
30 May 2012

OUT Chapter 3: Jane of Buzzmills (and a giveaway!)

I have another first time OUTer here today, Jane of Buzzmills.  Jane emailed me and I remembered her from the OUT Chapter 2 and her little house project she submitted to the flickr group.  She told me about her idea for chapter 3 and I thought it sounded so fun and asked her to join in!  One of my favorite projects of hers is this fun bird pillow.  Cute, right?  Welcome, Jane!

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Hi there.  I am Jane from Buzzmills and l am so excited to be joining all of these wonderfully creative ladies for Chapter 3 of Once Upon a Thread!!  When Katy put a shout out back in April for OUT ideas I was thrilled to share my idea with her and even more so when she liked it!  You see, once you start thinking about Once Upon a Thread ideas, it sort of becomes addicting.  I am constantly seeing ways to make a children's book come alive now.
Today, I am going to share one of our favorite books with you:  "Duck & Goose" by Tad Hills. IMG_3150
This was one of those books that we got out of the library one day and then didn't want to take it back.  My son, Henry, constantly wanted to read it.  After taking it out of the library three times and countless renewals, Santa decided that it was time we had our own copy and a Duck and Goose to go with it!  IMG_2911
But what could make the whole book reading experience more fun and comfy?  Why a Rollie Pollie of course!
Cover collage
The story is about a Duck and a Goose who don't know each other at first and who both, at the same time, stumble upon something interesting... Interesting collage

They begin to argue over the new Egg that they found... IMG_3156
"I touched it first" said Goose. IMG_3099
They both have some different ideas... Thought bubble collage
They decide that they must keep the Egg warm, and after a flurry of fussing, grunting and groaning, slipping and sliding, honking and quacking Squabaling collage
They both ended up on top of the egg, back to back together, keeping the egg warm  IMG_3134
While they did squabble at first, eventually, since they sat and sat and sat on the egg for a long time, they began to like each other and became friends... IMG_3166
Then a little bird came by and asked if she could play with their ball... IMG_3170
"Did she say ball?" And the new friends stopped protecting the egg and began to play with each other... IMG_3185
Even flewwords
Tutorial pic
To start, I used Dana's (of MADE) large pattern for the Rollie Pollie.  I wanted it to be big enough for both kids to sit in and read, which works great right now... IMG_2974
And, big enough for them to grow into...
That being said, the large Rollie Pollie takes a LOT of fabric!  I searched and searched for fairly inexpensive white cotton twill and I ended up at Ikea... IMG_2837
These curtains cost me $25 and it was exactly the right amount of fabric for both the insert and the slipcover for my Rollie Pollie.  You do have to be a bit exact on your placement of your pattern pieces, but it does work (even after a bit of shrinking from washing...) IMG_2851
Sadly, it's hard to see here, I apologize.  But, if you place your end pieces in the middle and the side pieces next to them, it will look a bit like an airplane propeller, it works.  You will have a tiny bit of leeway because the end pieces for the slipcover will not be cut from the twill. 
To make the "dots" I essentially treated them as very large appliques.  Initially, I had thought of simply painting the dots onto the Rollie Pollie using freezer paper, but paint can be scratchy and Rollie Pollies should be comfy, not scratchy right?!  I used fine wale corduroy and fleece for my fabric.  I love playing around with textures when I am making things for kids and these fabrics are so soft and snuggly.  You will need fabric in orange, red, and yellow, approximately 1/2 yard of one color and 1 yard of two colors.  Using the Rollie Pollie pattern you will need to cut one end piece out of each of your 1 yard colors.  Also, use one of these colors to make your handle.  Once you have cut your end pieces you will need to cut out eight more circles.  You will have one color that is a bit under represented, but you won't notice...(my end pieces were red and orange, and for the rest of the dots I used three yellow and orange and only two red.)
To cut my circles I found a large serving platter IMG_2865
Which was 14.5" in diameter and the perfect fit! Circle
Once all of my circles were cut I adhered Heat N Bond to the back so that I could later attach them to the side panels of the Rollie Pollie.  It is much easier to sew on such big pieces if they are attached to the fabric first (instead of pinning), not to mention the Heat N Bond helped adhere the entire "dot" onto the panels, which will make it more sturdy and less likely to tear.  (Perhaps I could have used quilting spray adhesive, I'm not very familiar with that, plus I had Heat N Bond on hand.)
Once all circles have Heat N Bond ironed onto them lay them on your panels with the top one a couple of inches away from the left and top edges and the right one a couple of inches away from the right and bottom edges (leaving room for the seam allowance, 1/2").   Dot placement
Lay your dots out in a pattern (see below).IMG_2907

when you get to the zippered panel simply place your dots where you want them IMG_2912
and then cut the circle right where the zipper is so there is a part of the circle on either side of the zipper. IMG_2922
Once you have your circles laid out the way you want them, iron them in place and then sew around the edges.  Then, follow the pattern directions to finish your Rollie Pollie, using your other two larger "dots" as the end pieces.
You probably noticed, that I had all of my panels sewn together when I was laying out my circles...Well, you know when you have one of those moments when you think and think about something and decide what the correct approach should be and then when you've gone to far, to the point of there's no turning back, your realize you made the incorrect decision after all, this was one of those times ;)  So, take it from me, sew the circles on first and then sew your panels together!  It is possible to do it the way I did it and it still looks great, it is just a lot more cumbersome and tedious and takes a longer!  
So, there you have it!  Your own Duck and Goose egg, ahem, ball! Ball collage
One more Rollie Pollie is OVERstuffed to give it more of a ball look/feel, in order to over stuff it and still get the slipcover around the insert I put a zipper on the insert as well. Initiallly I did not over stuff the insert.  I only stuffed the insert a little and then I put the slipcover on.  Once I had the slipcover around the insert I stuffed my heart out ;)  I like having the zipper on the insert as well as the slipcover because this way we can change the fluffiness of our Rollie Pollie as we like!  
And, just for fun...because kids like to dress up, even with the simplest of "costumes"...super quick duck and goose wings and bill... Wings collage
Thanks again for having me here to share Katy, it's been a lot of fun!

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What fun, Jane!  The giant polka-dots are darling.  And Dana's Rollie Pollie pattern is always a fun one.  

And guess what?!  Dana is giving away 4 of her patterns to my marvelous readers!  Yes, you!  Always wanted to make one of the Rollie Pollies?  

Leave a comment to be entered into the giveaway.  
✪ Please leave your email if it's not linked to your profile.  Pretty please :)
✪ Open until Saturday! 


  1. I have to go find that book at the library today =) And I'd love to win a Rollie Pollie pattern. Thanks for the chance!

  2. Woo! It's so cool to see a fresh face on the blogosphere! Well, someone I haven't seen before anyway ^_^ This post has made me realise I really do need a Rollie Pollie! My kid would LOVE it. And with the polka dots, you could do in different shades of grey and it would be like craters on the moon ^_^

    Love it! Love so much!

  3. I have two sweet nieces that would LOVE to lounge on, throw around and read sweetly upon a Rollie Pollie!!! And if I buy them that adorable book as well I know I'll forever be their favorite aunt! ;-)
    Great post! I'm loving this latest chapter!

  4. I HAVE always wanted to make one of these :) And-- what a fun way to incorporate the book with the pattern :)


  5. What a great idea!!!
    Evin5 at aol dot com

  6. What a fun idea. I really enjoy reading the once upon a thread posts - they are so creative and fun, plus it helps us add new books to our library list! Dana's patterns are great - I've always admired this pattern, but have never gotten around to purchasing it. It would be great to win a copy.

  7. I have always wanted to make one. They are too cute. Thank you for the chance.

  8. very cute! And hours of kiddlet fun!!!

  9. This is so cute and I would love to win one of the patterns!

  10. CUTE rollie pollie!!! I want to make one so bad for my girls!!! Thank you for the giveaway!

  11. so fun! I LOVE it! and was just thinking I need that pattern - hopefully I'll win it!

  12. How cute is that! I love it, and so would my kids! Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. ohh, we'll have to check out this book! Sounds right up my bird-lover's alley! And I'd love to have a chance at Dana's pattern too!
    hobart.the.owl AT gmail DOT com

  14. It's adorable, Jane! Love it! :)

  15. Once one of my littles saw the beanbag photos, she said, "I NEED one." She sounds like me!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the pattern.

  16. My 2-year-old daughter "reads" non-stop all day every day and I've been dying to make this cushion for her to enjoy with her books. Please and thank you! Ashley dot valgardson at gmaildot com.

  17. I need to find this book asap. It looks like a really fun one! And I would LOVE a Rollie Pollie pattern. Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. Please put me in for a pattern! Thanks! ke77yann (at) gmail (dot) com

  19. What fun! We would love a giant rollie pollie in our house. Thanks for the giveaway!

    courtney at lifetab dot com

  20. What a fun book! I'd love to win a rolie polie pattern too. Thanks so much for the chance and the fun dress up pattern!

  21. Dana's Patterns! yes please:)

    ltkibbe at gmail dot come

  22. Cute rollie pollie! And great giveaway! Dana's beach robe pattern was the first pattern I ever used, and I learned so much!

  23. I would LOVE a rollie pollie for the playroom! stephaniemeyet @ thanks!

  24. I want to see if my library has that book now. So cute! Love the Rollie Pollie!! I also love OUT. So creative and shares wonderful books with your readers as well!

  25. Too cute!!! Really truly well done.

  26. I love the idea of using the Ikea curtain for the fabric!

  27. I love the look of this Rollie Pollie! I want the pattern to make one for my kids!

  28. That is a really cute pattern! I have been wanting to make her Rollie Pollie, but just haven't gotten to it.

    aldwedgi at hotmail dot com

    Sorry it posts my hubby's name.

  29. I love the polka dot rollie pollie!! What a cute book. I've Wanted to make a Rollie pollie for a long time, and actually thought it would be good practice for my daughter learning to sew. Thanks for the chance to win. caraleesearl at yahoo dot com

  30. Yes please!!! I would love to make this for my soon-to-be toddler! Very cute.

  31. This project is so so much fun! Please enter me in your giveaway! dhippo at pacbell dot net

  32. I'd love to make one of these for my book loving boys! Thanks for the fun giveaway.

  33. yes, yes, yes, I remember when Dana put them in the competition ( i voted for it). so fun. i'm thinking they would be awesome for the basement furniture.

  34. I need to find that book! What a great post. I really like the pictures of the egg/ball in the air and the overstuffed rollie pollie and fun bright circles. :)

  35. What a fun project!! I'd love to win a pattern. cheriemie (at) gmail (dot) com

  36. How fun! We love Duck and Goose... and Gossie and Gertie too. I'd love to make a rollie pollie for my little men :)

  37. What a fun book and way to make it come to life!

  38. I love what Jane did with the Rollie Pollie pattern! My kids are big readers and would love a Rollie Pollie of their own! kyleswife(at)hotmail(dot)com

  39. I'd love to win that pattern!

  40. oh i would love to sew a rolie polie up for my three little guys and their baby sister! please!

  41. We love goose and duck, and the rollie pollie is great!

  42. Cute book and project! I love Dana's patterns! Thanks!

  43. Love the book and the rollie pollie! Great idea, Jane!

  44. Thanks so much for the wonderful series and the great giveaway!

  45. I totally want to make one of the Rollie Pollies and read this book!

  46. We love Duck and Goose and I've been dying to make a Rollie Pollie. So adorable!


  47. I've been eyeing the Rollie Pollie pattern since she first published it. Super cute with the dots!

  48. Oh, I'd love to make a Rollie Pollie!! Thanks for doing the giveaway :)

  49. Oh, cool! A new blogger to follow and a giveaway! Thanks for the great series and thanks to Dana for the giveaway!

  50. I would love a Rollie Pollie pattern!!

  51. How fun is that? Very cute idea! Would love a rollie pollie pattern. :)

  52. Yes please! Oh and this project is adorable! Great translation of the book into life.

  53. How fun is that???? I am going to have to remember this book for my grandkids, when I get some! ;)

  54. Ooh, I'd love to win!
    LauraL444 at yahoo dot com

  55. I've been looking at that pattern all week!

  56. How fun is that Rollie Pollie?!? Thanks for sharing!

  57. Great idea! We'll have to check that book out of our library this summer. :) sabrina . mcgrath @gmail (no spaces)

  58. Super cute, Jane! Love your big egg rollie pollie. I'd love to try making one - my email is skirtastop(at)gmail(dot)com

  59. I love that book! And that Rollie Pollie is adorable! I'm pretty sure my little readers need me to make them one.

  60. oh yes please...i made the kids new curtains for their bedroom and kept spare fabric to make a big cushion, but never got round to it..this looks way more fun...
    thanks for picking me ;)

  61. I love your OUT project, it's a great way to discover new books and cool sewing ideas!

  62. i've always wanted to try this pattern!! i really don't want to buy a bean bag at the store - i want to make this!

  63. Way cute, Jane! This just now makes me realize how much my kids would love a rollie polie to throw themselves into.

  64. Would love to win this pattern! How Fun! susiefresh (at) yahoo (dot) com

  65. How fun, what a wonderful pattern :)

  66. I would love a Rollie Pollie! I love the polka dots on it.

  67. what a cute book and I have always wanted to make one of Dana's rollie pollies!


  68. We love this book at our place & I have been meaning to make one of Dana's rollie pollie for so long. It was one of the first things I pinned.

  69. I've got to make one of these rollie pollies!

  70. I love the rollie Pollie!! They are so cute and it would be fun to make a couple that were unique for each of my kids!! Gentrynjoy-@-mainstaycomm-.-net

  71. what a cute idea!!! and i've been wanting to make a rollie pollie! thanks!!

    genevievecurtis at gmail dot com

  72. Love this idea! I would love the Rollie Pollie pattern! Those would be perfect for the kids playroom.

    tiffnil at gmail dot com

  73. Adorable and super fun giveaway!
    stampinmich at yahoo


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