Just wanted to say I love your blog! I have just discovered hand stamping labels too and am addicted too! Versa craft does have an orange stamp pad. Here's a link to an Etsy store that has them. http://www.etsy.com/listing/99220460/versacraft-ink-cube-tangerine?ref=sr_gallery_10&ga_includes%5B0%5D=tags&ga_search_query=versacraft&ga_search_type=all&ga_facet=versacraft&ga_includes%5B%5D=tags&ga_view_type=gallery
Hi Katy,
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say I love your blog! I have just discovered hand stamping labels too and am addicted too! Versa craft does have an orange stamp pad. Here's a link to an Etsy store that has them. http://www.etsy.com/listing/99220460/versacraft-ink-cube-tangerine?ref=sr_gallery_10&ga_includes%5B0%5D=tags&ga_search_query=versacraft&ga_search_type=all&ga_facet=versacraft&ga_includes%5B%5D=tags&ga_view_type=gallery
Hope that helps. Lori