
18 June 2012

Enjoy Your Hairy Legs

A few months ago I discovered my first gray hair. Or rather Ryan discovered it.
Hey, did you know you've got a gray hair?
What?! No I don't, where? That's not gray, that's blond.
I. Can't. Believe. I HAVE A GRAY HAIR!
That's okay, you're still beautiful!
Not that I really needed any more, but it was just another physical reminder that I am indeed aging along with everybody else. It seems strange to me that I can remember when I was my children's ages, and I can remember when my parents were my age. They seemed so old and wise at the time, and now I funnily feel neither old nor wise.
Pearl and I were playing a board game, and she was describing in detail how the game worked. I turned to her and said: Pearl, I used to play this game when I was little.
She responded far too incredulously they had this game that long ago? I leaned in close to her ear in my low voice and raised eyebrows: Yes, Pearl, way back then. She giggled with a bit of embarrassment that she had just accused her mom of being that old.
I understand, because the single digits seem to drag on. Waiting for each birthday to finally come was sometimes torture. It was always I can't wait until I turn ____ so I can ____.  
The issue of make-up has made quite a presence here lately. I was actually quite appalled. I don't remember wanting to wear make-up until I was in high school. I even asked my mom when we (there were 4 girls) started wearing it. She was surprised as well that my grade school girls are already asking for it.
Why can't we wear make-up?
Because you're all so beautiful already you don't need it!
But you wear make-up.
That's because I'm not as beautiful as you!
More giggling. And then there's the leg shaving.
Can I shave my legs? Olive (who is 7) asks.
Because you're a little girl.
But my friends at school do.
(I skipped the "if your friends all jumped off the cliff" speech and gave it to her straight) Well. They shouldn't. You have your entire life to shave your legs. Enjoy being able to get away with hairy legs while you can.
Time seems to exponentially speed up once you have a child. And by the time child number 6 comes along it seems like you set them down to crawl around, go put in a load of laundry and get dinner started, and you turn around and they're starting middle school.
My sister, Jordan, and I not acting our ages
I am grateful I am where I am, though. High school was great fun, but I'd never want to do it again. My 20s brought me marriage and motherhood, and while I would certainly have fun re-doing my wedding dress and think fondly of my first year of being a mom, I am more than content to be right as I am.
I have learned confidence. I have practiced perseverance. I have discovered abilities. I have grown as a wife and mother.
It's that whole sapling allegory, you know? The one who is subjected to the storms learns to bend, change, and become stronger. I might be a bit softer in parts of my body, and I'm working on that, but my mind is stronger, my passion is brighter, and my love and ability to love is larger.
I'm thinking that while time is speeding up, it's worth it when each decade gets correspondingly better. Bring on the gray hairs.
Pfizer's new community, Get Old is challenging and encouraging people in all stages of the aging process to embrace aging. Talking about your feelings and reading about the feelings others have on aging will foster community. Pfizer is dedicated to bringing you tips and tools that will help increase the quality of your future years.
So, what are your thoughts on aging? Are you embracing, fighting, or doing a bit of both? Answer here to be entered into a drawing for one of three $500(!) SpaFinder gift cards, courtesy of BlogHer and Pfizer (entries will be pooled across participating blogs and three winners will be chosen). Yes, we all deserve to be pampered.
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This sweepstakes runs from 6/18 to 8/31.
Be sure to check out the Get Old page to find out more about the Get Old platform and read how other bloggers feel about aging!
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  1. My 7yo has also started talking about shaving her legs I think its a bit strange actually. I rarely shave mine

  2. I had my first gray hair at 20, and now ten years later I have some serious gray streaks. I am embracing it for as long as I can because, just like shaving your legs, once you start dying your hair you can't stop!

  3. Embracing it! For now, anyway.

  4. My older daughter is just 2 and the closest thing we get to make-up right now is her rubbing deodorant on her belly! I'm only 25 so I still have a little bit of time to decde if I want to fight it or grab it in a bear hug. But like you said, I feel neither older or wiser! I just feel like my body is aging but my inside self is staying the same.

  5. I will embrace it as it comes.. I plan to grow old 'gray'cefully. :)

  6. Such an interesting comment for me. I'm only a few weeks away from turning 50 and my daughter is a little over a month away from turning 8. I don't tell many of her classmate's moms my age, for fear that my daughter is labeled as having a mom that is "old". I wear moisturizer everyday but I've done this since I was in twenties....

  7. I am 33 and my husband also found my first gray hair this year! I was certainly surprised but not upset. I knew it was coming. The thing that helps me feel young is getting on the floor and playing with my kids. I want to stay healthy, so I can build a lot more pillow forts!

  8. I'm 31 and defiantly embracing it. Me and my husband were best buds in middle school and have been married almost 8 years, I have really enjoyed seeing the different phases in life, myself, and my best buddy.

  9. Trying my darn best to embrace it. I got my first gray hair when I was in my early twenties and they have increased a lot since then. As in you don't have to inspect my head closely to see them anymore. I am focusing on fitness though...I figure the best way to embrace aging is to make sure I'm in good shape. :D

  10. I see a strong connection between embracing your body and embracing your age. I don't FEEL old yet, but I do feel like my body is moving further and further away from what society accepts as young and beautiful. And my decision has been to eat well, be active, treat my body and mind with respect, and then EMBRACE whatever the result is!

  11. I love you and this post Katy. I have to tell you though, I was begging to shave my legs and wear make up at 9 and 10 too. My mom let me do it around the house but not out in public, which was a pretty good compromise.

    It's funny that I don't really like to wear it all that often now.

    As for aging, I have actually been thinking a lot about it lately! This post was timely. I got married at 19 to a man almost 5 years older than me. I spent the first five years wanting to be older,and happy to put another year in my cap. It's not fun when people look at you like an abomination when you tell them how old you are and what? married?! Now that I am getting ready to depart from the 20's, people no longer look shocked, I no longer care what they think and I am not in such a rush to stack the years up. I miss being able to workout for a week and get my body back in shape. I miss how physically strong I used to be. I remember having visible abs. But as my physical strength has washed away (I too plan to work on it...someday! :)) a greater strength remains. The kind that can take care of three kids, one a newborn, with a husband away for a month at a time. The kind that can endure trials I could never have imagined enduring. The kind that can thrive in hardship. The kind that can hold a three year old and a carseat with a baby in it at the same time. I guess I am still strong in a way! :)

    I'm grateful for my years of experience. I have quite a lot of regrets but those regrets have taught me what not to be. So from them, I know I am better. Each year I become more of the person I used admire. I wouldn't trade youth for that any day.

  12. I am much older than I'd like to be physically. My mind is young and has wonderful ideas. The body just laughs and retires much earlier than I'd like. Hopefully there will be more time to see my children and grandchildren become happy with the person they are becoming. Blessings granted daily by my loving Savior, Jesus Christ, enable me to still enjoy each day, if I allow it to happen.

  13. Okay...another lesson to add to my "wisdom" ha ha...I really want to delete my last comment. I think it came off more over confident than I feel but I can't use the delete feature for some reason.

  14. I think I'm doing a bit of both! I appreciate the wisdom and experience that comes with age, but I miss some of the aspects of my "youth"!

  15. I want to squeeze as much time in as I can with my little baby girls. They are getting big way too fast.

  16. My two are growing up so fast -- Katy, figure out a way to postpone time for us, will you please? ;)

  17. I gave up on "If your friends jumped off a cliff..." after the first time I got the answer "No. [pause] Well, actually, probably yes."

  18. You and your sister are gorgeous! The way I see it, you are aging to perfection!!! I'm going to be 53 in a couple of days and still feel young (though sometimes my body disagrees!) I must say, I do take my health for granted and really need to start taking better care of myself, i.e., exercising. I'm happy to be the age I am.

  19. ONE grey hair?? I have so many that when I was helping with the shoelaces of the kids I work with, she gently dragged my face to hers and said 'You have grey hair!!!' and when I replied it is what happens when you are old she replied 'But your not old!' Love that kid. Given up the count. Only know it is not enough to let it be fashionalbly whitish it just looks yank.

  20. I forget how old I was when I found my first grey hair, but given my genetics it was much later than I expected. I'm almost 37 which seems light years closer to 40 than 36 ever did. I'd say in the last year I've definitely fallen into more of a mindset of trying to preserve what I have. I'm trying some facial products I may have laughed at a decade ago. I continue to be a sunscreen fanatic. I dye my hair (still not as many greys as I expected, but more than I want to see). I like myself and I love this stage of my life, but I see nothing wrong with trying to fight the aging thing just a little. :)

  21. I feel your pain, I have found some "discolored" hairs too. My mom always told me that if you pull them out more will come out so I just try to hide it and hope no more come out. :-)

  22. 12. That is the age when everyone was wearing makeup and shaving their legs at my school. So I guess it started by 11 for many. Although it was usually just mascara and tinted lip gloss. By 14 we'd all moved on to eyeliner/shadow.

    At 7 my daughter is obsessed with makeup and nail polish, so I let her use some play stuff around the house, it washes off easily. Sometimes she tries to go out in public with it, but bright purple eyeshadow is kinda hard to hide ;)

    My Grandmother used to say that she never felt any older inside, it was just the outside that was getting older.

    Delia, I appreciated your comment and am glad you didn't erase it.

  23. What a great post! Love the pictures of you! I should be fighting aging with more exercise and by eating better but I'm not. ha. I do sleep more than I did in college though, so that's a start. :)

  24. I am a mommy to 6 & expecting my 7th this fall. I haven't found any grays yet, buti feel ancient when my oldest girl asks to wear my clothes and looks better than me! I'm terrified to let her use a razor! If she cuts herself we'll both faint!

  25. I called myself "your old mom" to my 6 y.o. son the other day, and he responded with "you're not *that* old." But boy, I feel it!

    Thank you.

  26. Oh i so hear you...Im 34 I have 5 babies...and I still think Im 15.
    My children call out Mum and sometimes I still think..."Oh that's right their calling me...Im mum??
    I hope I never feel my age...well emotionally because physically...? that's a whole other issue...
    yerp...I got some grey hair and Im not as bendy as I once was, and Yoga totally kicks my butt...

  27. Oh and p.s my 8 year old asked me if she could shave her hairy legs the other day...and after I picked myself up off the floor I told her, to not ask again until she's at least for 10 year old hasn't even asked for it yet..I've decided my girls (4 of them) can wear it when their 15...I was 15 when I got to wear it. Lets hope they'll hold out that long. xo

  28. i want to embrace it, and start a culture of embracing our age, so that people can stop wondering "where are all the older women?"

  29. It's funny because I still think of myself in the same age group with the 20-somethings, though I'm now 30-something!

  30. I love getting older. I will never dye my hair when it starts turning grey. I hope I never dread my birthdays or hesitate to share my age. But even though I love seeing my kids learn and grow, I do wish they would slow down a little bit. And I will definitely not let my daughter shave or put on makeup for a long time!

  31. I'm only 26, but I tell my husband to never let me dye my hair when it starts getting gray.

  32. i had a really hard time turning 30 and ever since, anytime my kiddos ask me my age {31 now}, i tell them 28. last week, my daughter was with me at a doctor's appointment and the nurse asked me my age. I told her 31 and my daughter says, "no mom, 28!" i told her we couldn't lie to the doctor...the nurse got a good laugh!! :)

  33. Oh goodness, I am turning 40 this August, and the gray hairs seem to know this, because they are multiplying by the day!
    I do think life just keeps on getting better every year, though, despite those white wiry reminders of age.
    I also feel like I am better at Motherhood and at being a wife, and even at being me now that I am older. Maybe that is where the wisdom lies?

  34. I've finally begun to accept my age, mostly because I've finally accepted that the plans you make in grade school and high school aren't necessarily realistic. But then, I'm an odd-numbered age, and I've always felt more optimistic in my odd years (If you'd've asked me a month ago I'd be a "year younger" and whinging about how close to thirty I was.)

  35. My thoughts on aging? I guess I'm both embracing and fighting, although not necessarily at the same time. You said it so right about the part that "my mind is stronger, my passion is brighter, and my love and ability to love is larger." I really love that and I can totally relay to the same time, I'm fighting the many many "softer" parts on my body. :)

    amy [at] utry [dot] it

  36. Tweeted about this giveaway:

    amy [at] utry [dot] it

  37. I embraced getting old for about 10 years and then I decided - ENOUGH! So now I am fighting it with everything I have in me or can buy to help me!
    jednc @ hotmail .com

  38. With my birthday quickly approaching I always realize I never want to redo an age. Life is getting better by the second, I just had my first child, and although it is sad to watch her grow each week and month she gets older gives a small perk ( such as real smiles) that you don't want them to go back to the squishy newborn phase either. Bring on aging!

  39. fun to see you two pulling faces!

  40. I'm just hoping to age as gracefully as my mom. And...glad that I don't have a daughter I have to answer the awkward questions for right now!

  41. I am fighting it all the way! My hair that was once stick straight is now curly and has what my BF refers to as 'natural highlights' and I am sagging in place I did not realize you could sag... but I always tell people when asked "I am 26 3/4 and not a day older!!"

  42. Currently I'm really enjoying my age - 27. Past growing up, high school, early adulthood insecurities. Raising 3 babies. I'm expecting 30 will be a difficult number to swallow, but take comfort knowing the aging process is part of the Master Plan.

  43. I think I've gone past embracing it and crossed over into throwing myself on it. I always disliked being young: I was broke and had spots and didn't have any self-confidence. Wrinkles are a very, very small price to pay for knowing what to do and having both the skill and confidence to do it. And my grey makes me look very distinguished, I think!

  44. I would say I'm embracing it! I eat healthy foods and wear sunscreen. Then again, I'm only 20...

    13ivi0n (at] gmail [dot) com

  45. hello! I guess I'm both embracing and fighting, although not necessarily at the same time. haha. thanks for the giveaway

  46. I love embracing my age as I definitely don't feel 43. I think I have good genes as people often think I'm in my mid-30's. I have a 23 yr. old, 4 yr. old and 3 yr. old so they all keep me mature, wise and young!!!! Is that possible??

  47. Haha! I still don't wear make up and I'm in college. (Okay, I do occasionally, but not every day.) When I was little though, I wore play make up around the house. We had to play with the real stuff because my mom was allergic to the play make up but even's pretty hard for new make up wearers to hide it!

  48. This is on my mind quite a lot lately as I get ready to turn 40 this year!!! Ack! But, really I think my only complaint right now is that I wish I had taken better care of my body until now - it totally shows that I've been neglecting it. Oh, and I wish I had never started highlighting my hair!!! I think it would look better just letting the gray show but the process of letting all that color grow out is daunting!

    How I feel about who I am is so much better than when I was younger though. I am ok with just being me and I think I know a little bit more about how to navigate life - a little.

    And I love being the mom to (some) older kids. Once you get past the horrid 12-13 age, (oh, and my heart hurts for them at that age!!!) they are so fun!

  49. p.s. you and your sister are just gorgeous (don't know how that escaped my previous post!)

  50. Embracing it! What choice do we have?

  51. it's okay. i'm as young as i'm ever going to be. i'm gray, flabby and oh so slow. my biggest problem is using all my fabric before, you know, before time runs out. :>)

  52. Embrace it!! My younger years were filled with concern for what others thought and trying to be someone I was not. Aging has brought me the maturity to worry about what is right and kind in the Lord's eyes, not others. I hope I can pass that onto my 3 girls!

  53. Embracing it! I'm in my middle thirties and have quite a few gray hairs. I don't care and don't color my hair at all. I wear moisturizer and sunscreen on my face every day and try to eat healthy and exercise, but that's mostly for health reasons. It's funny because I don't feel that much different than 20 years ago. I'm still secretly a teenager ;)

  54. Embracing it...not everyone gets the privilege of aging. Too many lives get cut short for whatever reason. I believe each season of life should be celebrated, not loathed. Life is a blessing.

  55. Well, you can be old.....

    or you can be dead.

    I choose life! (snicker)

  56. I just discovered your blog in a convoluted way through Delia creates and your LOVELY book cover that I think will make a beautiful gift if I don't procrastinate!
    I scrolled down to this post and was captivated by the pictures of two gorgeous ladies with such beautiful smiles. I thought you were sisters until I started reading and realised that it was you and your daughter! Grey hairs, whatever... they are the crown of wisdom I say (I don't even have kids yet, and I have too many to count, so I have to make a good thing of them).
    Thanks for bringing some sunshine to my day. I'm going to follow you now so that I can have more sunshine regularly :)

  57. Oh I just caught the caption, my apologies - I looked through the photos again because I could not believe that your sister (indeed) was your daughter. HA, but you still look amazing and I'm still following =)

  58. I'm embracing... for the most part! I just turned 30, but I don't feel that old.

    And in regards to gray hairs... I found my first one on the day that I graduated from college. They're getting worse, but I haven't started dying my hair (yet).

  59. fighting the aging - looking for all types of face and hand creams!

  60. The lines around my eyes from smiling are reminders of my joy. The grey in my hair is misleading to those who think I'm all-wise and respectable.

    I've never looked better than with the stamp of the years on me. I was not meant for youthful good looks. I was meant for knowing smiles, bright eyes under silver curls, and deep creases at my mouth.

    I've never been 'beautiful' or 'attractive' by society's definition (or much of anybody's, i think) but I've finally gotten content with myself.

    And face it, years of only being told how nice you look when you are slathered in gallons of makeup and and can't go outside because your hair will frizz is good times wasted and missed!

    Also, I totally want one of those Bee necklaces!

  61. I'm 26 years old and have a grey streak forming just above my right temple. There are too many silvers to count!

    I began dying my hair, but a year ago I cut it all off and am starting anew. I want those silvers. I want that streak. I think it's going to look amazing with my jet black hair, and, eventually I'm going to look amazing with just silver hair!

  62. Getting gray hairs has been super strange. Some days I feel great about my age (OK, so I'm only 31!!!, but some days I feel SO old. I really hope and plan to embrace aging.

  63. Oh, boy----I got my first greys at 18 years old.
    I'd love to say I openly embrace the aging process, but I don't always love it. I love the knowledge and ability to let things go and love more that come with time. However, the wrinkles and the strange face looking back at me from the mirror are a bit startling some days.

    I feel better on the inside with each passing year. What's on the outside doesn't always match. However, I certainly do embrace a healthier lifestyle now that I'm older.

  64. Oh, boy----I got my first greys at 18 years old.
    I'd love to say I openly embrace the aging process, but I don't always love it. I love the knowledge and ability to let things go and love more that come with time. However, the wrinkles and the strange face looking back at me from the mirror are a bit startling some days.

    I feel better on the inside with each passing year. What's on the outside doesn't always match. However, I certainly do embrace a healthier lifestyle now that I'm older.

  65. I Just dyed my hair for the first time last week. I'm 33 and have a bit more grays than I would like. A new stage of life for me. I held off as long as possible :)

  66. I haven't even hit 30 yet so I don't feel I can truly answer this question. But I guess I am embracing it, trying to see the good in being older and wiser instead of older and wrinklier. :)

  67. My grandmother is a beautiful, luminous, silver-haired lady and I want to be just like her. I guess that means that I'm embracing the aging process?

  68. Embracing every laugh line and wrinkle as a good memory and often a great day at the beach!

  69. I'm just hoping and praying to age just like my mom. If I can pull that off everything will be fabulous.

  70. Its definitely a bit of both for me- I'm still young (26 and half on Sunday) with my first child due at the end of July, but time flies so fast that I panic a bit thinking I'm running out of time.

    littlesongbird17 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  71. I had a few greys before 30, but I dye my hair funky colors so most people don't ever see them! :)

    I'm begrudgingly embracing 30, looking forward to what's coming next and being done with all the changes back and forth that come with pregnancy and breastfeeding, however, I do so evermuch miss the big boobs!

  72. 30 is soon to be upon me and the wrinkles are beginning to show, but these are the best times of my life.

  73. embrace! i'm starting to see gray hairs for the first time but haven't colored my hair in 7 years. i'm thinking embrace the gray and don't fight it! :)

  74. I'm closer to 40 than 30 these days. I've started seeing the benefit of regular facials, but I can't handle the thought of needles or (gulp!) surgery. I think my laugh lines are well-earned after years of happiness. I hope to embrace it gracefully, but with a bit of pampering to keep me happy. Cuz if you're not happy, it's hard to even feel pretty!

  75. In a society that values youth so much, I am trying to embrace aging and the wisdom and joys that come with's my kids who need to stop aging:)

  76. I like to think of the fighting more as making the best of what god gave me, be healthly, work out, and eat the best I can (most of the time). A little highlights and some make-up for going out is just a little bit of window dressing.

  77. I am 24 and have discovered over 4 grey hairs. I love the salt and pepper look but hope that mine takes it nice and slow;p

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  78. I tweeted too

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  79. I have not been embracing it so well.uughh!

    I get subtle hide the gray, and I just tweeze the one I find.

    Oh yeah, and I can not leave the house without my undereye concealor...scary and zombie looking without!


  80. I'm excited to get older and experience more of life

    karinaroselee at gmail dot com

  81. I handled the gray hair much better than I handled the mustache!
    I'm afraid I'm not aging very gracefully. I never expected that I would experience the signs of aging and I haven't (yet) been able to embrace them.
    I loved your photos!
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  82. Love that I found this post via BlogHer's Get Old Campaign.

    So tempted to enter one of my own: but this one here, so beautiful.

    Thank you.

  83. I'm pretty sure I'm denying it -- I've been inspecting the hairs, and my vision has gotten worse (from pregnancy, right? not age?), and I can't tell if they are blond or grey.

  84. I'm denying it -- I've been inspecting the hairs, but my vision has gotten worse (from pregnancy, right? not aging!), and I can't tell if they are blonde or grey.

  85. i dislike getting older due to the pains and aches

  86. I'm not quite at peace with getting older yet, but I'm getting there.

    alittlenosh AT

  87. I'm looking forward to retiring and seeing the world

  88. I feel uneasy about getting older. However, I hope for the best and realize that I cannot sit around dwelling on growing old... although today is my birthday!


  89. I'm trying to do a bit of both, but I feel very uneasy about getting older.

  90. i feel GREAT about it. as long as i am getting old, it means im still living, and to me ::wink: thats a good thing
    Thanks for a super giveaway!

    My email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  91. 4 in a row!

    i remember i was IN AWE about olive's peers.
    and i LOVE this series of you and jordan. something tangible should be made from it.


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