
12 March 2012

Orange-y Goodness

Have you ever seen such juicy orange-y goodness?!
  I want them all.  You know, just rotate them every week.  I would name them and announce, as I spread them on our bed, TODAY, {insert quilt shake and downward float,} will be the Clementine Crazy Zig Quilt!  And Ryan would smile and do an almost eye roll, and I would giggle and take it for a test spin.  A girl can dream.
 The judging of the Tangerine Tango quilts has been completed, totals tallied to reveal the winners of the competition.  As I was scrolling through each of the entries I told Ryan it made ME want to quilt, and if you've read my blog for a while, you know my first and only attempt at quilting did not end well.  But, orange is awfully wooing, and makes me weak in the knees when in the right hues and designs.
If you want to know who won, head on over to a²(w).  Do you think I can convince one of those quilters that their quilt NEEDS to be on my bed? ;)


  1. I think you could definitely make some arrangements with any of those quilters to make a trade.

    Have you seen the JCPenney ads lately? They are all orange! It reminded me of your sewing room.

  2. BoilerTeach--You think?! What should I offer? Also, I have NOT seen the JCPenney ads but shall have to hunt them now.

  3. JC Penney ads??...That sounds so cool and American...we have no JC Penney here in Australia... :-) but Im about to go to my trusty google and fins some orange.. :-)

  4. wow wow wow :)

    sooooo orange :)

    mmmmm I love it :)

  5. One of those quilts is mine! Thanks for putting it up, the challenge was a lot of fun as I had never really thought to use orange before. I am an orange convert now, it is fantastic with so many colours or just on its own.

    I was very outclassed as far as judging went, but the important thing is just having a go. Maybe you could try another quilt yourself ;)

  6. Katy, I quilt, love the color orange and would be willing to work out some sort of sewing project exchange :)

  7. What beautiful quilts!!!! makes me want to start a new orange quilt!!!!

  8. Oh quilting is much easier than you think. Of course I have only made a few myself and nothing bigger than a baby quilt. Start small!

  9. Such fun quilts!

    I learned the "quilt-in-a-day" sewing/quilting method from my MIL -- so easy and fun -- you can finish the entire top in a day! Lots of fun designs to choose from too!

  10. how did you choose??!!!! soooo hard!! i'm not sure what you should offer but i do believe one of those quilts definitely needs to abide in your home!! you are the orange queen no?!

  11. (JCP has a color theme each month now. This months stores feature more orange in displays, ads have orange, etc.)

    Once you have time (in, say, a few years, haha) I highly recommend taking a quilting class. My mother's first attempt at quilting was unimpressive at best. After she took a class at a local fabric shop she picked it back up and has been piecing and quilting (very beautiful) quilts ever since!

  12. unknown--you need to make yourself known so we can chat!!

  13. I've emailed you my idea and my identity :)


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