
21 June 2012

Book Coat Tutorial: Color Your Summer Guest

Great glass beads, bobbles, and buttons, oh my!  Did you know it's orange day?  Well, over at Color Your Summer with Delia and KOJO, that is.  
And do you know who is sharing a very, very orange project over at Delia's?  ;) It's one of those perfectly portable projects you can put in your purse and work on a few minutes here and there: doctor's office, playground, swim lessons, road trips.  And before you know it, you're finished!  (Unless, of course, your name happens to be Katy Dill and you tend to procrastinate meeting a deadline and stay up into the wee hours of the morning watching reruns on Netflix to finish and can't even walk straight to crawl into bed.)
But you?  No, you're much more on top of it.
Go take a look at how easy it is to put one of these together.


  1. So pretty, as usual. Hope you found something good to watch on netflix. :)

  2. Oh, I can't wait! On my way to the tutorial right now. I saw your mom's scripture cover eons ago and fell in love.

  3. haha...or if your name is Delia Randall. :) Sounds familiar...

    I'm interested to know what you like on Netflix. I have already finished a few TV series (all that nursing means lots of TV watching...I'm not good and read books while I nurse or anything like that :) )But I need another. Ever since we signed up for Netflix most regular TV bores me. I would much rather watch a marathon of a TV series! :) We don't have cable so I'm easily entertained.

    Thanks for guest posting. It was lovely having you!

  4. I love portable projects! I am currently working on a hexagon quilt and I really enjoy throwing it in a bag and taking it to the park or a home ed meetup. :)

  5. Don't worry, my name is not Katy Dill and I definitely do that anyway. :)

  6. I don't know if easy is the word I'd use...but it's certainly inspiring and impressive and beautiful. WOW. That creative mind of yours is just a bottomless well!

  7. Beautiful. I am going to make one of these once I finish up birthday crafting. My little girl turns 3 and my little boy turns 1 a day apart next month. I love all the little details. Your stitches are so even. I have always admired your embroidery 'no big dill'. It looks much neater than any words I attempt to embroider. I guess I just need more practice, and this is the perfect project to practice on!

  8. Hi Katy - I was wondering if you could recommend a source for felt. It seems that I can only find really nice stuff in 1 mm - Is that too thin for this project?


  9. Hi Katy - I was wondering if you could recommend a source for felt. It seems that I can only find really nice stuff in 1 mm - Is that too thin for this project?


  10. Hi Katy -

    I was wondering if you could recommend a source for quality felt for this project. I have looked at some nice stuff, but it is only 1 mm - It seems like that would be too thin for this project.


  11. Katy - would you be able to recommend a source for felt. I have found some beautiful felt at Purl Soho, but it is fairly thin - only 1mm. I would love your advice!

  12. Andrea,
    I am actually doing one right now out of 1mm and it works, but obviously won't be as sturdy. You could always back it with a double layer of felt or another type of fabric if you wanted the stiffness. I bought my felt when I was in Korea, but miraculously saved the little tag from it. I can figure it out up until the last couple of steps of the check-out, but if you have a friend who can speak Korean, that would help. It's quite a bit cheaper: is the web address.

  13. #5!
    i'm with emily—curious what reruns you enjoy.
    the beadwork is incredible. and wow, i wish i saved the tag to where i got my dongdaemun felt. actually, i probably did, so i really should say "i wish i kept track of where i saved the tag..."

  14. LOVE THIS!! Would love to make it for my daughter for Christmas but I don't know embroidery. Can you suggest a resources for me to learn how to do the stitching or a simpler version?


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