
12 May 2012

To All Women

Motherhood is an ever evolving, multi-faceted role. 
There's the physical; feeding, holding, rocking, changing, cleaning.
Then there's the teaching; walking, potty training, writing their name, good nutrition, kind behavior, changing bodies, relationships.
triangle eyelashes on a freshly washed baby are the best, no?
Add different ages, emotions, personalities and it's a never ending smorgasbord of mothering options.
I am grateful for my mother who never gave up, who always sought spiritual guidance in her sacred role, and who hasn't retired from doing so.

I am grateful for a mother-in-law who gave me such a stellar husband.
I'm grateful for all the women in my life who have taught and inspired me.
I am grateful for those women in my children's lives who nurture them and don't judge me when they have ragamuffin hair.
To every woman, happy mother's day.
You are beautiful.


  1. Thank you, Katy. Right back atcha.

  2. Thank you for honoring all women!

  3. happy mother's day !
    (I am a woman but not a mother. 'Woman' and 'mother' is not the same ... )

  4. Happy Mother's Day! Love the pictures and post, as usual. (also I'm glad you used the word "ragamuffin" b/c for some reason my husband thinks it's a made up word).

  5. And, a Happy Mother's Day to you, too. xoxo

  6. I don't like mother's day, it just remind me of too much of bad moments with my own mother...but reading that post of yours, I could like it some day, with time, so thank you for giving me the opportunity to think about it not as a daughter but as the mother that I am and who feels so blessed. Thank you.

  7. Thank you, Kate! That was beautiful. I want to skip Mother's Day too often, b/c so often I don't enjoy being a mother. & the day always fills up w/ just as much fighting as any other day. I'll have your words in my heart tomorrow! <3

  8. Thank you and happy day to you too!

  9. Happy Mother's Day! What a beautiful post!

  10. Thank you for mothering 6 of 7 grandchildren plus my son. I love and admire you more each day. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all women, who in some way, mother each day.

  11. you have such a way with make one (well at least me!) reflect on so much....what i am doing now with my 2 is exactly what my mama did with me...and although we know it, we do need reminding sometimes...blessings to all mothers, who were, are, will be, wish to be, and to you too...

  12. Beautifully said, Katy. Happy Mother's Day to you!

  13. it makes me grateful that I had the best mum ever! I am sooo proud that I have reared 5 wonderful adults who have gone out into the world to raise their own precious families! I enjoyed every moment of raising them, good and bad, happy and sad, wish I could do it all over again! xoxo

  14. Happy Mother's Day to you, too! Your ragamuffin hair comment made me laugh. I try to keep my daughter's hair fixed nice when we are going somewhere, but the inevitable time it isn't always makes me cringe. :-)

  15. Thank you!
    Happy Mothers day to you too, your an inspiration!
    and your photos oh how i <3 them : )

  16. Happy Mother's Day to you, Katy! Hope you have a lovely day soaking up your family.

  17. Such sweet pictures and lovely words! Happy Mother's Day, Katy!

  18. Happy Mother's Day, Katy! Hope you had a beautiful day today.

  19. You are beautiful... with words to match. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. You are a treasure.


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