
08 May 2012

cLOVEr 2 Dress Strikes Again--★Plus a Giveaway★

It's hard to believe that all these once two year olds have almost all doubled their age.
2 + 2 was bound to happen, I suppose, but it just came 2 quickly.
I was reminded of just how quickly that time has passed when I saw the cLOVEr 2 Dress on Gabrielle's (aka  Design Mom) Flora June.  I'm thinking those old ladies are on to something when they shake their finger at you and tell you to enjoy them while they're little after all.  
At this rate, I'd better get started on Drummer's overalls.

★★★Edit: While I'm at it, let's have a giveaway!  Do you have a favorite little 2-year-old, or soon to be?  I've gotten quite speedy at making these and would love for one of my readers to enjoy.  Obviously it will be a size 2.  And it will be for a girl.  Just leave a comment (and your email if it's not linked to your profile {please, oh, please})--what's your favorite 2-year-old trait? or what do you wish you could do that 2-year-olds get away with?--and I will choose a winner on Friday!★★★


  1. My favorite 2 year old trait is my daughter's ability to say and do whatever is on her mind. It's the complete freedom to express yourself.

  2. Those dresses are adorable! My daughter will be two in June and I think it would look adorable on her (though I'm biased...!) My favorite 2-year old trait is similar to the above-mentioned....the ability to do whatever you want, whenever you want! Walk down the street singing at the top of your lungs while people turn and smile...or walk down the street screaming "cookie, cookie" while people turn and stare...! Hot & cold!

  3. My favorite - two year olds get over things so quickly! Throw a fit and then move on to the next toy. No dwelling and letting it eat you up inside - just get it out!

  4. oh, i love this! my littlest just turned 2. gosh what i love best? maybe the innocense of being so little and how they just live life without worries. just the other day i found her playing with a big ole pile of cow poo. when i told her she was playing with cow poo she simply looked at me and said "no, it's a circle" and kept on playing with it. so i did what any mother of 3 would do...i simply walked away and enjoyed the fact that she was happy. so i guess i also love the fact that it doesnt take much to keep her happy and entertained.

  5. My sweet little one will be 2 next week! Time really does fly. I am in love with her gibberish prayers she utters, so heartfelt yet we have no idea what she is saying most of the time. Even though she can't speak well she still has such a connection with her Father in Heaven. What an example at such a young age.

  6. That is really cute fabric. Whereever did you find it?? If I don't win for my little girl, I'd love to try to make one for myself.

  7. I have one that will be heading towards 2. I love that they have such a wonder and amazement of the world. Learning is still so fun and the funniest things amaze them. It's a fun age!

  8. I've just passed down our "2" dress that I won in your giveaway last year. We hope our cousin will enjoy it as much as we did. Thanks, and good luck to all of your readers.

  9. My sweet pea is going on two, and I am so looking forward to seeing what emerges. What I love most about that age is how they are half in half - half baby, half little person. The perfect combo!
    Thanks for sharing your talents with us!

  10. My little girl is two this month (19th May) and I am so excited. My favourite trait is her determination. To jump, play, get her way etc etc! She's growing so fast and I love the little girl she is becoming.

  11. My just turned two year old picks out all my make-up correctly in the correct order every morning. Then she takes "her lipstick" and rubs it on those pouty lips forever. I love how two year olds mimic everything they see. What a love.

  12. I love everything about my 19 month old granddaughter & this dress would be adorable for her 2nd birthday. The advice you gave is what I tell my daughter, don't rush motherhood. It is the best thing you will have done in your life time, enjoy the terrible 2's. love your blog

  13. My favorite two year old trait is to imagine things in such greatly different light. My daughter used my forearm as a guitar and toasted up side walk chalk as a pretend marshmallow. I wish I could get away with making messes like her though.

  14. I love these! My favorite 2 year old trait is that she always seems to know where the treats are hidden and just stares at the spot until I come over and ask her what she would like.

  15. My favorite two year old trait is their unconditional love. They are so sweet.

  16. My baby girl just turned 5 months old yesterday, but she'll be two-years-old in 19 months, right?

    I think a two-year-old can get away with chubby thighs and have it be darling! Also, pigtails are adorable on a little girl that adults can't really get away with.

  17. My daughter will be 2 in Sept. and I can not believe it. She is my thrid girl and I am amazed at how different they are. Wow there are so many things I wish I could get away with... long naps and running around in a diaper. I am not sure why but when I run around in a diaper people give me very unplesent looks!

  18. I have a sweet little soon to be two year old, and would love to win this adorable dress! My favorite thing about this stage is the unabashed way she shouts out to us any thing she notices or loves, how she still loves to snuggle up at bedtime, and seeing the friendship develop between her and her big sister. Whoops, that was three things!

  19. My favorite (almost) 2 year old's trait is her ability to dance and let loose wherever! I wish I could just let go and dance all the time and people would isn't that they cutest thing you've ever seen like they say about my daughter.

  20. I love my almost 2 yr old dearly, but she has started getting in to EVERYTHING! Terrible 2's for sure. If only I could cry everytime I wanted something and get my way:) She is the baby of 3 so we aren't doing ourselves any favors, but man she is spoiled:) Even big brother and sister give her everything she wants.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Oh Katy! My niece, Sophie would look adorable in one of those when she turns 2 later this year! What a fun giveaway! Thanks for the chance. :)

    What I wish I could get away with... being carried everywhere!

  23. This is the age where they really start talking and its so fun to catch a glimpse of what is going on in that little head! My babies are past two but I have a good friend with a sweet little girl who would get this dress if I win.
    aliben7 (at) gmail (dot) com

  24. I love how around age 2, children start to have opinions and really develop their personalities. Thanks for having a giveaway!

  25. I am an addict of your blog. After having boy after boy after boy I was shocked to have a girl who is going to be two soon. I had hoped to know more about a girl by now: how to dress them, accessorize them, what toys would interest them, etc. but have found I still lack in all cateogories when it comes to the unfamiliar world of girl. My favorite thing about this stage in life is their total fascination and exploration with the world around them. They are constantly soaking up their surroundings and all it has to offer. If we as adults would only take such the time what a better way to live and be happy. We try so hard to teach them at that stage of life and avoid the "terrible twos" when we should be learning from them. And of course the second part of being two is you end up with getting away with most everything.

  26. My baby will be 2 in August! Goodness! How did that happen? My favorite 2 year old trait (that I also love to hate) is the constant change. Every day. I never know what to expect. Change in mood, change in speed of movement, change in independence vs. neediness ... the list goes on.

  27. Their curiosity and the unquenchable thirst for learning new things and having new experiences. I would love to be like that myself. becker(at)olga(at)gmail(dot)com

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. be able to nap whenever I wanted, I'd love that.
    Kmomisme (at) yahoo (dot) com

  30. I have a soon-to-be two year old who can have fun with anything. That is my favorite trait of this age by far.

    Playing in the backyard she picks out the best rocks, hears birds tweeting -- which makes her tweet and then laugh at herself, and then it's time to chase the dog, and kick the ball, and oh say that an even better rock over there?

    Just tonight she had a blast plopping pieces of her dinner in her water and then fishing them back out. Cracked her up every time!

  31. Well i have an almost two year old : ) she is 17 months old.. i love her discovery, playing in and tasting dirt, the giggle oh the giggle, and all her humming, the light that shines in her eyes, and the way she attacks and gushes over her 3 month old brother.
    least favorite. temper. but OH this is just a season right?
    Oh and i Adore your blog... i am new to sewing but plan to make that amazing ruffle skirt i forget the name that you made for yourself sometime soon!

  32. My daughter is two. I want to wear a princess gown like her and skip through the grocery store with my mini hot pink plastic cart singing the We're Off To See The Wizard and feel the endless joy the she feels.

  33. I have a little lady that just turned one but I have no trouble storing things for later. would love to pull this out of storage with all the rest of the "bigger" clothes. I love the the two year stage cause they are really learning to communicate in a way that we can all understand. so much fun.

  34. while I was paying at Target my two year old climbed onto the bottom rack on the grocery cart. My first instinct was to get her out, but seeing her laying on her belly with her feet hanging out the back of the cart, all I could think was how much I wish I could do that. I told her to hold on, and we headed out the door. as we were rolling she giggled "Its bumpy!" How fun!!! I wish I could do that!!

  35. My little girl is two, and what a fire cracker she is! She went all day today without an accident! Shes a big girl :( She's also a tall girl...she's more of a 3T size. I wish I could get away with skipping around and singing songs all day long like her. She has so much fun!

  36. My favorite 2-year-old trait that we see a lot of is the squeezy-affectionate one minute, then running away giggling 'nonono!' the next when you try to give her a kiss.

    that, and looking cute with yogurt on her face.

  37. I love how they are so loving. They give the best hugs and cuddles.

  38. my favorite 2 yr old trait is their inability to articulate- so they say the most incredible/ adorable 'wrong' words. I don't want to correct my daughter's pronunciation of flower- which I can't do justice with spelling.
    LOVE your dresses, your site, you style.

  39. My third girl is turning two in July. Her nickname is Crazy Daisy and that is my favorite thing about her! You never know what she will be doing next.

  40. I love age 2. I have a two year old that makes me laugh every day. She's the youngest of five and she's truly the best surprise I've ever had. My favorite two year old trait is the way they mimic everything ... right now Tate has a fake social laugh that just cracks us up.

  41. Oh how I love this! My youngest will be 2 this summer- my favorite thing about her is her curiosity. Everything is new and wonderful and worth checking out. So beautiful!

  42. Two is one of my favorite ages! I LOVE how they listen and understand way more than they can actually articulate. When I asked my 11 year old to shut the front door, she somehow didn't hear me, but my almost two year old little girl went all the way across the room to do her sister's task! They are always listening, even when we don't think they are! I would be honored to have this dress for my soon-to-be terrific two--the best listener in the house, LOL!

  43. My baby girl is 2, and I keep thinking how much fun 2 is! I love how she sings to herself all the time, just one line of a song over and over.

  44. Passionate kisses and hugs for their Mamas without a hint of embarrassment or hesitation!

  45. My daughter is 2! I just love the beginnings of actual conversations... when the baby babble starts to dissipate and they can interact with you verbally - but the words are often mixed up or sound like different words and the language is a mix of both gibberish and english. I love it when my daughter laughs and says, "Oh! Dat's Fahnnie!"

  46. I have loved how my little girl talks. As she thinks of things. It is so cute to see her mind working.

  47. I adore this fabric and dress!

    My little 2 year old is my third and just an absolute gem. I love the transition of the second year - the independence, yet they still are your little baby, and the expanded language and communication. There isn't a day that goes by where my little girl doesn't melt my heart, say something to stop me dead in my tracks, and crack me up {all in the day of a 2 year old}.

  48. My Grace is a two year old. I love her little voice the most. 2 year olds have the sweetest voices. Of course they don't always say the sweetest things. The down side of potty training is when your child uses potty language loudly in public. But sometimes I wish I could shout "I have to pee!" at the top of my lungs and everyone would make me the priority. Sigh.
    Liz @mommysaidsew dot com

  49. Yes! My youngest is turning 2 at the end of the month and I truly love this age. I love how she tries to talk like a grown-up. And she loves to give hugs to her siblings (and parents) when they are sad, or when it's bedtime. Wait, that's two things? I could go on and on :)

  50. My Grace is a two year old. I love her little voice the most. 2 year olds have the sweetest voices. Of course they don't always say the sweetest things. The down side of potty training is when your child uses potty language loudly in public. But sometimes I wish I could shout "I have to pee!" at the top of my lungs and everyone would make me the priority. Sigh.
    Liz @mommysaidsew dot com

  51. My little girl will be 2 in September. I love finally hearing all the things that are on her mind after wondering what she was thinking for 2 years!

  52. My favourite 2 year old trait is the way my daughter wants to be all big and sturdy, and becomes such a little baby with soft half-opened eyes when you give her a bottle of milk in the evening:

  53. Our little Francie is our caboose and I'm trying to be mindful to enjoy each season because they do pass all too quickly!
    I love talking with two year olds...especially my own and on camera. In the moment I can understand them so clearly and completely and I'm awed to rewatch the video a few years later and my ears just aren't as in tune. They are independent yet still so connected to their Mamas (and Daddies, of course!)

  54. Our little Francie is our caboose and I'm trying to be mindful to enjoy each season because they do pass all too quickly!
    I love talking with two year olds...especially my own and on camera. In the moment I can understand them so clearly and completely and I'm awed to rewatch the video a few years later and my ears just aren't as in tune. They are independent yet still so connected to their Mamas (and Daddies, of course!)

  55. My daughter turned 2 in February, and my favourite trait at the moment is her running full speed at me and giving me a 'big squish' full body hug <3

  56. Oh, where to start? My littlest one will be 2 in exactly 1 month and she is such a clown - full of mischief, innocence and the most knowing looks! Also I love the way she is beginning to talk - she has all the important words, "dinner, nice, more" - and her 2 siblings teach her more every day. She is our last time around and I am really trying to make the most of this time before all my babies are grown up.

  57. My almost 2 year old is a little imp and I wish I could be the same. I also wish I could be as engrossed in the fine details of the world as she can be; tiny flowers underfoot, ants crawling across the floor, the pattern on the couch. The are all equally wonderful and important in her world.

  58. My 2-year-old, Alejandra, insists on doing *everything* on her own which makes getting out the door a little tough some days. I just love her determination and stamina to stick with whatever tasks she's trying to accomplish. I wish I could just nap for two hours every afternoon :-)

  59. I love the intentional goofiness. They get "funny" Sarah skubinski at mac dot com

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. I love how they go from speechless to chattering non-stop, and how it seems like overnight they learn a hundred words. :)

    Oops! Forgot to add my email: jmgroves @

  62. My favorite (will be soon) Ella, one of the littles I watch! She is so fun to spend time with! She makes me use my imagination and I have not done that in a long time! Darn it why did my kids grow so fast!

  63. I don't know if this necessarily starts at two but my son is 2 and he seems to have a memory like an elephant - it amazes me all that he remembers & knows already I wish I was still like that. Right now I have pregnancy brain (maybe it will be a girl?? who could possibly one of these adorable dresses) which is frustrating at times; not sure if you went through that at all but my mind wonders all over the place at times. Thanks for the chance to win (and if I don't have a girl I have a friend in mind who has a little girl I could gift it to)!

  64. My baby girl is 2! I love that she sings constantly now. She's always picking up a new song or making one up of her own :)

  65. What's not to love about 2! They look at everything with wonder and amazement. Really helps me look at the world in a more positive manner. My little lady will be 2 in a bit and would look darling in this dress!

  66. My daughter turns two in June and my favorite two year old trait is how she wants to be independant, but she still runs back to "mommy" whenever she's not sure of something. It's so cute to see her trying something on her own, but it makes my heart happy to see her trusting me to take care of things when she can't. :)

  67. As our little 2 year old Molly says "I say Why, why, why all da time and daddy says Z, Z, Z" We are just now getting the hang of potty traininga nd it very exciting. On a side note, is there fabric like this with a 3 on it? what a fun birthday dress this would make!

  68. I have a darling little 18-month old, and I think I'm most impressed by her ability to get away with the most naughty things by just being super cute about it. You know, like slathering the cat with strawberry yogurt while singing "I Wub You, Titty." That sort of thing.

  69. I LOVE how they mix up words, especially in song...One of my favorites is "The farmer in the jail, the farmer in the jail, I love the dairy go, the farmer in the jail"

  70. So cute - my daughter Finley will be 2 in August. I love her sudden love of birds and how excited she gets to sit at the window FOREVER and watch them fly around and exclaim BIRD every time one makes a move.

  71. Cute! I love to watch them walk, especially when they're on the younger end of 2. So cute. What would I like to do that my baby can? Well. Maybe get into places for free? lol.

    angiemaynes (at) hotmail (dot) com

  72. I have a two-year-old to be in my house! The chance to win one of your handmade dresses is so exciting! Thanks for doing this giveaway.

  73. Oh what adorable dresses! My little red head gal would look adorable in it. I don't think it's fair to ask our favorite 2-yr-old trait -- there are so many wonderful wonders of a 2 year old, are there not? But today I have to say, I love how forgiving they are. Even when Mamma wakes up grouchy and barks orders at everyone, the 2 year old still wants to be held and snuggled and loved. They give so much forgiveness that it makes you strive to be much nicer.

  74. I will have a two year old at the end of the month. Our precious Madddie has been home with us from China for 15 months. She is the most amazing, brave child that I have ever met. She has blossomed and learned to trust and love in such a short time. I can not imagine not having her in my life. I would love to win one of your 2 year old dresses to celebrate this milestone with her!

  75. My favorite 2-year-old trait is learning to say "I love you!". My niece will be two in July and I just adore hearing her little voice say those words over the phone. I can't wait to celebrate with her!

    seejescraft (at) gmail (dot) com

  76. my favorite 2ism is when my daughter will open her arms and run to me with the biggest smile on her face. she lights up my days!!

  77. I wish I could just make a mess and run around playing with my dolls all day like our daughter! To be a kid again would be so fun!! I definitely struggle with the independence sometimes. "My do it!" sometimes takes so much longer. My email: ambanta323 @ gmail dot com

  78. Oh my youngest daughter is turning two in October! This would be so fun.

    Favorite two year old trait? When they grin at you as they do something that is not truly naughty but rather frowned upon and is is just so very hard to put on a Mama face and correct them, (which is something my 19 month old has already started!).

  79. Thing 2 year olds do that I wish I could get away with: A nap every afternoon! I'm sitting at work right now and I'm about to fall asleep...a nap would be lovely! :)

  80. My little one will be 2 in two weeks. My favorite 2 year old trait is complete determination to grow up and master so many new skills. I was winding the vacuum cord today and my Lillian just had to help. It was wonderful to watch the emotions on her face or her whole body really. She was confounded by the cord, determined to figure out how it wound around, and so so proud when it was all done. Each little thing I do everyday is a new skill to her and I love watching her try to master them.

    Thank you for all the wonderful sewing that you share with us. I love reading your blog and am inspired to create more!


  81. I've had 3 two-year-olds and our fourth is getting there! So far year two has been a continuation of the sweet curious explorations that grace year 1. Don't send me a dress with 3s on it though, cuz that's the year the terribles set in! Seriously though, we've had fun with each age and I hope I win and can dress my daughter in it for her second birthday.

  82. Cute, cute. Where on earth did you get that fabric? I have a two-year-old, and today I was thinking about the fun age it is. Specifically, the curiosity strikes me lately; a short walk with my particular two-year-old can seem very long, with her needing to stop at every crack, anthill, bird dropping, bug, stick, and piece of stray garbage that might be on our neighborhood pathways. There is an insatiable desire in her to find out what everything is through her senses, and I think there's something very beautiful and untouched about that.

  83. Two-year olds are so unbelievably adorable, from their squishiness to their unconditional love and innocence. My two-year old melts my hearth when she gives me hugs, plays with my hair, and tells me I'm pretty. :)

  84. I've had 3 two-year-olds and our fourth is getting there! So far year two has been a continuation of the sweet curious explorations that grace year 1. Don't send me a dress with 3s on it though, cuz that's the year the terribles set in! Seriously though, we've had fun with each age and I hope I win and can dress my daughter in it for her second birthday.

  85. I have an 18 month old. She keeps me very busy- won't sit for a second. Sometimes I wish I had her energy (or maybe just her nap time).

  86. I have to say that one of my favorite things about this age is the fashion choices. My daughter came downstairs yesterday wearing nothing but fairy wings and a tee shirt and declared that she was ready to go! She also has a pair of red boots that she insists on wearing everywhere, even if she's wearing a froofy dress.

  87. I love my two year olds complete joy and love for everything, even things she ultimately decides aren't really for her. I also love that she doesn't pick up on it when other kids don't really share her enthusiastic energy and excitement and she just stays pumped.

  88. My favorite trait about my 2 year old? Her springy curls on the top of her head. They are just like her personality. Fun, crazy, untamable, and you never know where they will end up! Thanks for a fun giveaway!

  89. I have an almost two-year old in August....and I can't believe it.

    His adoption was a miracle...and I miss the baby version of him already. I am not ready for him to grow up.

  90. Love it! My little girl is turning 2 this summer and she has become her own little person, she's able to tease, test, talk and strut. She is also her own person in that she is obsessed with planes, cars, taxis, and dogs... and only uses the word 'pretty' for fabric when she's shopping with her mom!

  91. My favourite 2 year old trait is pride in every little thing. I love it when a two-year-old first learns to say their whole name and just beams with pride.

  92. i love the crazy ways 2 year olds explain things, so clever and unique!! my little one will be two in a few months!

  93. My little lovely will be 2 in June and I'd adore a 2 dress! My favorite almost 2 trait is the frequently heard statement "Do it by my own!" it's so clear what she wants, with just that little bit of toddler language quirk!

  94. My little girl will be two in a few months. She's super determined and will NOT give up when she wants something. It's a trait that can be tough to deal with at this age, but I know will serve her very well as an adult. She's tough!

  95. My youngest (of 3 girls) is turning 2 at the end of June. I most admire her tenacity - she truly believes she can do ANYTHING her older sisters can do, and, more often than not, she can.

  96. I love my 2 year old. I can't decide if I love or hate that she is so independent. She's so determined to do things by herself!

  97. My little one is 2 and of all her traits the one I wish I had is the ability to fall asleep anywhere :)

  98. My favorite trait of my almost two year old is her sweet kisses, and how she slathers me in them freely.

  99. That dress will be perfect for my too soon to be two year old. My favorite trait is her confidence. She loves to get people to look at her and smile.

  100. The two year old trait that makes me laugh is doing things for themselves, and saying what they are thinking. My girl has a thing for shoes. Everyone's shoes. So funny.


  101. My daughter will be two this fall. My favorite thing she does is touch her body parts as we say them. The best is when she squishes her cheeks.

  102. HI Katy.. My 2 year old is not a size 2 being that she takes after her Daddy and not me, she is a size 3+ ;). However, my favourite 2 year old trait is that everything has to be done 'myself... I can do it myself Mummy'. Such determination, stamina, drive to complete each and every task with independence. It precious.

  103. My little one just turned 2 this week! I'd love, love to win this dress for her:)
    I can't possibly pick one favorite thing about this age. Read through the comments and each and every one trait mentioned nade my heart melt...Too bad they are growing up so quickly...

  104. I love that my soon-to-be two year old niece just plunks down whenever she is tired. I try to follow her lead, and take a load off.

  105. My favorite two year old trait? Complete trust in those you love. That certainty that the lap awaits you, that the love is unconditional, that the world cherishes you--it's breathtaking!

  106. my sweet bubbs is turning 2 in July, but she's so super tall like her daddy and I that I've got to get out the 3T clothes soon! :) I love that her smile can get her out of any trouble ;)

  107. My niece would rock that... someday. Okay, she might be a fetus still, but she's not getting any younger and I love that dress/fabric. :)

  108. Oh, shoot, I forgot to answer the question! Sorry for the double post... I think I've always enjoyed when my kids are two because they're so full of love and they do everything 110%. They're always all in, know what I mean?

  109. I have identical twin girls who are turning 2 in June. I love their intensity - they are amazed and shriek with delight when I serve up ice cream, they are completely distraught and shriek with dismay when the ice cream is all gone and there are no seconds. It is hard to be 2 and yet... it seems like they are capable of experiencing pure joy, as well.

  110. My favorite trait is how my daughter is so innocent and pure but funny and crazy all at the same time ... never quite sure what to expect!!

  111. My oldest, Olive, is 2. She would look lovely in your creation...and I would cherish it and even use it for my sweet Sula (now 6 months) when she turns 2...and maybe even for future girls God might bless us with. I'd for sure send you a picture of her wearing it!

    My favorite trait of my two year old is her interpretive skills. Just the other day she informed me that she is going to do "sumbersaults" this summer. She also counts past "eleventeen"! I'll certainly miss those days when they pass.

  112. I love that my niece is able to enjoy a piece of cake with her entire face, then smiles at you and even looks cute with all that chocolate and frosting! Wish I could pull that off! :)

  113. My first baby will be 2 next week and I can't believe how precocious she is! She learns so fast, imitates everything, and is a joy--even when I want to sell her to the gypsies.
    mabeylisa at gmail dot com

  114. my favorite two year old trait is that my daughter's got guts. she'll barrel head first into any room and smile and wave at anyone who catches her eye. she'll sit down at any table with any family and eat food off their plates. she'll try to climb anything that gets in front of her and fall freely into my arms. she's got self confidence of steel and i hope she holds on to even a smidgen of it as she ages. heck, i hope some of it rubs off on me!
    that dress is adorable by the way!

    elkesten at yahoo dot com

  115. My sweet little two-year-old can't do most of the things that other kids can, but I love to see the occasional terrible two moments come out in her personality. I love how she knows when she's being naughty, and how she takes great pleasure in being naughty. I also love how she knows what she does and doesn't like.

  116. I love that 2 year olds derive such pleasure from the simplest of things like bubbles. We all could stand to have the awe of a 2 year old :)

    Love these dresses!

  117. My little Ivy just celebrated her 2nd birthday and 2 year olds truly are the best. It is quite an entertaining age. I love it.

  118. One of my many favorite traits of my little 2 year old girl is her thought process and watching her figure things out. She is such a little sponge soaking everything in. She knows so much more than she was able to verbalize 6 months ago. She's growing into her own self and I love having a front seat to watch her learn.

  119. My favorite two year old is my own little girl of course :) I just love their ability to absorb everything and be constantly learning new things. I feel like I have to work so hard at learning something new and 2 year olds make it look so easy.

  120. I already bought one of your 2 year old jumpers for my niece who will be 4 this summer. I have another 2 year old that it would be perfect for so I am going to enter. Not sure if that counts.

    Favorite 2 year old trait has to be the way they pronounce words. Every single two year old I have ever met says words their own ways and I love how funny they are. 2 year olds as a whole are a riot.

  121. I love how curious and eager to learn they are.

  122. My favorite 2 year old trait is when they say words slightly wrong. It cracks me up and is the cutest thing!

  123. The two-year-old thing I want to get away with: A snack and a nap every afternoon =)

  124. These are fabulous. My favorite two-year-old trait is asking "Why?" All. The. Time.

    LaurenRichins at gmail dot com

  125. My favorite two year old trait - how they just talk and talk and talk even though people can't understand every word - and then if it's obvious we're not getting the message, they physically reenact the scene they are trying to describe.

  126. I love the pouty face and the chubby cheeks--and at 2 we see alot of pouty faces!

  127. My 2 year old is starting to get a personality and have opinions of her own. So fun to see how different she is from her older sister!


  128. I wish I could sneak away like my 2 year old and climb on the counter and eat ALL the Easter Candy. And still her pants fall off her diaper bum. She is sneaky and naughty but I wouldn't have it any other way.

  129. Wishing I could lounge around in a footed fleece sleeper and look cute doing it! Sorainima @ gmail dot com

  130. Oh, that wonderfully complex age! I love the curiosity of my two-year old. always exploring and finding fun in so many unexpected places. and i love that two-year olds can get away with singing at the top of their lungs no matter where they are!

  131. Wouldn't it just be great to throw a tantrum whenever something just isn't going your way?

  132. My daughter will be 2 in June....and my favorite 2 yr old antics has to be when she's trying to talk to us but what comes out is jibberish, sometimes what sounds like naughty words. Like foot.

  133. My baby girl is almost two...where did my little baby go?! I love the way she runs and yells so eveyone knows she is coming... Youthful enthusiasm for everything she does :)
    aeallen04 [@] gmail [.] com

  134. My daughter just turned three but my favorite thing about her as a two year old is her hugs. :)

  135. Oh my-the cuteness! I so admire your work! I'm planning my nearly-2 daughter's sunshine birthday party right now! My favorite thing is the way she uses her whole body and face to talk. So so funny when she's talking with her hands! :)

  136. Our girls just turned 2 on Tuesday! I love the curiosity of 2 year olds - knowing the boundaries but just pushing them with a twinkle in their eyes! I'm really looking forward to this year between 2 and 3! Gorgeous dress :o)

  137. The thrill of discovery-- bugs, the sound of wind in the trees, the taste of a strawberry still warm from the sun, the best place to tickle your big sister-- and the capacity to melt hearts just seconds after pouring an entire canister of raisins all over the kitchen.

  138. Something i wish i could do that our two year old does ... Swing on our new swing set for an hour straight without getting tired of it or feeling sick or thinking about everything that needs to get done!

  139. Something i wish i could do that our two year old does ... Swing on our new swing set for an hour straight without getting tired of it or feeling sick or thinking about everything that needs to get done!

  140. Awww, two year olds. My favorite trait from my own was her squishy thighs and her unconditional love.

  141. My gal is WAY past 2 now but I do have a cute little niece that will be two soon. she'd look darling in this dress...

  142. My favorite 2 year old trait is the way they absorb everything. DH called our little a "princess" one time two weeks ago when she got her hair cut. Now she is constantly telling me she is a princess and I love how she is so right!


  143. My *near* two year old has the best faces. It's pure devilish spunk!
    I wish I could get away with wearing clothes that are on funny (or don't match) because I "did it myself." Or walking slowly because my legs are short!

  144. My favorite almost 2 year old is my little one Lillie! I just love the dress and that fabric is just too cute!

  145. I don't know if this give away is open for everyone, but if it is this danish girl is in!
    My youngest turns to i august and I just know that she'll look adorable in that dress.
    She is normally so much fun. Unfortunately she has been ill for the last week or so, but when she is well she's a little bundle of energy and opinions! We usually say that her motto is: when in doubt say no, when serious doubt say: no no no no no no!

    lhmarbjerg at gmail dot com

  146. My little two year old is so full of enthusiasm. Everything--no matter how small or ordinary--is sooo fun and exciting! If only I could have a little of her energy and enthusiasm for myself! kelsiehall at gmail dot com

  147. I wish I could take 2-3 hour naps everyday like a two year old can... that would be a dream! :)

  148. My favorite two years old trait is jumping, anywhere at anytime, but especially around my neck, holding it tight and calling himself his necklace!
    my favorite necklace to wear!

  149. LOVE this dress! My youngest will be 2 this year. This would be perfect! I love how everything is so new to them. Everything they encounter is fresh and exciting and their joy is genuine. I still wish they didn't grow up.

  150. Oh Two!! That full body and mind self importance with which they go about their important tasks. In my house right now, it is the all imoprtant job of loading her purse and baby into her tiny metal grocery cart and careening about the house, bunsa bunsa's a shaking, with a gait like an old woman in a BIG hurry. Ah. Gets me in stitches every time!!

  151. My middle daughter will be 2 in September, although she is already in the "terrible 2's". She is very independent and everything is mine. As frustrating as times can be, I think this is the best age :)

  152. Baby boy #3 is just 4 weeks old, so no little girls at my house, but my sweet niece Venora will be turning 2 in July and would be adorable in that dress!
    My favorite thing about 2 year olds is the way they love their people, neeeed the special people in their lives and show their love and feelings so openly.
    Thanks for the giveaway, Katy!

  153. I have wanted one of these dresses since the moment I first laid eyes on it! I love that two year olds love to clean-up and even hum or sing while they do so. I wish that would last!

  154. My daughter will be 2 in December, and she is a feisty, lovable thing! My favorite thing about being her age is how she can dance like a fool totally uninhibited and just relish in the pure joy of it!

  155. My daughter will be 2 in August. I love how 2 year olds are just SO excited to do things themselves. I hear "me do! me do!" a million times a day, and then she claps for herself when she's successful.

  156. I love how my 2-year-old never looks at something and thinks "oh, I can't do that." If she's trying to keep up with the big kids she'll just figure out a way to modify what they're doing so that she can follow along.


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.