
24 June 2012

20/20 Hindsight

We told the kids we were going to a park.  I think they were expecting brightly colored slides, artificial mulch, and possibly a tire swing.  Those are the best.  But we ended up at more of a reserve with nothing to entertain us but a walk.  And it was hot.  And some of us wore clothes that should be retired, or called a tunic instead of a dress.
I tried to ration my water.  I seem to be extra thirsty these days.  But I've never been very good at planning ahead or delayed gratification, so it was soon gone (at least I admit it, right?) Each of the girls had their own water, and I might have snuck a sip or two from the least suspicious looking bottles.  As we struck out, there were complaints that this was most certainly NOT a park, and that walking WAS NOT a fun thing to do.  We had never been before, so we couldn't promise any sort of reward or goal, but pressed on trying to distract and be positive.
We were all in it together, taking turns pushing (and sitting in) the stroller.  The trees were towering, and it felt kind of like a Hansel and Gretel stroll, never sure what was around each bend.
There was a brief hot, sunny, bare patch that was almost unbearable, the kind where you hear the cicadas all buzzing and things start to look a little bit blurry, but it was short and we were soon back under the protection of shade walking through bits of swampy area.
I'll admit I put my darting eyes on, half expecting an alligator to pop up to say hello, and trying to remember what they told us to do at the alligator farm field trip with Olive perchance we ran into one.  It's a myth to run in a zig zag pattern, you know.  I think I decided we would just run straight.  And maybe scream.  That would probably scare any creature, to have 6 baby dills screaming in unison.  
Fortunately for us (and the gators) we didn't meet any.  But,
after a few scraped knees, 
quietly creeping creatures (this was much bigger than it appears in the photo, but nobody would hold up their finger for comparison sake, and of course I was the one taking the photo, so it couldn't possibly have been me), 
fallen trees,

and vibrant, earthy treasures,
we came to the end of the path where we were met with a scene that could have been plucked straight out of a mythological tale with a little lake of glass, surrounded by magical trees.  Isn't that how life tends to be.  Sometimes we have no idea where it's taking us, and it isn't always pleasant, but so worth it.  I told Ryan we need to come back with a picnic basket.  Now that we know.


  1. this was sweet. love family walks. and your girls + drummer are adorable.

  2. What a great place! I get the same complaints if a park doesn't involve swings and a slide. Love your pictures, as usual. :)

  3. ahh I just got homesick for Florida looking at all of these pictures! It looks gorgeous!

  4. Ah, walks in the park. We love doing that. We play games, like tree tag (we pick three, as many as people minus two. One person is the tagger, and the rest, minus one (because there aren't enough) hold a tree. Whoever doesn't touch a tree can be tagged. When someone else touches your tree you have to run and find another tree, or be tagged) but maybe it is a bit hotter where you are (maybe? I am certain!) and running is a bit out of the question. *grin*

    Anyway, we love our forests. We search for leprachauns and little creatures and tell eachother stories about the magical things we think we see. It's such fun!

    Love these shots.

  5. What a stunning place! I had to chuckle as it reminded me of outings with our kids, where the effort to get there and have the moment hardly seems worth it. Almost always is though.

  6. A great way to get kids to go for a walk is to find treasure along the way, check out geocaching, all around the world there are hidden boxes & film cannisters which you can use you phone to find swop treasure and sign the book. Its a great adventure for the kids as you have to be discrete and not draw attention to this hidden treasure.

    Check out the website for free and I bet you walked past loads

  7. what a great end to your walk! I totally have made my little children mad by saying we were going to the park and then proceeding to take them into SLIDES! ahhh the humanity! lol.

    I recently had this obsession with taking my 3 year old and almost 2 year old to see the Potomac river, and we went on a horrible, hot walk to get there. We were dripping sweat and I had forgotten their water, so I was sharing with them from my bottle. Being a very thirsty person who doesn't like floating things in my water, this was an act of love...It was a beautiful walk but definitely better in theory than reality. lol

  8. We love taking hikes down new trails. I love that your girls are all out in the woods in dresses... that's how my girls hike, too. =)

  9. My favorite kind of adventure! IF the kids are complaining then I know it will be good. ;)

  10. I am afraid I would agree with the kids when it is THAT hot! But you know me, I am a whimp.

  11. Beautiful pics. THAT is definitely a place I would visit again. :D Glad your long and arduous walk was rewarded with such natural beauty.

  12. Those baby Dills look hot! Lovely photos

  13. Very cute! Your girls are all precious! xxx

  14. I love that you have girls that will go on nature walks in shorts and tees or beautiful dresses :)

  15. Katy, the photo with all the kids in it, Divine stole your face! She looks exactly like you!
    What a fabulous adventure for them!

  16. I remember that summer Florida thick air with the buzzing and no breeze in sight. Cheeks going red just in stepping outside into that nearly 100% humidity. Beautiful pictures. Aloha.

  17. Wow...That last picture....just wow. Thank you for reminding me that there is a lake of glass at the end of this. :)

  18. how fun! you can tell you guys are city people with your description of the walk and how the girls are dressed! too cute!!

  19. 6!

    i really hope to incorporate your walk tradition (ritual? practice? theory?) into our family too.

    such cute photos! how fun for your kids to have these! and i love clover's skin-tight dress! ha!


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