
25 June 2012

I don't know about you,

but this is absolutely how I prepare myself for sewing: 

How about you?
Thanks, mom, for sending this.
Off to put my lipstick on!


  1. This just totally made my day. I LOVE it. Thank you for the laugh...and what does it say about me that I actually DO have a hard time settling in to sew if there are dishes in the sink??



  2. my sister found that through a sewing shop near her and sent it to me a few months ago! i would NEVER sew if i followed that advice!

  3. So THAT'S what I've been doing wrong. Thanks for had me in stitches.

  4. That is hysterical! It's those dishes in the sink that have really been holding me back :) Thanks for sharing!

  5. Amazing! This is totally true! But difficult to make it happen....sigh

  6. Hehe, that is actually semi-true for me! I just can't focus on sewing if my house is terribly messy or my hair isn't brushed. It doesn't help that my sewing area is in the middle of the kitchen/dining/living/computer room. No wonder I don't get much done. =D

  7. Thank you so much for sharing this, hilarious!

  8. Ahhh, so that's what I've been doing wrong all along!

  9. I think I have this same blurb in one of my antique magazines. I laughed out loud when I read it!

  10. Saw this on fb earlier- totally hilarious, although I wouldn't get any sewing done if I followed these rules. Plus I don't own lipstick. :)

  11. Saw this on fb earlier- totally hilarious, although I wouldn't get any sewing done if I followed these rules. Plus I don't own lipstick. :)

  12. hahahahaha...I'm surprised it didn't say "hand-made dress"! I love it!

  13. That is awesome. How things have changed.

  14. I would totally frame this and hang it over my sewing is AWESOME!!!!

  15. I guess they would frown upon sewing in my underwear so I can quickly try the garment I'm sewing on in process. Maybe it would be ok as long as I had my lipstick on.

  16. Love it! I can just envision that first rebel who thought I don't care what I look like or if the dishes are dirty I'm on a roll and going to keep sewing!

  17. "When you sew make yourself as attractive as possible"

    This cracks me up!

  18. it will be easier to just sell my sewing machine.

  19. I had no idea this was going to be a joke until the very end. HA!

    I started reading it going...yeah, ok - I get that. I always sew terribly when I am not in the right frame of mind.

    Ok - dirty dishes, bit of a stretch. But I still get it. When things are piling up in my house, I get bothered too. Moving on...

    Clean dress, french chalk, powder and lipstick...and I look down. Ummm, pajamas. DOH!

    Oh wait, someone is at the door - gotta run! (and hide - lol)

  20. Oh man, that is great. So those of us that can only sew at 10pm have to get dressed up for the big event? No yoga pants? I guess it's just another thing that I'm doing all wrong. :)

    (thanks for the laugh)

  21. Hey Everyone
    (Katy I LOOOOOOOOVE your blog)

    I’m currently challenging crafty people to share one of their projects to help people "who think they can’t craft"! Go on my blog for mor informations!!

    And if you’d like to share a project, it would be GREAT!
    It doesn't have to be a new project, it can just be an old one.
    It just have to be easy, and cheap:)

    Craftily :)

    GO HERE/

  22. Oh I just LOVE that! How gorgeous and totally wishful, if only I could do ALL those things and still have time for sewing and crafting. Glad my hubby hasnt seen this, I could just imagine his eyebrow raising and nodding his head slightly, then saying "Em, they have a point there". Yes well so does a pencil so be gone with you!!!

  23. Oh absolutely! ha ha...:)

  24. So funny, however if my house is upside down I do tend to not enjoy sewing as much. lipstick....hummm maybe that would work better than the chocolate residue on my lips

  25. Hilarious! Loved reading this. Thanks!

  26. That is hysterical! Ahh, the "olden days"!

  27. oh my goodness, that is hysterical! Thanks for the laugh. :)

  28. Haha! I don't even wear makeup OUT of the house! I do wear clean clothes though. :) that was great!

  29. this is freaking hilarious. "Make yourself as attractive as possible"? Ok, i would never get stuff done if i had to put on make-up everytime i want sew. So funny...

  30. Those things are at times exactly why I sew....because I don't want to do them and sewing is a great excuse.

    Love it.
    Thanks for sharing.

  31. Oh this is just hilarious! Such a good laugh.

  32. If I had to have all the "chores" done, I would never sew, ever! Haha!

  33. lucky #7! (sorry, should i stop that now?)

    love this. french chalk? i'm intrigued. this isn't how i prepare for anything, really. maybe i should stop spending free minutes insisting on commenting. :)

  34. I've been doing it all wrong! I think the last time I sewed anything it was around midnight, I was in ratty pajamas and was just trying to hurriedly finish a present for a friend before our trip out of town the next day. That's pretty typical. I think the author of this article didn't have children?


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