
04 May 2012

Cherry on Top

I found out last night that Divine's band teacher travels 60 miles each way to get to school.  My first thought was Crazy!  Why would he do that? He was previously retired before teaching at their school, but came out of retirement to continue doing what he loves.
He said sometimes he'll gaze out the window at other drivers on the way to work and say, my job is better than yours.....I have the best job in the world.....I'll bet you don't love what you do like I do.
Did you notice Claudette's necklace matches the artwork?
It made me smile to think how he revels in sharing his passion.  And then I thought, wellwaddayaknow! I get to do what I love and share it, too.  I will confess it's not all fundge sundaes and freshly popped popcorn.  There are moments when I lose it, get frustrated, annoyed, and angry.  Probably too often.  But.  I do what I love.  Ryan and I get to help raise these souls we've brought into the world, watch them discover their passions and become marvelous individuals.  The cherry, which is a mighty big one, is that I get to sew and create while I do it.  How incredibly superb is that? 
Thank you for being part of the audience to my chaotic, messy, beautiful, loud, glorious, delicious, nonsensical show I call life.

In case you wondered, Divine performed particularly euphoniously and loved the perfumed peonies, and Drummer's favorite part was...the drums, of course.


  1. That's where I'm at, too, but I am having a very difficult time right now with the two toddlers. Did you ever go through toddler sibling rivalry? Some days I feel like all of the brain cells in my noggin are going to explode if I hear one more shriek!!!

  2. I wish if every teacher in the world would be that enthusiastic! :o)
    Seriously? Drummer loves the drums? I think we shouldn't be surprised by that - "Nomen est omen."
    And finally (may be I should start with this) we thank you, Katy that you share your gorgeous sewing projects , your family moments, wonderful pictures with us. :o)

  3. Your kids are gorgeous... but I´ve always thought there is something... well, divine about Divine.

  4. Thank you for sharing! Love to read your blog:)

  5. I had some wonderfully dedicated music teachers growing up... what a blessing for your sweet girl to be able to enjoy the same!

  6. This post is pleasingly perfect in every way. It made me smile really big. I'm gonna read it again.

  7. It's a pleasure! Thanks for doing what you do!

  8. Divine looks so grown up with her haircut with a fringe, she is totally your mini me!

  9. Oh, Divine plays the flute. I played the flute and loved it although I didn't continue on when I went into high school when I really should ahve. Now that I'm older I really wish I did b/c I would still be able to play now (can't really say that for the sports I decided to do in high school instead). I still have my flute though.
    I do enjoy your blog and all the amazing things you do (maybe one day I will start a blog rather than just solely follow other).

  10. As a person with a degree in flute performance, I am super excited to see that Divine plays the flute! Such a neat story about her band teacher. I had a similar experience with wonderful band teachers, which led me to eventually choose music as my major in college. Teachers like that are truly a blessing! Of course now I stay home and raise little ones and sew, but music is still a huge part of our lives. Thanks for sharing this!

  11. Thank YOU!!! A wonderful story to remind me to be THANKFUL that I get to do what I love...along side my best friend, as we raise our brood!

  12. What an inspirational teacher, if only everyone followed their passion like him. Love the photos as well.

  13. I just love that first picture.

  14. Your daughter's band teacher sounds wonderful. Mine was mean. :) I don't think he loved his job.

    But then again, us middle schoolers were not angels. Not even close.

    Isn't motherhood the best job? Closest thing to divinity. Thanks for blogging. It's a treat to read your words.


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