
23 April 2012

On Your Marks

So?  Are you doing it?  Are you committing to sew an hour a day this week on kid's clothes along with over 500 people and Meg?  
I am.
As much of a non-committal type of person I am, this I can do.  I thought I would get everyone's swimsuits sewn before the weekend.  I didn't.  Not even one.  I'm shooting for next.  I did, however, try out some new nail polish.  I think it makes me look like those people who paint their whole bodies gold and stand statue still unless you put money in their box.
It was worth a shot.  It looks stellar on Olive, though.  Her toes are cuter.
As I readied some fabric for swimsuits,
Olive was sitting by my side chatting.  
That's one of my very favorite times, when they'll just tell you anything in an informal kind of way.
She said she hoped she'd still be able to run when she got old.
I asked her how old she thought was old.
Well, your age.  
I laughed and said I can still run.
In fact, I am going to be in a race.
Her eyes got big.
What kind of a race?
A sewing race?
That girl.  No, but if there was a sewing race, I would totally get on my mark, get set, and go.


  1. Lmao. Oh man. You just made my Monday! I needed a good laugh.

  2. Oh that's so great!

    I'm in on the KCWC. I am....well. I don't know how this will fly but I'm going to give it a shot. Part of my desperate attempt to carve some "me" time out of my days!

    Also, am I the only one wondering what race you are actually going to be in?? SPILL IT GIRL!



  3. Loving your shots at the beach again - oh, I long for the beach. I'd even have a race on the beach if it meant I could go :)
    Happy sewing!

  4. I would love to do this, however we are literally in the process of moving to Belgium. From Kansas. Both of my beloved machines are making their way to a big boat to meet me, in what I hope will be a very short time!

  5. This is the awesomest thing I've read for days. The awesome is spilling it's just so great.

  6. I really needed a funny story to make me smile after a hard day at work: Olive's words did it!

  7. A sewing race! :) That would be my kind. Definitely not a running one. Good luck on the swimsuits!

  8. oh, *I* am planning on the KCWC! I've even got a list! :)

  9. Hmmmm - I'm not officially participating in KCWC, but I will be sewing over an hour a day this week for kids. I'm altering as many costumes as I can for my daughter's upcoming circus (yes circus) performances. They range from itty bitty 4 year old's tumbling costumes to 20 year old's trapeze costumes. It's good fun!

    Good luck on your race. :)

  10. Love the gold nail polish!

    I am not much of a Good luck in your race! When do you run?

  11. Hilarious! I should commit to kcwc b/c I have lots of kids sewing that I want to do, but I really have to clean up the disaster of my house (it won't sell looking like this!) and should probably actually cook dinner this week first. Can't wait to see your stuff.

  12. Oh gosh that is totally the color! We went on a 'baby moon' cruise... at one of the stops there was a man that I was sure was a statue. I didn't even pay any attention to him until he jumped out at me! I screamed and the whole mall heard and started laughing haha :D I did too... most certainly the color indeed

  13. Ha,ha! Please tell Olive I can still run, too. But there will be no race for me I am afraid. This makes me laugh extra loud because before Gramma died she said she forgot how to run. So...we better keep running.

  14. too cute! just the other day my son thought i was too old to ride a bike. or maybe he said that because he was trying to get me off his bike with training wheels:)

  15. I love how you put your photographs together and tell a story - made me smile!

  16. From the mouth of an adorable babe! I love your blog and cherish your thoughts and stories.

  17. Christy--It's called the Ragnar race where 12 of use do a relay race for 2 days straight, each taking 3 legs of the race. It's not until January, but we've finally gotten our team together and training has begun!

    pinksuedeshoe--you're hilarious.

  18. Katy, that's awesome!!! What a great race it sounds like - am going to check it out! Good luck and happy training - that's great. I'm hoping to do a 10K in the fall, but I'm also hoping for one more little person in our world - so we'll see how those two things mesh together :).

    Happy training - report in sometimes, I'd love to hear how it's going!




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