use the toilet, let alone bronzer ;) but I've actually been intending to get some now so I'll grab some of this next time I'm at Target (I wrote that with the "French" accent in my head, "Tar-jey").
    elif@bellsouth. net

  173. during the winter i use blush for the rosy cheeks,and i like to use bronzer during the summer,but i am looking for a good one!

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  174. I tweeted too

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  175. nope no bronzer here, i embrace the pale! scg00387 at yahoo dot com

  176. sccg00387 at yahoo dot com

  177. I'm very pale and haven't used bronzer but would love to learn how to use it =]




  179. I am a huge fan of bronzer! It always gives me a "healthy glow" LOL I've never tried the Sonia Kashuk bronzer but I have a bunch of other stuff from her line. Ones of my favorite blushes is from her.

  180. blog post

  181. tweet

  182. I tried Bronzer powder once and it made my skin look orange, so I don't use it anymore.
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  183. TWEET
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  184. Usually lightly on chin area.
    tcarolinep at gmail dot com


  186. i use bronzer downt he middle of my face and to contour my cheeks :)

    abitnerdygirl at gmail dot com

  187. I use a combo blush/bronzer from Benefit. I use it mostly on my cheeks.


  188. I love lightly applying bronzer on my cheeks..provides such a pretty summer glow! :)

    kelliescamera at gmail dot com

  189. tweeted here:

    kelliescamera at gmail dot com


  190. I haven't use bronzer, but since I too am trying to limit my sun exposure, I will probably need some this summer :) Very pretty on you, btw!
    dmarie824 at aol dot com

  191. TWEET!

  192. I've never tried it, I'm super light skinned and thought I'd look like I've fake baked!

  193. I've used bronzer from time to time. I normally like to lightly apply it on the T zone area of my face and cheeks.
    lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com

  194. For my pale skin,I would love to see what bronzer could do that the sun refuses to ;)

  195. Never have tried a bronzer!
    Thanks for a chance to win and have a great day!

  196. i use bronzer on the places where sun would hit my face -- it just looks like a new tan from a day in the sun :)



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