
09 May 2012

Dragging Tires

I've only met a handful in my life; those people who pray for trials and adversity to come their way.  I thought of it as I saw this admirable man dragging a tire behind him on the beach.  Not only did he attach a tire to his waist, but he wasn't embarrassed or self-conscience to go up and down the sand as he pulled it along.
I'm just barely getting to the refinement where I am trying to be grateful for experiences that help me grow and become better.  Barely. Let alone asking for more.
I like comfort.  I like to do what I like to do, and do what I'm good at doing. That was an ineloquent sentence, but you get what I'm saying. 
Sometimes I don't mind being repetitiously redundant because I know I won't fail.
my man's muscles making weekend yums
But failing sometimes is good for us.  Failing helps us resolve to change so the next time we won't fail.
our latest obsession: pear/avocado/hummus/pesto sandwiches
We become better, stronger, wiser.
Ryan is good at doing new things, taking opportunities head on, figuring it out.
I see that trait in some of our girls, grateful they got that one.
I admire, respect, revere those who pray for trials, who ask to be tested.
I'm not there, yet.
I feel weak in comparison, but that's why we shouldn't compare, because we're asked to work on our own beams.
I'm not ready to choose attaching a tire to my waist to drag around.  I'd like to be able to say one day I am, but I'm still working on my beam right now.
the gardenias are in full bloom--I like to call it our gift to the neighborhood


  1. Agree!!
    Beautiful pictures!!!
    Regards from Alejandra from... Argentina

  2. I don't like it when I am given a challenge that I didn't want. My brother died in a car accident at 16, about a month ago. And I don't like the change of not having him here. I am grateful for what I know, that I will see him again, but this is not the challenge I want. I can totally agree with you.
    I love your pictures, especially the gardenia one. You should do a calendar of all your beautiful pictures. And sell it. Your pictures make me happy.

  3. This is truly lovely! Thank you!

  4. AMAZING colours in your pictures, beautiful x

  5. What a great post and such lovely photos too!

  6. You may not want to drag a tire around but you took a really gorgeous photo of somebody else dragging a tire around!

  7. You know I certainly don't know the story behind those who pray for trials but I know that it's ok to not want trials. In fact God doesn't want us to suffer. We do suffer and He is there for us and we grow but it isn't His desire for us. I'm with you. I would never choose a path against His will to avoid suffering, but I know that He truly wants the best for me and it's OK for me to want the best too! (Not sure if this is saying what I want to say, but I've thought about this much and just needed to chime in)

  8. I've really appreciated your last few posts...especially the one about your daughter's teacher.

    Thats all.

  9. Thank you for a beautiful post accompanied by beautiful pictures. I'm not good with trials, and would avoid them if possible. Thank you for helping me see the good in everything. I love you, your goals, and thoughts.

  10. I figure choosing to have another kid is always choosing to have more trials. So, you've definitely got that down. :)

  11. This has been something my husband and I have been talking about lately. I am a worrier, and even worry about trials that may come. However, my husband has been encouraging me to start with God and understand who He is then look at the trials from His perspective, instead of getting stuck in trials and asking God "why?".
    Thanks for the encouragement.


  12. I like calm, too.
    I sent you love.

  13. That's a beautiful metaphor you've exposed.
    I don't have the same belief than the other commenters, but I definitely think that things happens to us for a reason.
    But I too get frustrated when I try something -like a new craft- and don't succeed at first!

  14. wow, did i see a zuke growing? still too cold to plant up here, but we are counting down the days until we can.

  15. Beautiful pictures. I LOVE the one of the frog.
    I think we all feel that way sometimes. Your thoughts reminded me of this talk from Conference:
    I don't think I'm ready to drag a tire around or pray for mountains to climb either. I'm still trying to catch up to amazing people like you.

  16. I do appreciate the lessons and growth one gets from the trials of life, but I certainly do not invite them to visit me!

    I will say I learned the most about myself and life after my son's stillbirth 4 years ago. I am, most definitely, a better person because of his short time with us. But when I think of going through any other of life's tragedies I want to throw up my arms and say, "NO thank you. I'm good. I've learned what I need thank you very much and I think I'll just keep on cruising like this for a good while."

    Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work like that, does it?

  17. I love your blog. You're such an inspiration to me and I hope one day that I can be as good as you are. You seem to handle motherhood so gracefully with you're 6 beautiful children and I pray that I might do half as well with my babies. I hope you have a wonderful mothers day, you deserve that; and thank you for being here to show people like me how wonderful life can be.

  18. Beautiful words.
    Beautiful pictures.

  19. Thank you for sharing. I really appreciate your thoughts and your gifts!

  20. love the thought :) beautiful! I'm not quite there yet either... OK not there at all!


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