
07 June 2012

It's not over 'til the fat katy sings

Hey, wait!  Did you think Once Upon a Thread was over?  Not quite, my lovelies.  I've still got a few blossoms to pluck and add to the bouquet, not to mention showing off what all y'all (drawn from our Texas days) have been making, and I know you have.  If you haven't uploaded your photos to the OUT flickr group, you can go here.  Lovin' what's popping up already (I just accidentally typed pooping and then giggled like my name was Azure.)  I also realized I needed to tie up some lose threads and pick some winners for 2 of the giveaways.
Congrats to you 5 grand readers!  I hope you let out a loud wahoo! or at least a tiny squeal and do a little happy dance with the news of your fun win.  Look for an email from me in your inbox!
Speaking of fun wins, I have the most super duper exciting giveaway coming up tomorrow.  Holy Cow.  And I don't say that lightly.  Come back tomorrow for the grand finale giveaway, and then I'll wrap things up next week, how 'bout.  Then I've got to release the backlogged camera of mine of a huge amount of photos waiting to be shared, like what I've been doing while I've let some pretty fantastic women do all the work on my blog.

See you tomorrow......eeeeek!


  1. Love your sense of humor. :)

  2. woot! woot! and yes i said it out loud too!! i'm so excited for the rollie pollie pattern!!! thank you!

  3. YAY!!!! I hope that Tiffani is ME!
    :)I had to do a double take when looking at the names - cute way to announce the winners!

  4. I also love that you're loving Quicksand. One of my fave's.

    And I love how excited you are about all this. It's magnetic!


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.