
28 March 2012

Celebrating Life-Part II

After spending time with Ryan's family, we went down to visit with my family.
The temperatures went down, too!  And the baby dills had the best surprise: SNOW!  In fact, you just ask them about it and they'll tell you they ate snow for breakfast.  They have since learned that you can pour maple syrup on it for a "Nature's Snowcone," and they've vowed that's exactly what they're going to do the next time they run into the white stuff.
Caption:  Mess with the get the horns.  My girls sure do love my brother.  They'd marry him if they could. 
A record written in stone of the my parents' accumulating grandchildren.  They're just a couple behind. They get them engraved by this etsy shop.

We celebrated the first day of Spring while we were there, my ever faithful gardening father, starting his seeds inside, carrying them out to enjoy the sun during the day and bringing them inside.  Growing up, he was always lovingly tending to the plants, teaching us the beauty of celebrating seedlings, and watching them bring forth beauty, be it flowers, fruit, or vegetable.
He's also the world's best parcel sender.  Anyone who has received one of their stars will wholeheartedly agree.
Our first morning there, we descending the stairs to the wafting scent of freshly baked popovers which were accompanied by homemade blueberry sauce to drizzle.  Can I move back home, please?
I also got to attend my oldest sister's ultrasound for her 3rd baby.  That never gets old, seeing the tiny heart beating, watching those first movements.  She got to find out if this new little life will be another girl or boy...are you telling yet, Ashley?
And, of course there's a whole lot of life with this brood of ours.  Sometimes too much: Divine trying to fix Olive's hair, Clover wanting to know what's going on on the other side of the shot, Pearl making wise cracks (I'm sure of it), Azure being the only willing participant, and Drummer's diaper so saturated it is taking a journey down one leg.  Sigh.  This is us.
We went for brownies, that somehow don't taste nearly as good as we thought they would,
but still the best milk out there.
Disappointment that it was brownies, not ice cream.
This one.  This one knows how to celebrate life.
Being eaten by Drummer is in my top ten list of favorite things in life.
Watching kids bowl is probably on that list, too.

Another life we celebrated while we were there was my dad's.
I was in charge of beverage.
He happens to be born on the first day of spring, which is entirely appropriate given his green thumb.
The tradition is to go around the table and tell something you love about the birthday person, which is really easy to do.  He makes life beautiful.  He doesn't wait for a special occasion to send mail or to decorate the table or bake yummy treats.  Life is all the occasion he needs.
It was fun to see some of my girlie hand-me-downs on Ashley's little girl, Ivy, some which were made for Divine!
By the time we left I finally got Eli smiling back at me (whose birthday we also celebrated).  Success.
We were able to see the site for the potential future home of my parents,
as they get ready for a new chapter in their life book.
They're like two little kids,
planning the perfect tree house.
And it will be perfect.  It makes me happy to see them giddy.
In fact, they already have the doorbell.  It arrived in the mail while we were there.
Now, all they need is the house.
I returned filled and satiated, but with an ache to be closer to family, that I can go fabric shopping with my mom every week (we both scored quite the stash!), that I can share in the milestones like ultrasounds and birthdays, and of course the perpetual cooking of and eating good food together.  It was rejuvenating  to be with both our families, celebrating life in so many different ways. 


  1. Wow, what a great time you all had with your family.

    - I love the way Pearl looks in her hat. She reminds me of Liesel in The Sound of Music.
    - I'm guessing a boy for Ashley.
    - I missed you while you were away.

  2. love those rocks, and your dad's packaging station - holy cow! glad you had fun - in our neck of the woods!

  3. I love the rocks in the nest. What a lovely idea. Your family is as lovely as always thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures.


  5. That looks like so much fun! I agree about the brownies and haven't been disappointed by the chocolate milk. :)

  6. I just love reading your post, you are a complete strangers to me and I will never know you but just reading about your family and seeing your beautiful pictures is a highlight in my day, can't explain it, it just is! :) Will you tell me about your photos? Are you self taught, what kind of camera do you use, what editing program do you use? Your pictures are just gorgeous!

  7. I know what you mean about wanting to be closer to family. I'm married to a Navy pilot and counting myself blessed to be living -- this year -- in Washington state, since our families are in California. A year ago, we lived in Florida, so we're comparatively "close". :-/ Love your photos, as always.

  8. Great moments and photos, thanks for sharing! I know how you feel about wanting to be close to your family. I live in Australia with my husband and baby boy (w/ another bub on the way) but all my family live back in Wisconsin. There are days I yearn for just those same things you mentioned but I find that when we do get to catch up, those times become a lot more meaningful and those days much more fulfilled and I love that!

  9. I have loved reading about your celebration of life. Love is the greatest gift and your family is brimming with it!

    We moved home two years ago to be closer to family (8 mins away!). What a blessing, if you can do it.

  10. I think the pic of your beautiful children says it all! You have so much to be proud of! Thank you as always for celebrating life with us!

  11. Did you happen to buy any orange fabric for an orange quilt ? :)

  12. Katy thank you for always slowing us down and speaking to our hearts.


  13. ashley is beautiful. i think of her every time i see the stars in my office. your bangs are fantastic. bangs are almost always a mistake but not yours. and those mountains! oh those mountains. utah is the most beautiful place on earth.

  14. p.s. is pearl wearing a STAR NECKLACE??

  15. My little brother, Eli's birthday is also on the first day of spring :)

  16. As a floridian also with all my family out West, what do you do to feel closer to them? I often feel alone way out here--despite great weather and constant sun.

  17. Kim--mostly a whole lot of knits! But I'm working on it ;)

    lb--you're hilarious! I am enjoying my bangs, thank you :) And yes, that IS a star necklace on Pearl. It is in my parents etsy shop "Piggy and Dirt". Choose your favorite color!

    Blogful--My mom starts an email dialogue every once in a while about a thought or article and those with opinions chime in and hit "reply all" so it's as close as we can get to having a conversation. We also occasionally skype.

  18. Adore the rocks in the nest idea! Glad that you enjoy Jarritos, Mundet and Senorial beverages. They remind me of Mexico everytime I open one....YUM!

  19. Love that family picture! Your girls are so fun, and Drummer is a cutie!!!

  20. Hahaha...still giggling about Drummer's diaper. Love how you phrased it...too funny.

  21. I see your parents are going to be on the other side of the mountain from me. I love that View. My girls go to school just down the street from where they will be. It's a charter school so I drive there everyday and see that view as I crest the mountain and go get them.

  22. You are right the creamery's brownies are going down hill. I have been disappointed too. The also have the best ranch dressing in the world.

  23. I used to work at the Creamery, and I could have told you that they aren't as good as people talk them up to be. But the milk! And ice cream! That's where the good stuff is. I had a feeling you lived in my area, but had no clue that you must be in my backyard!

  24. Kate--actually, we don't live there, we were just in town for the funeral. You're right about the milk and ice cream though. I even miss the cream.

  25. It looks like your parents new house is going to be in my back yard. We love it here.


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