
06 March 2012

Weekend Adventures Part I

It was a delicious weekend. 
Literally.  Ryan made zucchini pizza that I could have consumed consecutively for days.  Lucky me, I got it twice.
We had a morning of nail painting.  I painted 80 nails, total, with very specific opinions of which colors and the patterns to be used.
Then we took the first swim of the season!  Don't you adore seasons?  It means that the cotton/linen season is upon which ushers in flowing summer dresses.  I've been going through my collection of trim and getting creative vibes and whisperings of use me! from them.  I also just rummaged through my buttons again, which of course always gets the sewing excitement-o-meter rapidly rising.  Plus, I get to open my sewing studio windows.  Where was I...oh, our weekend.
We braved the chilly water.
We meaning the baby dills.
Oh, no.  Ryan and I sat on the sidelines with our jolly green giant bag of library books and each other.
That's one of my favorite times to chat with him, as we laugh about the funny things the kids said or how our life goals are coming along.
Swimmingly, by the way.  We've been blessed.  Six times over.
Drummer is sleeping much better at night, and that is a very exciting thing in my book of milestones.  It's a page, or rather an entire chapter of my returning to normalcy novel.  
Things are bright,
and life is good, and don't you think I'm taking any of it for granted.  I am blessed far above what I deserve.  It's like when I hold my glass for Ryan to pour me beverage and then pull it away when that's all I want, but he keeps pouring.  He loves it when I do that, by the way.  The blessings just pour.
And, in other news,
I'm growing wings.  Or rather a wing.  Hey, I'm half way there.

What's your favorite facet of season's switch?


  1. Well in Arizona I think the best part of our seasons changing would have to be the orange blossoms. We have a huge orange tree right outside of our window and the smell is awesome. So glad that you have found finally found real balance in the Dill house.

  2. that would be when the sky is blue with that fluffy little cloud to lie on......

  3. I love the beginning of gardening season. But, here, in my cold northern US place its a few months off. Yes a few.
    I will enjoy the warmth through my favorite southern bloggers!

  4. Ha! I like your wing. Here in the Midwest, this time of year brings the daffodils up in our woods. I love to look out my windows and see spots of yellow scattered. Such a hopeful assurance that spring is coming.

  5. Your life is really beautiful and you capture it in picture and word so well. So glad that Drummer is sleeping well and that you had a good weekend. :)

  6. Wow... 80 nails!! I'm impressed! I grew up in southeast Asia, (where there was one season called "Hot-and-Rainy") so I'm completely bowled over by seasons. Here in the Pacific Northwest spring is just hinting that it might come around someday soon -- tiny buds on trees that you only notice if you're really looking for them. And I am! :-)

  7. Hard to imagine the day when I can sit and read while my children swim! Yay for Drummer sleeping!

  8. What about the zucchini pizza recipe? Can you share?

  9. Sounds like a perfectly lovely weekend.

    Our grand magnificent (close to Drummer's age) is also just developing a "sleep through the night" pattern. I wonder if it's something in the universe this year? When up, he's most pleasant even at 3am.

    I enjoy the coming of each season really. In Spring I so enjoy opening all the windows and watching the house inhale!

  10. Cherry blossoms are my favourite facet of spring.

  11. Now that we have our own sweet baby I'd have to say I can not wait for the warmer seasons... though, in northern Indiana it takes a while for them to get here, and they sometimes have a terrible time of holding on... Before our sweet baby came though, I most enjoyed fall. I absolutely love capri and long sleeve weather! It's my most favorite not to mention the delicious colors that come with it :D... what state do you guys live in? I would love to have warm weather in March

  12. Tiphaine--I can tell from your profile photo :)

    Rachelle--What joy to see daffodils peeking up in the forest!

    Joy--that's what it takes sometimes, seeking, right?

    Jessica--you are getting close to that day with your boys!

    MKC--I'll try to sweet talk the chef into sharing.

    Cath-yes, it's the change that helps us appreciate each season.

    Jami--it will come!

  13. Opening the windows at night, the breeze bringing me the heaven of orange blossoms and late jasmine, the trumpeting horns of the night freights and the damp-spring blessings of glorious frogsong from the charmingly named Little Grass Frogs.

  14. I wish our seasons were changing like yours. We are here in Utah braving snow storms still. One day. Love your pics!

  15. My favorite of all the photos is the pool with the splashing legs!
    Spring isn't here yet outside, but I brought in cherry and apricot branch prunings and 10 days later we have a houseful of "popcorn popping on the apricot tree". A few more days and the green buds on the cherry will be a beautiful shade of pink.


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.