
14 May 2012

Drummer: 8 months

May photo details:
calendar: stendig
shirt: kate quinn organics
(although I bought it through zulily, at a niiice discount)
pants: made by momma!

I failed to post Drummer's 7 month photo, and even missed taking 6 months because of the funeral.
It seems to me that it was just last month I was waiting for this boy to come, that I was trying all your suggestions from Evening Primrose Oil to strawberry pie to urge him to make his appearance,
that at 41 weeks I was having an ultrasound to make sure this kid was swimming in plenty of water,
and that the ultrasound tech girl knew before any of us that a boy would be coming.
It makes a smile slip onto my lips, and feel like I need to hold my breath to keep time from spilling forth.
Is it wrong that I am already dreading the day this boy falls in love with another woman and gets married?

I know, whoa, Katy!  Focus on the moment.
Like how he can growl at the plastic lion toy in the tub,
how he's testing out those two tiny teeth on everything (ouch!),
how he can now reach the pile before I sweep it up,
how he can't get enough of his momma.


  1. You summed it up well. My friends who don't have boys can't understand that special place that little boys have in their mommy's heart. It's not better or less than a little girl, just very unique.

  2. Awww... I know how you feel. My boy (after "just" three girls) is six months old already, and that realization shocks me every time I think about it. But it is SO sweet and SO fun. :-)

  3. Love it. And love your giant calendar, where did you get it? SO cool!

  4. He is sooo adorable! Good job! :)
    And I also have to agree with umustbe! That calendar is awesome!

  5. What a fun little guy! Love his outfit too. :)

  6. What a lovely post! He's such a munchkin. They grow up so fast! I don't have many kids, but my goddaughters are forbidden from dating until they're 30 (both by me and their Mom). Oh, and I love the background - and that camera!

  7. Great photos! My little man will be 9 months on the 23rd of this month and he is the exact same way. He just learned to clap and claps at everything.

  8. Love this post every month! My baby boy is 10 months and I'd like to celebrate him like that...but I let you do all the work...I just focus on the moment...

  9. He is adorable!! :)


  10. He may just be the cutest little thing ever :)

  11. He is so cute. And I am right there with you on the dreading the day my little guy gets married thing...he turns one next month, I CANNOT believe it!!

  12. I can think of 6 reasons why you didn't post.

    Drummer is beautiful and are those teeth making their debut?

  13. Katy, you need to read "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp... teaches the only way to slow down time... by giving thanks - but don't take my word for it... its a life-changing read!


  14. I second the vote about "One thousand gifts". Life changing indeed. Take a peek at my blog if you so desire. My mothers Day weekend was spent saying goodbye to my first son, letting go as he married his Bride. Savoring each moment and choosing thankful-ness. Its all grace....

  15. Ha ha, Katy, you are not alone in those thoughts! He is a sweetheart, for sure. Happy 8mths Drummer.

  16. I'm in LOVE with his birthmark! I'd kiss it all day long until I kissed it OFF!

  17. What Tasha said above! Yes, do focus, I turned around and only one little bird was left in the nest, I want them ALL to come home! It is hard to believe he has been here as long as he was in your tummy, well almost!

  18. Darling boy! Where are the striped pants and yellow shirt from?

  19. Oh what a handsome boy. Time flies...WAY too fast! Love, love the pictures.

  20. Yes cuter and cuter! Can't believe it has been eight months. Love the big calendar photos. Such a super great idea.


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